This was posted 4 years 1 month 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Free - Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator (Was $21.50) @ Steam


Been a while since we’ve had a freebie from Steam.

Here is a sandbox like no other. Create massive battles with absolutely no limits. Want to see 10,000 chickens fight an army of Romans?? Sure, why not. Want to see a company of WW2 U.S soldiers fight 11,000 Medieval soldiers?? There are simply no limits to the carnage you can achieve in UEBS.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Shrek versus 20 Mickey Mouses

  • +1

    Has anyone played this yet? I’m still making my way though the Christmas freebies

    • +3

      Haven't played it, but seen a number of YT vids on it.

      It appears to be mainly a spectator game. You assign two teams and let them fight each other until one is obliterated.

      I think the fun is in matching teams that seem completely imbalanced, and then being surprised when the team you least expected to win wins.

  • This looks like one of those pointless games that turns out to be hella fun.

  • +24

    Trump supporters vs The National Guard

      • +22

        I don't have enough neg votes for you.

      • wat

        • +4

          Must be another bad batch after clubs reopened.

          It would usually be in the news to warn people not to buy from unknown sources.

        • +9

          Plz show the report from a reputable source that shows the FBI has concluded there was a significant number of "ANTIFA/BLM activists" taking part in the Capitol siege. 💩

        • +5

          Citations needed - 0/10

        • +3

          "The FBI has confirmed this" I'm listening can you tell me how to find this information ?

          • +2

            @mr_fjackson: The FBI confirmed there were NO antifa involved. Just the GOP and Trumpers can't accept they are domestic terrorists.

        • +4

          "FBI Assistant Director Steven D’Antuono said Friday there is no evidence that antifa activists were involved in the violent riots in and around the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, debunking the baseless conspiracy theory propagated by several prominent Republican lawmakers and right-wing pundits that anti-fascist leftists—not a pro-Trump mob—were responsible for death and destruction at the Capitol."

          Bup bow.

          FBI confirmed the opposite, time you get off the kool-aid lad.

        • +6

          FBI has confirmed this, perhaps the main stream media doesn't report on it so as to keep their narrative

          You do realise the FBI and the US Department of Justice have official websites right? No one has to rely on mainstream media when you can simply go straight to the source:


          No record of any ANTIFA/BLM activists that you claim.

          It's easy to dispel fake news - perhaps you should take your own advice and actually do your own research instead of believing whatever you hear…

            • +8

              @m0usju1c3: You're like a broken toy robot, aren't you.

              1. Somebody above asked for a report from a reputable source. Your sources seem somewhat repetitive, like your replies. A single source. A source that has a prominent link in the page top menu "ProTrumpNews". A source whose mission statement says "Our focus is to make editorial choices that address the gap in the politically liberal leanings of establishment media outlets" (ie. cherry-pick 'facts' and twist them to support their own position only).

              2. There is nothing to stop an FBI officer (on or off duty) twisting facts or telling downright lies if he sympathises with the cause. And a former FBI agent at that. Even if this happened, it does not mean "the FBI has confirmed" anything.

              3. If you believe anti-Trump people infiltrated the Trump supporters, surely you could also believe that Trump supporters could claim they were anti-Trump people infiltrating the Trump supporters.

              Yes, yes I know. "I apologise, I had read the article a while ago but blah, blah, blah"…

                • +5

                  @m0usju1c3: Your "source" is not reputable. It clearly has a vested interest in both Trump and proving Alt Reich, sorry, Alt Right weren't responsible for the assault on Capitol Hill.

                  At the end of the day, the facts are out there, all the arrests that have happened and NONE of them have been BLM or Antifa.

                  Your people are domestic terrorists. Deny it all you like, it is what it is and everyone sees it for what it is.

                  Multiple sources have reported it.

                  Also, multiple confirmed Proud Boys/Right Wingers who use Parler have had their messages revealed, that have explicit photos/video of them committing despicable crimes in Washington.

                  Deny all you like, facts are facts.

                  • -1


                    Yes TGP is pro Trump/conservative, still a news source. You know, conservative leaning news outlets still put out news you know?

                    Your people are domestic terrorists. Deny it all you like, it is what it is and everyone sees it for what it is.

                    ?? My people? What the hell are you smoking? I'm an Australian of Lebanese decent, born in Sydney. Yes I'm a Christian and conservative, how the hell are they my people?

                    Also, multiple confirmed Proud Boys/Right Wingers who use Parler have had their messages revealed, that have explicit photos/video of them committing despicable crimes in Washington.

