Car Sales - Which Ad Type Should I Use?

I need to sell my car, ideally around $12-13k. Does anyone know if the ultimate ad or the premium ad is of any use?


  • +7

    No. The best thing you can do, is not use that god awful stupid template they make up for a description, and just write one yourself like a normal person.

    • no to you don't know or it's no use?

      • +8

        It's of no use. People looking for a $12k car aren't going to buy yours because it has a fancy border, they will buy it if it has lower KMS or price than other similar ones.

  • +6

    Pictures of a clean car. And more pictures.

    • +7

      Agree, fill up all possible picture slots. If you can upload 20, upload 20 photos. Different angles, inside AND outside.

      One thing I hate is listings with 2 low quality photos. Shows absolutely nothing and wastes time. Not to mention makes me lose trust in the seller as they might be hiding something dodgy.

  • Depends on the car you have.

  • +10

    I skip all highlighted/promoted/premium listings because they mess with the sort order I selected - hope that helps

  • People will do research before dropping $12k so fancy ad won't do much apart from beg the question as to why the fancy ad?

  • Advertise on Facebook marketplace and Gumtree as well. It's free!

  • What car is it by the way?

  • IMO the premium features aren’t worth it. Good pictures, a proper description are more important.

    Do you really need to spend the $ when gumtree and Facebook are free? I’d possibly shell out only if it was a rare/unusual car with a limited market.

    For a common car if you want to sell faster, lower the price.

  • +1

    When selling stuff on Facebook and Gumtree I have paid an extra $5-10 to have things promoted and it has definitely resulted in more enquiries. I would recommend that.

  • It depends, its proven that premium listings be it on real estate or domain or carsales they sell faster, stats show it. But as others have said, it'll sell if its priced right and listed properly. Paying a bit more just means you catch any lazy sellers who dont scroll/research all the way to the bottom. So it depends, if you're selling a pretty common car you might want the extra exposure.

    If you're selling a unique car, you need not to pay the extra, buyers who want that car will seek you out.

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