Get in fast whilst they are still available.…
Home delivery only.
Delivery fee: From $7.90
Get in fast whilst they are still available.…
Home delivery only.
Delivery fee: From $7.90
30 seconds later and it's gone.
Still in stock actually
No it's gone.
My comment was 40 minutes ago bud lol
I manage to add it on cart and still not expired in here
That's what she said.
I ordered mine at 8:00 am, surprised they still have stock an hour later!
It wasn’t posted on ozb that’s why lol
Serious question: XSX or PS5?
Why I want an XSX:
- Microsoft Flight Sim
- Forza Horizon 4
- Gamepass
Why I want a PS5:
- dual sense controller
- most friends are going to get the PS5
Help please, been tossing up for weeks
If you have a good gaming PC - get a PS5.
Otherwise, XBox Gamepass is so good, its worth getting the XBSX. The value for money for what specs you get for $750 is outstanding.
I’ve got a decently old pc thats still able to play games (i7 4790K and RX 280X) but I haven’t used it to play in almost 2 years. Biggest reason for me to getting a console is that I don’t need to do much setting up like PCs to get into a game. Been playing on the Switch for the last year but its not the same experience as a console in terms of graphics.
But yeah gamepass is so good, and I’m super keen on the new microsoft flight simulator and Forza but not sure if I would get the XSX for the sole purpose of those 2 games.
On the other hand the PS5 controller is really intriguing and I want to feel it for myself.
Forza Horizon 4 on my PC is mint, you need a controller though, but you can get a wirless device to link it to a PC. Your system specs are perfectly fine for Horizon, not sure about Flight Simulator.
Xbox then. Good luck running flight simulator on that rig.
Of note is that Gamepass is also available on PC. If you haven't signed up previously, you can trial it for AUD$1 for 1 month, which is worth it if you want to see how your current PC can handle MS Flight Simulator (probably not very well) and Forza since they're both on it.
As @Gamer Dad Reviews recommended, I would also suggest getting a PS5 for its exclusives and to play with your friends, and upgrade your PC when hardware/GPU stock gets better. Pairing your 4790k with a better GPU will help get some life out of it!
What about getting a PS5 as your main console, and the cheaper Xbox Series S as your secondary console for those other things?
Yeah I was thinking of getting the XSX down the road. Its either PS5 first then XSX later on, or the other way around.
The problem I have about the Xbox Series S is that its a digital console and I hate the fact that I can’t get discounted discs from EB or JB.
Yep, or a Xbox One X. With a PS5, pretty good coverage for next gen, Sony exclusives, Xbox exclusives (until they stop the support), 360+One+OG games and emulations.
I only have the crappy work laptop so not a PC gamer, but been enjoying the PS5 + Xbox One X combo for a while.
It sucks that Sony won't up the game like Microsoft is doing right now.
does someone ask this question in every xbox posting?
DualSense controller is amazing, there will be more exclusives on the PS5 than the Xbox judging by previous gens. Sony just has more first party devs.
I love how Xbox still hasn't killed off Xbox 360 games in your collection, where as Sony as killed PS3 games.
Microsoft didn't own Bethesda on the last generation, now they do so i think there will be less exclusives on ps and more on xbox this time around
They had to do something because they paled in comparisons to exclusives last gen. There was no comparison at all. Microsoft has tried to amend this with 5 new gaming studios and numerous acquisitions. So, will they? Don't think all of a sudden because they have done the first steps, they win this race when they're already behind and Sony is well-established in this area. I mean, they came out with 2 genre-defining games before the end with Ghost and Last of Us 2.
@Frost2468: I don't want it. Just putting forth my opinion that I don't believe Xbox will deliver on that front, which Sony and Nintendo have proven to be successful in. Microsoft has also recognised this.
@Frost2468: I'm not too concerned with it, but then you would have to ask yourself, why buy the Xbox if the PS5 played all the games for example? Game Pass is pretty awesome, maybe that's the answer.
@RocketSwitch: Just because of their exlusitivity I wouldn't get ps5, your just feeding into their shitty practice and praising /talking others into it, quite amazing really, maybe one day you will understand
@botchie: Okay then, so you're going to shit on Nintendo too, the company responsible for lifting the gaming industry from the shit? Do you even read what you're writing? The reason companies make exclusive games is because it sells the system. They're not in it for charity. Not sure how a company that puts love into a product is shitty practice and would rather release it on their system? It's their product.
Also, your logic is flawed, Xbox will push for more exclusive games and yet you will still get that system? Make me understand.
FYI, I would rather own one system and that's it. But you know that will never, ever happen!
@RocketSwitch: yikes…its always a bad idea to argue with ppl like you - you have an idea and I don't want to change it but
nintendo makes games under Nintendo
Playstation pays Form Software or other studios to make games exclusive to ps5
these studios still make other games…..and release some on PC, even Xbox if Sony doesn't pay for it
take Naughty Dog (Sony bought it out) - they still release games on PC and Switch but just not on XBOX so ppl like you would buy ps5 vs Xbox
I have nothing against brand making its owns games like Nintendo but this is different and you CANT see it…
@RocketSwitch: and Xbox does have the same shitty exclusives as PS but not as many - both are wrong but with x bone if you are a PC player they at least release it there and thats what i care about
MS have more first party devs now. 23 studios vs 13 iirc.
