I am just curious about the ozbargain community if people own cryptocurrency and whats your opinion about it?
Are you an experienced trader?
Have you kept hodling since 2017?
Do you think its a scam?
I myself have do own crypto.
I am just curious about the ozbargain community if people own cryptocurrency and whats your opinion about it?
Are you an experienced trader?
Have you kept hodling since 2017?
Do you think its a scam?
I myself have do own crypto.
i know for a fact its not a scam, its just that there are people out there who actually think that. I probably shouldn't have put it in the description.
In the same sense that a Ponzi scheme is "not a scam".
I say this as someone who owns $250+ of crypto.
In the same sense that a Ponzi scheme is "not a scam".
Ponzi schemes are illegal in Australia.
13-025MR Ponzi scheme operators jailed
Three men accused of operating a $30 million Ponzi scheme have been sentenced to jail.
15-126MR Alleged Ponzi scheme operator faces court
Following an ASIC investigation, an Adelaide man has faced court accused of deception totalling $12 million.
Editor's note 8:On 30 March 2017, Mr Samra pleaded guilty to six charges of deception totalling $1.902 milllion (refer: 17-104MR).
@whooah1979: I do too.
No, I'm saying they are unquestionably scams. I'm also saying that a lot of people have compared cryptocurrencies to Ponzi schemes, and I disagree but definitely see the truth in the comparison. A huge amount of money went into them early on and the first "investors" got obscenely rich.
Then again, look at the stock market…
i know for a fact
You the brains of the operation?
It is only a scam when people holding onto them at the end when they are worthless feel cheated.
I have created an indicator that gives me a positive net return. Backtested 6 months of 20 cryptomarkets and they all return positive so much so it returns 4x the initial investment in a year. I am trying to figure out what went wrong with my backtest or indicator and I am annoyed that i cannot find any issues with it (other than it is slow as hell as waiting for the correct setup takes AGES).
At this stage I am looking how to make a loss as well as testing the strategy with a few hundred dollars and waiting 6 months. if successful I will probably scale up and make my trillions.
But to answer the original question:
sorry, but you've been at it a month and have found 4x gains?
I sincerely wish you luck.
Correct, I know nothing about the crypto market or anything at all. All I did was used indicators and modified it for the last month
Normal. I am in some Defi Polkastarter shit coins and i'm up few hundred % on some of them, some within a week. Probably not recommended for newcomers. So after ten years, there are still people thinking Bitcoin is a ponzi. Interesting.
Latest investors i know are Blackrock (biggest asset manager in the world btw), Harvard, Yale, Microstrategy, Guggenheim and a few legendary hedge fund managers and possibly more to come. US regulators also are allowing the use of stablecoins in banks in the US. What a ponzi, i would like more please.
your strat is curve fitted
Username does not check out!
At this stage I am looking how to make a loss as well as testing the strategy with a few hundred dollars and waiting 6 months. if successful I will probably scale up and make my trillions.
You almost had me fooled.
Here is a complilation i made a few days ago, all using the same indicator on different crypto markets. Trying to find an crypto where I come out as a loss after 6 months. If you know one, let me know and I will backtest it and show the results to see I get a loss, which I am trying to do right now
Do you think it's a scam?
The definition of fraud a.k.a scam is the unlawful act of depriving someone of their property using deception. Please contact Crime Stoppers if you think that digital assets are scams.
No I do not ATO
Bitcoin is an exit from the Fed.
DeFi is an exit from Wall Street.
Social media is an exit from mass media.
Homeschooling is an exit from industrial education.
Remote work is an exit from 9-5.
Creator economy is an exit from employment.
Individuals are leaving institutions.
via Naval (from twitter)
@Hybroid "it's just gambling with no set rules' - what is your opinion about stock market then :)
Your question - "Do You Currently Own Cryptocurrency or Have Owned?" doesn't match your poll options
I started using my PC to do some mining last week. The Nvidia 3080 seems to mine about $4-5 USD of Ethereum per day. The GPU isn't doing much while I'm working so figured I'd jsut leave it mining while I work and solar is covering the power usage. I wouldn't risk cash investing in it myself, but given I have the hardware, figured there's not much to lose fom mining crypto while I do other things (other than about 20c worth of lost FiT per day).
Own about $500 in total, when there's $100 profit I always take it out. Made about $3k in 3 years.
I was one of the few unlucky ones to buy ripple at its high and now it is dead
I know a few people that have made a lot of bitcoin sadly i am not one of them
Yep, I'm on that XRP roller coaster… I bought in at about $1.24… rode it all the way up to $4.??… Left it a day or two and came back and it was $0.98… left it another month before I cared where it was up to… it was down to $0.24… ouch. I only have $500 in it and have a sell order at $1.30 to just get my money back (or a buy order for another $500 if it drops to $0.10)… IF it ever happens.
I feel your pain bro
Look if you got GME at under 25$ then fair play, however to the wonderful lunatics on r/Wallstreetbets investing at >100$ there might be in for some heart ache when this comes back down
HODL since 2013/2014
Took out costs . Now it's just profit sitting there.
I'll sell when it goes to 100k per BTC
It's not really a scam, it's just gambling with no set rules. Some will win, some will lose. Your move.
I bought £100 during the mad rush in 2017 to try it out and it promptly dropped to £30 for last few years. Now at £185. Could be £10 next month or £500.
I have no intent to dabble further.