Simple question. Should the Australian open 2021 still go ahead?
Should The Australian Open Still Go Ahead?

Last edited 23/01/2021 - 09:48 by 2 other users
Poll Options
- 28Yes - it should go ahead
- 105No - It should be cancelled
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Which aspect thou?
Is it that the players and coaches are all concentrated in hotels in the suburbs, therefore the risk of community exposing to confirmed positive case is higher?
Or is it the optics that the players get prioritised to get here over our citizens with compassionate reasons?
I'm afriad of myself, my family, my friends or my neighbourhood having covid. But my fear shouldn't stop anyone else from say having a take away coffee from their favourite cafe forever, because you know covid can be pass on through air and contact.
It should be:
Yes - it should be cancelled
No - it should go aheadGiven your question is "should the Australian Open be cancelled"
Im not associated with OA but it wont let me uncheck the box and post my comment
That's better
It should go ahead because:
- Makes Australia look bad as a destination.
- Millions from Federal Government need to go to mates somehow.
- How good is Tennis?
TennisMaker grant
Only thing the government isn't giving is JobLessMaker grant.
Go ahead. Because each time we try to host an event, we learn ways to make event safer … It is a risk to take.
Otherwise we will be waiting for a few years for the virus to be eradicated globally. Who knows if there is a new superbug spring up during that time.
I thought all the tennis players are in the country. Are they not?
I think regardless of whether the event continues or not, the government or whatever the authority allows this kind of travel has made its decision on whether these travels should be allowed or not. The event getting cancelled or not wouldn't make this decision go away, I feel like.
Granted, I think the government's efforts and resources should be allocated more for people who are still stranded overseas, since what is the point of a country if it doesn't look after its people, but that's just my opinion.
I don't get how there are people still stranded overseas..? They've had plenty of time to come back before the country went into lockdown.. It's been a whole ass year since covid started and they're still stranded overseas somehow?
Sorry if I sound ignorant over this matter.. Its simply because I am.…
Australian border has been tight for awhile, the airlines stopped flights coming to Australia with the border closed. And I am sure during those time between border closure and everything, there were price gorging and such?
Eh, all I have heard is that there are still people out there who wants to come back.
Not as simple to get back, and hasn't been since this whole thing started
Crazy expensive for flights (not just price gouging on economy tickets, but note there's per-flight caps, so airlines prioritise significantly more expensive business/first tickets), also a huge chunk of passengers on confirmed flights getting bumped either due to constantly changing rules, airlines overselling seats, cancelling flights, or simply filling previously bumped passengers (huge backlogs currently), and on top of that 14 days locked up and roughly $3k a person for quarantine once they do finally get here.
Government-assisted repatriation flights are generally the most reliable way to get back, but they're few and far between, still relatively expensive, are from specific major ports only (travel to which may be encumbered if based elsewhere), are at short notice and yet still generally sell out in literally minutes.
Also most of these people aren't leisure travellers, they've probably been living overseas for a long period of time, and so packing up, figuring out the logistics, and restarting life here at a moment's notice isn't that simple either.
I see, fair enough then. Like I said, I just had no idea, seems like theres been plenty of opportunity to come back, but I guess there wasnt. Would definitely make more sense for government to put more effort into that than some tennis competition then imo.
You are right. Maybe they should buy tennis racquets?
Same as the people who can't go interstate to see dying family members. Just tell them you can hit a ball over a net and it'll be all good.
In addition to all the points about Australia’s cap and lack of flights, often the country Aussies have been stranded in also closed their own borders which prevented them from leaving. It’s hard to move when you’re being ordered to stay put.
But by and large most Aussies that are still out are doing so voluntarily (I live in KL). Only about 35k left and hopefully they can get back soon.
It should be held offshore on a ship. Seriously. Maybe Rottnest or Hayman Island.
Who's going to get the ball when it goes over the fence?
Don’t worry, the rich elites will be able to find someone willing to do it, even if they have to import people with “skilled labour” visas…
Samantha Stosur is usually fit and free after the first round of the AO.
Apparently if it was cancelled then another country might steal it and it will never return. So its probably better for it to go ahead instead of watching the Chinese Open (or some other country) in 2022.
I’m a ham-fisted luddite. Ignore one of the Yes votes, I wasn’t even going to vote but apparently I did…
The Australian Open is bringing Australia a bit of tourist revenue, media advertising and the most important message that Australia is a safe place to visit and work.
What happens if a player tests positive during the event? Is any contact forced into two week quarantine? That would be negative publicity.
🇦🇺 may get to showcase their awesome contact tracing skills. Other countries may learn a thing or two about how we do things down under.
Cancelled. Would mean I don’t need to put up with hours and hours of tennis being watched at home.
yes, it should still go ahead. our covid #'s are super low here.
covid cases
USA has = 26,446,300 = 446,008 deaths = #1 ranking as the worst country with covid
Australia = 28,800 = 909 deaths = #107 ranked countrywe are responsible enough to proceed with the Australian Open, but definitely cancel the US Open.
Cancelled because?