Cheapest Place to Buy Baby Spinach? [VIC]

Happy to buy by the KG if needed. I want to make steamed spinach pucks for smoothies, since they're something I can freeze happy to buy in bulk.

Costco: $9.99/kg
Coles & Woolies: $25.00/kg
Rods Fruit & Veg: $1.99/100g $19.99/kg
Earthymama $29.99/1.5kg $19.99/kg

With spices I generally order off of eBay for the best quality/quantity - what's the deal with fresh vegetables? Asian grocer?


  • -1

    Not sure of the price, but worth contacting:

    • Good idea, I'll update thread with price here. Thanks!

      • -1

        Make sure to include min. purchase requirements, freight, etc.

  • Costco from what I've seen.

  • Not sure what the equivilent is for Flemington markets in VIC but worth checking fresh produce markets.

    Do inspect the quality and you can always negotiate price with the producer.

  • Why not just buy frozen steamed spinach pucks ?

    $1 in Coles and Aldi

    • Good idea, maybe buying chopped spinach is the way to go instead. Wonder how steaming that would go..

      • I've cooked with the frozen spinach pucks and they come out quite nicely, I imagine steaming them would yield the satisfactory results.

        Maybe buy one to give it a try? They can come from a variety of countries and processed to different levels of "chopped/minced"…

        This is the one I used to buy, my son would go through at least one pack a week when he was a baby…

    • +3

      Mmm, spinach from China

  • -1

    Baby Bunting!!!

  • how is costco so cheap ?

    • +1

      It is probably loose leaf in a huge box. My local fruit/veggie market has the same price of $9.99/kg….. given that people stick their hands in there etc I get the Aldi prepacked as noted below.

  • cheapest I found is at Coles Frozen foods isle. I think it was a product of the Netherlands. I am not sure whether a Coles brand one available.
    Does anyone know the cheapest place to buy "Ceylon Spinach" ?

      • I always thought that they are two varieties of spinach. After your comment, I checked the scientific names and they seem to be totally different plants. Anyway, I only like Ceylon or Malabar one and it is harder to find in VIC and expensive.

  • Costco is good value but you really need to freeze at least half of it unless you are having multiple green smoothies every day.

  • If you don't have Costco nearby or no membership then next best is Aldi, the large 4 servings pack at $3.99 per 300g = $13.30/ kg

  • you making palak paneer?

  • Seeds! then wait 16 weeks

    • +2

      I'd have to pay for a place that gets sun then.. I think that might break the bank.

  • Be careful of eating too much spinach regularly - oxilates.

  • Springvale Asian grocer. $8/$9 for 1.5kg box of Lowe farm.

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