This was posted 4 years 1 month 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

300 Free Primogems & 10 Mystic Enhancement Ores & 5 Hero wits & 50k Mora @ Genshin Impact


Just saw this in the Chinese live stream. Get in quick before it runs out.

JsSK8n23jzR - 100 Primo + 10 Mystic Ores
dU2mhjQL1ZT - 100 Primos + 5 Hero Wits
nBEm3myAL2b - 100 Primos + 50k Mora

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closed Comments

  • +16

    If you wanna earn some gems over the next week:…

    • Wait, is this even live already?

      • seems to be? someone linked me it on a discord, you can get enough for primogems on the first day though.

      • not for PS4 players :(

      • Yeah its live for me at least. The game is so cute lmao.

    • +1

      To be fair, it's not limited to just 2 pulls; if you use the 300 gems to buy 60 resin per day over 6 days (50 gems each time), that comes out to 360 resin, or 2 days' worth of resin/resources.

      • That's cause the resin system is bloody retarded, one of the worst stamina system I've seen.

        • Time limits are always something with gatcha games though.

          They need to artificially limit your play time so the content doesn't run dry.

          Unfortunately most people are now realising that beyond 10-15 hours of story content all that's left is basically farming materials to level characters and weapons or the stupid broken artefact farming.

          In normal games you wouldn't even need to focus on getting materials for leveling a character, it would happen organically.

          • @Telios: Sure, every game has stamina, but almost all of them basically dials it back after a month or two. I haven't played a game that doesn't want you to play it at all so badly since dungeon gems. Resin AND weekly bosses that cost resin? Why? The funny thing is that it's coming from the same developers of Honkai, a game that expects you to do 1-2 hours of daily time sensitive grind.

    • +1

      This model is very typical of mobile gacha game. And this has value of about $5 so its not bad. Free shit, why not

      • +1

        "value"is relative, and this game is charging through the nose to make you believe it's worth it. I've played Honkai and it's already one of the worst priced gacha game I've played, and this managed to be worse than that.

        • I'm not so sure value is relative in this case. There is literally a dollar value attached to this amount of primogems.

          Whether you decide to pay for it or not is up to you, and if you think the game is so predatory (which I agree that it is), simply dont play it. Or you know.. play it for free (like I do).

          Based on your other responses, you hate so many things about it, so I assume you're not playing it. In which case, why do you care?

          • +1

            @buckethat: Lol it's more that I'm impressed that people are willingly promoting this game in other social medias because 2 pulls and barely enough mora to level up a weapon by 10, is a big deal. In other games, you don't even consider anything less than 5 pulls a free gift, and they have much better pull rates.

            • @Wonderfool: I would like to hear about these other games and their much better rates. :)

              • @[Deactivated]: The rates look low at first glance at 0.6%, the thing gacha noobs always like to ignore is the guaranteed 10 pull and 90 pull guaranteed pity which is missing from most of the games with "better" rates (2-3% lol not exactly generous either).

                Genshin Impact also has no "bad" 4 and 5 stars, you will always get something decent unlike "other games" which can give you trash 5 stars over and over again.

                • @Ononono: Aside from fgo, no game needs you to spend 1.1k average on a 5 star. The 45/90 sounds nice, but low primo gem income and high cost means you can max a character in other games before you get a single 5 star in Genshin.

                  And based on Mihoyo's track record, don't be too quick to claim that all the 4 stars are good. Wait till you need a 5 star 2 const with 5 star weapon.

                  • @Wonderfool: Not sure where you got the 1.1k from. So far, all the youtube vids I've seen, the youtubers are able to pull the 5 star with $200 or less.

                    Obviously if you want C6. Then you'll have to whale for it!

                    Hm. Also, all the 4 stars released so far are pretty good. Some even better than your so-called 5 stars.

                    I'm still waiting on your list of gacha games with much better rates. :)

                    A side note: Playing a game is to bring happiness and enjoyment to your life. I think you should quit playing games by MHY. You certainly don't sound like you are enjoying your time playing their games.

                    • @[Deactivated]: Yeah, I forgot where I got the numbers from, sorry. Still, 400 average is still very high.

                      Don't worry, I've quit both games as soon as I've stopped enjoying them. But I still can point out how ridiculous it is that people are posting about 2 pulls thanks to how expensive the game is, right?


                      • @Wonderfool: Great to hear you've quit. :)

                        Value of something is entirely up to us. If we do not value something, then it's of no value.

                        The game is free and can be played/enjoyed entirely for free. It's entirely how you view and want to play it.

                        Take for example, someone spending $500 on a tennis racquet doesn't make tennis an expensive sport/game. Tennis can be played with some cheapo $20 tennis set from kmart for all I care. But if someone were to offer you that $500 tennis racquet at a discount, you'll call it a deal - right?

                        Something a lot of people don't realise is. They're not just paying for new characters. They're supporting the company to develop new content, new puzzles, new challenges, new lores - essentially DLCs. And instead of asking everyone to pay say $50 for the DLC update, they're offering up the DLC at what I believe is pay what you want. Some of us who are better off and can afford to spend more will support those who are a bit less fortunate. At the end of the day, what matters is everyone gets to experience the new content.

                        I've seen ads for those games. But never pulled the trigger on them. Just not my taste.

                        I've played some older gacha games where they've got a ton of units in the selection pull and only a handful of them are good. Yet, they gladly give those OP units away. I spent $0 on those games and stopped playing after a few days. They were boring, the games had no goal, purpose, or even any real storyline. Just open the game, set it to auto-grind. Worse than crytocurrency mining in my books. At least, with crytocurrency, you get the cryptocurrency for burning all that power.

