I tried to give someone my referral link yesterday and it didn't work. Is anyone else having trouble?
I tried to give someone my referral link yesterday and it didn't work. Is anyone else having trouble?
My referal ID, copy and pasted from the referal page of moneyback is: https://secure.moneybackco.com/register.php?refid=1141
When you go to that link you get:
Oops! Looks like the page you're looking for was moved or never existed.
Make sure you typed the correct URL or followed a valid link.
With MBC's recent update, I think your referral page should be
I think Steve should update the referrals page to reflect the changes. Also Steve might need to set up a customised 404 page because HostGator's dodgy 404 is showing up again!
Thanks, that worked a treat! However, can I suggest the referal link takes the user to a "about moneyback" page rather than the register page? For isntance, I might say to a friend "have you heard about moneyback" and they say "no" and I say "go here and check it out https://secure.moneybackco.com/join.php?refid=1141 "….the page doesn't tell them anything. Note: This is the exact conversation I had with a work collegue this week.
Thanks Scott and Trudy.
Will fix it up ASAP, and as suggested go to the home page rather than the Join section.
Cheers, Steve.
Hi Trudy,
How do you mean it didn't work?
Cheers, Steve.