Does anyone use a personal insurance broker? Is this something that an average person with a family should be looking at or should I just be getting multiple quotes for all my insurance products? If so who is reputable in the Greater Sydney area?
Personal Insurance Broker

A broker typically won't be cheaper than getting it yourself. The value they add is making sure that you have policies that cover what you need protected and assisting in the claims process. Typically they have access to more comprehensive policy wordings.
Some to consider:
- use the industry association search tool:
I use MGA atm but did use others while in business for different purposes. Only have one car on it now but is cheaper, just slightly, than what I can get it by shopping around but has lower excess and included glass on the policy, so much better value.
Much better claims process and I have never had an issue making a claim even with two total losses.
Do you want the broker to provide "free" services or are you happy to pay their fee (directly or indirectly)?