Hi all, just looking for ways to make money passively on the side, can be a phone app or desktop website/application.
Hi all, just looking for ways to make money passively on the side, can be a phone app or desktop website/application.
Money is like yoghurt in that way.
I eat way too much money. 😢
This is one of the few true definitions of passive income.
Most other suggestions are just work.
Most other suggestions are just work.
some work pay more than others, and some pay in ways that are not coupled to you expending time constant, but instead pays based on the value being generated.
For example, writing a book that continues to sell well. Or creating a video that many people watch. Or writing a blog which many people visit. The time taken to create each of those is constant - once you're done, you can "finish". Thus, i would say they are passive income. Of course, it's not without risk - you could potentially not get any reward back from it (ie., your book doesn't sell, or your video doesn't get views).
Buying stocks is just an extension of the above - you're spending money to obtain a passive income, instead of spending your time to create said passive instrument. Of course, the risks varies, and the returns varies, but the fundamental concept is the same: that of investment.
Buy GME. Post on r/wallstreetbets. Profit.
Write a bot to scalp PS5s
this thread was literally right above the scalping ps5 thread 😂
Any skills, passions or similar you can take advantage of to sell?
I know I used to do Mint surveys back in the day and they'd pay okay if you have plenty of free time (and are okay to sell away your personal details).
Surveys. I know a good one, you can choose cash or discounted gift cards. PM me if you want an invite.
Make Money Passively Online
Have you created a bot to answer surveys on your behalf?
He answers all survey questions passive aggressively…
I can vouch for this method — last year I signed up for a few survey/microtask sites when COVID first got serious and stuck with several that suited my circumstances. For some context, over the last ~9 months it would have amounted to an extra $1500-$2000 of money to spend on Eneloops and super short USB-C cables.
The "beermoney" / "beermoneyaus" subreddits would be a good place for ideas as well although there looks to be lots of posts spamming their own referral links. There are some apps you can download that pay you to access/send SMSs on your device but I personally would steer clear of anything like that.
Good luck.
Create a website that lists all the cheap and good deals, bargains that are around where people can list them. Get some sponsor / advertising happening on that website and then sit back :)
Sounds familiar, not sure where I have seen this before
That will never work fool
Call it ePay
or a bit controversial
scalp ps5s easy money
Mining crypto if you've got a decent computer.
Surveys like purkle (formerly ninerewards)
Use discounted woolies/coles GCs to save money.
if you've got a decent computer and free electricity
It is temporarily profitable even with regular electricity prices (assuming your hardware is free/cheap//paid off)
That won't last long though - once ETH switches to PoS, it'll only be shitcoins that still have PoW on commodity hardware, and profitability will fall through the floor.
XMR mining may be profitable if you can justify having a 3900X/5900X for other reasons - I wouldn't buy one exclusively for mining though, it just doesn't make economic sense.
Why do people even use the term "shitcoins"? Hate is a lack of imagination.
Ah passive income, everyone wants money for doing nothing.
And chips for free.
Not the song I remember!
I heard the song when I was a kid and the idea of hot chips for free was the true glory of the rock star.
It shall always be chips to me!
People are programmed from a young age to work for 💲. The notion of having one's 💲 work for them is a very different concept for these people to understand.
Those that understand learn quickly that having more than one source of income (a 9 to 5 job) is the most efficient way to build wealth.
marketing and/or blogs. Fool proof way of making money.
Dedicate some time and passion you can earn quite a ton of money.
Have you done this and succeeded? Curious as the blogs arena is pretty crowded and not too sure what you mean by "marketing", as it's a pretty broad term.
Honestly interested.
I certainly do, I make majority of my money through online. I focus on the mobile game niche.
I agree with the crowded comment however make yourself stand out just a little and add half decent content and don't give up. You could become an authority site.
affiliate marketing, selling other peoples stuff on my blogs.
That sounds like “work”.
Hobby that pays ;)
Makes it seem more enjoyable.
Tech savvy bikies
Never been a fan of that term "passive income"… there's only so much it can be passive before the asset you've set up loses its effectiveness due to lack of maintenance or a risk eventuates reducing your asset to nil.
As someone has said, share trading is probably the closest passive way of getting an income granted your trading strategy both earns money and minimises losses in a way where you don't lose what you put in.
Other than that, you're probably looking at creating an asset that generates passive income. Stock photography was something I had looked at in the past but requires a bit more understanding of current industry trends, marketing, etc than I have to create the thousands of photos needed to generate the level of income I was after. Ongoing additions to one's stock also needed there which was something I didn't want to devote so much spare time into.
Also, don't think that property is always good passive income. Defects and maintenance can take up more time than what most people think it will.
The only way to make a passive income is to have money to start with. You can’t make money out of thin air. But the problem then is you have to manage your investment or it is most likely to go in the wrong direction without good management which makes the passive part moot. It’s a bit like wanting a perpetual motion device. Just a dream
for fools.
You can’t make money out of thin air.
Have you not been following the airdrops in 2020? There is more to come in 2021.
Ok my metaphor may need clarification. You cannot make money passively out of thin air. You can con people into parting with their money out of thin air though but it comes with risks of structural integrity and legality. Of course governments do it all the time with quantitative easing. One day we will find out how good that is but the jury is still out.
Buy gamestop
Install a stock trading app. Buy a dividend paying stock. Get some money every quarter.
Easiest way to make money. Just need one thing to start with, money.