Cheap Folding Camp Saw (one that cuts good)

I need a folding camp saw to cut firewood, build shelters for emergencies etc. I watched this review (after first considering the Gerber saw) ….as you can see that cheap Coghlans saw found here is really good but i can't seem to get here in Aussie, not that customs would allow it anyway?

I see this one on ebay for cheap… but have no idea of how well it cuts making the purchase a gamble.

Any help would be much appreciated!


  • Ok i just bought this one: after reading reviews from Amazon about a similar saw from the same company "Silverline":… … i also read the feedback from the buyers of this saw and it's all positive, one person even said it was a great product. It ended up costing me $15.67 USD Delivered, which i think is a good price considering it has a rubber handle & locking 8" blade.

  • Why do you think Customs wouldn't allow the Coghlans saw? It's no different in principle to a folding pruning saw that you can buy from Bunnings. It's not like its a spring-loaded flick knife.

  • I wasn't being difficult, I was just curious as to why you thought that item might be prohibited, it does not fall under any of the restricted definitions. They do in fact allow knives to be imported, as long as they aren't in the categories described. Otherwise bushmens/camping knives or Swiss Army pocket knives would also be banned. The Coghlans item is actually a saw, not a weapon, certainly not described in Schedule 2 (unless I'm going blind…). "The importation of certain bladed weapons, martial arts goods and sporting goods is controlled under Schedule 2 …", if it doesn't fall under the descriptions of the various categories, it is not a controlled item. Again, I was curious which category you felt it might fall into.

    • Yeah you are right about it not being on that list. I guess i'm just scared that they would hold it back anyway either because they have some clause that i haven't read or they are just in a bad mood that day. I actually thought all knives were banned according to that pdf, to me it reads like it includes all knives. So the only exception is swiss army or multi-tool type knives? This is handy to know because i am also in the process of deciding to buy a Leatherman multi-tool from the usa but can't decide which one to get, currently leaning toward the "Leatherman AL" but the price is high.

  • Actually most knives are OK, the rules are to stop your average knucklehead importing "fighting weapons" because they are cool. In general, if it can be concealed and quickly deployed especially one-handed, then it will be restricted. Knives like daggers are made for stabbing, sharpened both sides (single-sided cutting blades are generally OK), automatic knives (spring-loaded flick knives), ballistic knives (where the blade is shot from the handle like a bullet, powered by a spring/gas/chemical etc), butterfly knives (balisong) that they flick out of the handle one-handed, most "ninja" stuff like star knives, t-handle push knives, and ceramic knives (except kitchen knives) that can be used to avoid detection by x-ray etc, would all be examples of the type of stuff that is restricted. You can generally still bring them in if you have a genuine reason and get a permit. Just apply the rock-ape test; if it has a legitimate purpose and is genuinely utilitarian for people camping etc, then it is OK. If it is just for some low I.Q. rock-ape to have because it makes him look tough or "for protection", it generally won't be. If in doubt, ring or email Customs and ask beforehand, they don't bite and are actually quite helpful if you give them a description or a website showing the item. [email protected] Of course, this all applies just to importing the items, each state has various restrictions on controlled weapons, something might be legal in one state and not others.

    • Ok thanks for the help. This is cool and i have obviously misread that pdf. Now that i read it more slowly i see that it does not include all knives. This is great news for me, more options have just been opened up! Thanks mate, and thanks for the advice about contacting them with my concerns.. Cheers :D

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