If you're looking for a horrible deal, the Officeworks website seems to be offering the same prices as yesterday, but now in USD!
Want a Horrible Deal? Officeworks Now in USD!

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No. Still showing for me and prices are about right in AUD but with US in front. Some sort of glitch I guess
Seems to change to AUD (same price) when in checkout. Anyway. Fun times on a Friday night testing bugs on Officeworks.
its in AUD on my end
Strange. I'm on Chrome on mobile and it's been like this for about an hour
price in title
Out of stock
Just got my confirmation, will try click and collect and let you know
Just checked and it's the same for me, prices showing up as US.
Chrome on mobile as well. Strange!
My guess would be Chrome mobile's data saver feature which likely routes traffic through US servers.
Same issue here. I turned off Lite mode and cleared the cookies but it made no difference :-/
Officeworks web guy if you're reading this, might want to look something like this up https://help.hcltechsw.com/commerce/9.0.0/tutorials/tutorial…