                        But I can see the attraction to those whose goal(s) is to collect waifus.

    • +1

      I don't disagree. But in the developer's defence, it is a rather premium game and I can see there's been a lot of hard work put into developing it. I just hope in future they change their monetization to be less reliant on gacha.

      • +1

        It probably wont be, the game costed approx $100m to develop and they made all of that back within the first month of release. It's incredibly popular and I they'll capitalize on that as much as they can and squeeze as much as they can out of players who are willing to pay.

        • I admit it's unlikely, but I try to be hopeful that Genshin's a bit different from other gachas and open to innovation. There's speculation that they'll sell character skins in the future, which is something I'd be interested in buying.

        • +1

          Genshin Impact Generates Close To $400 Million in First Two Months, Averaging More Than $6 Million a Day


          They 100% will not lmao. 6 million a day and 400m in 2 months. I won't blame them.

      • It's gacha. Anything that manages to have a player base at all after a month always manage to make a profit. Ea makes more money with half baked micro transaction games like Fifa, moreso than their big titles. Feh made IS more money than any mainline Fire emblem, maybe even all of them combined.

        Don't worry about gacha games failing, they're usually made with some of the smartest gaming psychologist out there.

    • expensive for gambling addicts who cant control their own wallets yeah

      same can be said for people who drop $15-30 on character skins

  • Can you redeem this in-game? Or does it have to be through the website itself?

  • +6

    Also coming in 1.3 events;
    10 free Intertwined Fates
    1 free 4* character of your choice (must be from Liyue)

    • Oo thanks. Ill definitely get that

    • +3

      Actually letting people choose?!

      Have mihoyo gone mad?

      • +4

        just 4 star charas. you should be able to get it in shop as long as you can wait. It's Chinese new year coming and they have to do something to celebrate, partly because they did literally zero activities in the mid-autumn festival and they were targeted for that.

  • +14

    I don't even know what these do, but I just grinded four hours to get to the minimum adventure level (10) to redeem them.

    Fun game!

    • +1

      Update since last week:

      I've unlocked all anemoculi, geoculi, my Frostbearing Tree is level 8 and I'm sitting at a comfy AR28.

      Bring on Patch 1.3!

      • glad you enjoy the game!

      • Haha I didn't get all my anemoculi and geoculi until i was AR53.

        • Yep… I've even collected the 'extra' ones per region, too. AR38 now, didn't get lucky pulling Xiao.

          Leaks suggest that Hu Tao / Razor are going to be in the banner so I'll most likely pull using the bonus first-time purchase of crystals (I've been using Geo Traveller as my main DPS).

          How are you guys getting your discounted Google Play Store gift cards?

  • Lol wut

    • so what mobile game do you play?

    • The combat mechanic itself is pretty basic I agree. Gets a bit better when you're further into the game and switching character for combo becomes more crucial and impactful. Though I largely agree with you, gameplay does get repetitive, once you're further into the game theres not much to do.

      Art style is very subjective, if you're used to realistic looking games, then yeah this probably wont be for you, this to me is very reminiscent of games like Breath of the Wild.

      Game definitely isnt for everyone but its definitely very very popular. Made $60m in its first week of release, 245m by the end of the first month and 393m by the second month.

    • You could argue many things are “lame” to some degree if we’re being hypercritical and just simply looking for problems for the sake of it. I’ll give you the story and character components are definitely on the simplistic and child friendly side, sure. However the gameplay criticism? I don’t really buy it. No it’s not complicated however it works well for what it goes for, I can’t really knock it. I don’t Nerdgasm over it personally, though I enjoy it enough.

      • -2

        Give me the negs! Haha

        For me the problem is not the manga/art itself, but the wrong combination. Im a big fan of certain mangas, but the idea of childish drawings with sexy clothes was always disturbing, even more when I know it was drawed by adults. I was also never a big fan of the silly Asian style comedy they always put on in everything. They are both in there. Then you join streaky and childish voices, low average text and superficial dialogs, silly quests, and repetitive and non original music ( you can hear some classical versions - which is a good thing) and it's just not my cup of tea. plus the very simple battle system. I got better things to do ( games to play or deals to browser!).

        • +1

          I'm glad you realised its not your cup of tea. You should spend your time doing these better things you mentioned and not impose your negativity on others. :)

          • -3

            @[Deactivated]: Isn't ozb about deals and opinions!?

            I would say the same mate, go spend your time hunting for primogems and leveling up…see you in a couple of months regretting the time ( or money ) spent on the game…

            • @takemymoney: Thanks mate.

              But did I miss something? Isn't this a deal for getting free primos?

    • funnily, this is -exactly- why I chose to play this game! I've always been looking for an JRPG style, maybe MMO, anime art, popular Japanese voice actresses, pretty art & graphics and scenery, open world type of game, and here it is!
      Close enough at least.

      And by no means am I a 'gamer', I have terrible spacial awareness and reaction speeds and panic too much in games lol, so these 'simple' battle mechanics suits me well.

      If you're not into the japanese or asian style then I get that it's already a no for you, but for others that's the appeal. For years I've been looking for something like this and now I finally get it!^^

  • +4


  • +1

    Says the links are Expired

    • +1

      Marked as expired. Thanks.

  • Damn, expired… now I’ll never get laid :(

  • +2

    If people haven't already, could try these:


    They're a little older but should still work

    • 3 worked, thanks!

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