Are Kogan iPhones Grey Imports?

I am about to get an Iphone 12 mini from Kogan to use my $500 credit from the credit card promotion.
Just wondering, are they grey imports? do I get 2 years warranty on them with apple?
any other disadvantage?
the seller is: VChain Global ECommerce.
thanks for your input.

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  • +6

    Yes, they'll be grey market imports, likely from HK which is where the company is.

    Main disadvantage is supporting a scummy dodgy company.

    You'll probably get 1 year warranty from Apple direct for repairs, but not direct replacements.

    You should get ACL coverage in theory but good luck hunting the company down and Kogan are terrible with anything customer support.

    From today:

    Dozens more if you search.

    • thanks a lot… not worth it then. going to source it from JB or somewhere else.
      now I have to find a different way to spend those $500 lol.

    • give this man a cookie!!

  • +2

    avoid avoid avoid Kogan, prices are sometimes cheaper but support is non-existent and they're scummy as Hybroid said

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