                    Oh I'm sorry, just to help you jog your memory, WHAT ABOUT THE MOST PART OF 2020 where leftist mobs (antifa/BLM) are running around burning cities down, openly admitting on media that "we will burn the place down", antifa mobs still rioting in Portland USA till now but hardly reported on.

                • +1

                  @m0usju1c3: Wow. Someone triggers easily don't they.

                  You're like a broken toy robot, aren't you.

                  False, I admitted to my mistake so stop acting like a baby and accept it, if you've even hit puberty yet?

                  You are like a broken toy robot because you kept posting the same sentence repeatedly, relevant or not. And I suspect I hit puberty long before you did by the sounds of it.

                  Just because it is "Pro Trump" or right leaning, doesn't make it false.

                  Correct. Right-leaning doesn't mean false. Neither does left-leaning (although I expect you disagree there) or centre. But as Trump, his supporters and their small-minded media seem to think NOTHING of the truth, it isn't exactly a recommendation.

                  Care to provide proof of your claims that this outlet does this

                  What? That they do what they say they do? You may not care for the way I worded it, but that is certainly just another way of saying the same thing. I just dug through the marketing double-speak and provided another interpretation. Whereas your source says they "make editorial choices that address the gap in the politically liberal leanings of establishment media", a genuine media outlet would say they "make editorial choices that ensure the truth and it's consequences are aired for analysis and understanding".

                  You know? No you don't know. Clearly by the content in your posted you are writing despite of that fact.

                  No, I do know. My brother's mother-in-law is almost insanely pro-Trump. She has no idea what she's talking or posting about, but it doesn't stop her. I know that there is no point in trying to reason with such people. It's like trying to squash your porridge with your fist. I know it's not cricket to compare anything with Nazism, but the fervour of it's believers is no different…

                  • -1

                    @papachris: I'm not a fan of Trump entirely, I can't stand his pig headed attitude/ego and I think he should have kept his mouth shut and let his policies do the talking, instead of spewing stuff on Twitter, but yes I see tremendous value in his approach which was priority first for the American people. Manufacturing gone, illegals flooding in, endless wars, a nation that with a backbone and leader that doesn't pander to 3rd world terrorist countries, policies helping the American economy - yes I'll admit these are good things.

                • @m0usju1c3: 24-hours limit for voting negative on comments is currently capped at 5

                  • @zilver: This selfish pig stole all my negs in like 1 minute

                  • -1

                    @zilver: Get a life troll, how pathetic. Got nothing better to do than neg, what your 1 honost neg isn't enough but you have to abuse the system to "cancel" me? Typical of leftist hacks that don't allow dissent, cancel/censor/remove.

                  • @zilver: Yes, keep going to cancel/censor me. Haha.

                • @m0usju1c3: Lets go through the evidence you have posted.

                  1. A right wing pundit / commentator SAYS that an unidentified FORMER FBI agent contacted him and said that there was a busload of Antifa

                  This would be called double hearsay. Where is the evidence? Couldn't even come up with a fake screenshot of a text? Why would a former FBI agent know this? Why would he tell a random right wing pundit. There are plenty of questions that only can be explained by more conspiracies or illogical thinking. It's already clear from your equation between "FBI CONFIRMED ON RECORD" and "Some random guy says that someone told him something", you are highly biased and looking to believe a particular side. The article even notes "people in dark clothing" were there as though that is evidence of something sinister or has a certain implication.

                  Meanwhile, the ACTUAL FBI has ACTUALLY announced that there is no indication of Antifa or BLM participation.

                  1. John Sullivan was there

                  John Sullivan has released a full unedited multiple hour video showing his entire involvement. He was charged with unlawful entry, but if you actually watch the video its pretty clear he was just there filming the Trump supporters and did not commit any other crimes. Again, without confirming for yourself, you seek to put two and two together to make five in a breathless and unjustified connection based on prejudice rather than evidence.

                  Furthermore, John Sullivan has basically been kicked out of BLM/Antifa and denounced by the chapters he was involved in many months prior to this incident.

                  Here are John Sullivan's own words:

                  “I was worried about people recognizing me and thinking that I was Antifa or, like, BLM or whatever,” he told the outlet. “The entire time they’re yelling, ‘F— Antifa! F—, BLM.’ I’m not saying I’m Antifa, by any means. But I definitely believe Black Lives Matter.”

                  1. Video shows ANTIFA escaping through window as officers turn their backs.

                  I watched the video in full and the only thing it shows is people wearing MAGA hats and who have Trump flags in their pockets escaping through the window. At what timestamp does ANTIFA appear? Perhaps you could share a screenshot. The comments nonetheless have not mentioned any of the Trump flags or MAGA hats, instead immediately concluding that it was all staged and none of them were Trump supporters.

