So I am juggling whether I pull the trigger with Vodafone and take up the $500 trade up bonus, or wait till April which is Click Frenzy 2021. The main advantage for me is I am not desperate for the upgrade; I can live with this POS Huawei P30 for another 3 moths…..
If I do it now there a a reasonable but still big break contract fee involve (three moths handset $231 and the current month bill in full $105) $336 works out to be $28 over the 12 months. The S21 ultra 256G cost 197.42 per month for 12 months on the $35 plan. So actual monthly cost is $225.42.
My handset plus bonus will get a trade in credit for $735 which equal $61.25 credit per month and say I sell the Bud Pro for 264 just for the the ease of calculation, I will have equal of 83.25 credit per month Makes net cost per month to be $142.17
Now I have friends who have access to Samsung EPP and EDU store. so to get to the price level calculated above, all I need is the phone drop 15% in price and an additional 15% through EPP/EDU store, equal to about 117.35 / month and my garbage p30 still worth $120 to trade in which is equal to a $10 per month credit. Both seem very likely looking at old OZB deals.
I see waiting for Click Frenzy has potential to save more and with the phone paid for, I am not force to choose the Voda $35 plan which can save a little more.
What do your boys and girls think? Am I on the right path?
What’s up with the p30?