                  1. John Sullivan was released on bail while Jacob Angeli the Q Anon Shaman was not

                  The grand jury indictment charges Angeli with civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding, violent entry and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and demonstrating in a Capitol building. It additionally charges him with one count of entering and remaining in a restricted building and another count of violent entry and disorderly conduct in a restricted building.

                  Meanwhile, John Sullivan was charged with far less offences. Probably because there is film of him committing far less offences. While there is film of Jacob Angeli committing far more offences. Jacob Angeli's charges have a maximum sentence of 25 years, while Sullivan's only could last a few years if they wen't hard on him.

                  If you believe there is a problem with the evidence or justice regarding those cases, why don't you follow the public court records and be clear about what the issue is? It's not like the government doesn't have to prove their case. Although, more realistically, someone else will probably follow the case, and they will tell you what to think, and you will think it, because of your softmindedness.

                  In John Sullivan's trial, the government actually petitoned against his release on bail, but the judge said that the charges are not enough to uphold their request.

                  I don't mean to be rude, but do you have some kind of mental deficiencies or diseases? It seems hard to believe that you could be a functioning adult. I'm not sure if you have to be over 18 to use this website.

                  • @zilver: It doesn't change the fact that, whether he wa ex BLM or not, there were people there, as well as genuine Trump supporters, causing havoc. Note I'm not at all claiming that they were the main causes of it, but fact is they were present with sinister motives.

                    Q anon? Lol so are you comparing John Sullivan with a Q movement associate and in so doing assuming I also ascribe to it? You've broad brushed alright.

                    I don't mean to be rude, but do you have some kind of mental deficiencies or diseases? It seems hard to believe that you could be a functioning adult. I'm not sure if you have to be over 18 to use this website.

                    Save your excuse for an oxymoron of a statement, what you've written there is extremely rude and offensive. I highly doubt you'd say that to someone's face, just a pathetic way to offend. My news sources are broad, but you'd be in denial to not recognise that certain major news outlets had some serious orange man bad syndrome since before he even took office.

                    Like I've already said, I've admitted a mistake in my statement above, yet you're the one acting like a child making low blow comments like this just to gaslight.

      • -5

        I apologise, I had read the article a while ago but it was in fact a former FBI officer who confirmed Antifa/BLM presence. Besides there is plenty of evidence out there that proves beyond a doubt there were other people there disguised as "trumpers" causing more chaos.…

        • Apology accepted

        • My dude, thegatewaypundit is run by a guy who claimed that the school shooting victims are crisis actors… You need better sources.


          "For example, Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit website, in an
          attempt to discredit the courageous efforts of the survivors of
          the horrific shooting at Parkland High School in Florida in
          support of reasonable gun regulations, helped to propagate the
          false story that these shooting survivors were not real victims
          but were instead trained crisis actors.'' After Mr. Hoft's website published that story, sponsors of a panel on the topic of suppression of conservative views on social media at the Conservative Political Action Conference, an annual gathering of leading conservative activists, demanded that Mr. Hoft be removed from the panel, and ultimately the panel was cancelled as a result. In short, Mr. Hoft's association with thecrisis actor''
          conspiracy theory was too much even for CPAC, which describes
          itself as the birthplace of conservativism. Yet Mr. Hoft has
          been invited here today to testify before this subcommittee, to
          disgrace the subcommittee by his presence. Apparently, this
          subcommittee is less scrupulous than the organizers of CPAC.

    • OK, That made me laugh a lot.

  • +1

    In the previews - Santa Claus army vs furniture?
    Its a promo for early release of The Black Masses

  • +2

    Chuck Norris is too OP.

  • +7

    Recreate the Great Emu War

  • +1

    Thanks. Got it. looks like a fun way to kill a few hours with the kids.

  • +1

    Yeah, but wait until you try Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator Pro Plus Enhanced Edition,

  • Looks like the graphics improved since the last time I played it! Units used to be bare polygons.

  • +4

    At first glance I thought this was Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, then I realised this is the far inferior game. Free is free though, thanks op!

    • +1

      How do they differ? I remember playing TABS when they had a free demo and loved it, what makes this worse?

  • +2

    The only battle I want to simulate is the one Ross Noble once said he would like to see, that was Ray Martin battling a wild boar. I hope this simulator can do it.

  • Is there steam workshop support or is it purely what the devs have put into the game?

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