Oh nice, didn't know that. Will be interesting to see how they go this gen. Thanks for the info.
Which one do you want more. Do you want to play those games on the XSX or do you play a lot of multiplayer games with your friends? The good thing about new multiplayer games is that there are cross-play so it doesn't matter which console you get. I personally will get the PS5 because of the exclusives and maybe a XSX in the future.
Honestly, I will probably spend most of my time with the console playing FIFA. I’m not at all fussed about ps exclusives and all that. Probaly would play FIFA online with friends but not sure if its cross-play?
Also, is there anything comparable to Forza Horizon 4 on the PS5? I love the range of cars in that game and that we can just drive around unlike other games where the only thing we do is race other cars.
If you don't have a pc you'll get the new besthesda games too which probably won't goto ps5
Gran Turismo 7 is probably be the best racing game for the PS5 (well hopefully it will be), but I don't think it will have a open world like Forza Horizon 4. It will probably have a lot of cars.
@Bissy: And looks like the PS5 won't support the G27 wheel, or should I say, Logitech won't. Hope someone finds a way.
Do you play Multiplayer games with your friends or do you play solo a lot? Back in the day when I had time for MP stuff I'd be going with the platform that most of my mates are on. Socialising is always good for the soul.
Otherwise if you mostly play SP nowadays and you're looking forward to particular stuff on XSX already then go with that. Else if you care about Sony's exclusives and enhanced versions of PS4 games then PS5 is a good option.
I think I would play mostly solo since all my friends live in different time zones. Once in a while we would play online but not very much.
Gamepass alone is the reason to get XSX.
Get the XSX game pass is the best. I have both and the dual sense is great on astros playground but then you play a PS4 game and it’s just a DualShock. I’m pretty excited for flight sim and that won’t be coming to ps5. Also the ps5 is giant I really hope they make a slim/short one and I’ll trade in straight away.
Just get the XBX. Those games you mentioned you will spend countless hours on.
PS5 at the moment has limited games you can spend time on, it will be a paperweight for at least 6 months and save up and buy it then.
Xbox controller still better than the PS5 controller.
How so? The PS controller has a speaker and light bar in it, both have haptic?
I love game pass but surely the PS wins the controllers (personal subjective preferences around shape/feel aside)
PS controller has a speaker and light bar in it, both have haptic?
To which, serve no real purpose in any game other than a cheap gimmick.
My opinion is based on feel and ergonomics. The basis of a controller
@Danstar: I think that's subjective. It's probably more what your used to from previous gaming consoles. I like having the sticks level myself. Both are great as far as that goes.
The speaker is nice, especially in GTA V and The Last of Us. Wish it was used more.
The lightbar is less impactful, but still nice to see your lounge room flash blue and red when the cops are chasing you in GTA.
@MementoMori: I was a PS1 > PS2 guy. Then mates all got an Xbox 360, I got one too and have never gone back to PS since (mainly cos the controller, I don't play any exclusives)
ps5.. microsoft was just lazy with this gen. nothing other than putting superior hardware into a box and absorbing the costs.. games wise.. sony has better game developers
Lol, you mean Sony pays developers not to release games to anyone else
Nice practise that is btw
Get both. You only live once and buying both is still cheaper than plenty of other hobbies, like custom quad exhaust for your sports car, or a skiing trip, Fabergé egg collecting, etc. Realistically videogaming is an extremely cheap and safe hobby and it only costs a few thousand to buy into the top tier of every single platform which will hold you over for many years at a time (except maybe PC with their $3,000 video cards these days).
That really is true mate. Its incredible value when you think about it since you only need to buy 1 for every 5-7 years.
Now I have a newfound interest in Fabergé eggs lol thanks
Agree. My thoughts exactly after retiring from ($500 GFX card every 2 years) PC gaming and ($2k exhaust) tuning cars.
$750 + 750 + $1,500 to have games pass + Sony exclusives + play with all your friends
Why I want an XSX:
- Phil Spencer is a prince among men who has made Xbox pro-consumer.
- MS respects gaming heritage by supporting backwards compatibility.
Why I want a PS5:
Also Rare could start releasing good games again any day now. Microsoft didn't pay 200 million dollars just for cute xbox 360 avatars and a competent online pirate game.
Sounds like Xbox is for you. Dual sense is more novelty.
Your friends getting PS5 is less of a deal since Sony seem more open to cross platform multiplayer.
But as said, of you already have a dedicated GPU pc, probably better off with PS5… If you can find one.
I've been hanging out for a while waiting for a PS5, bit annoying not having stock. That's usually an American problem
Is that why Microsoft are planning to copy the Dualsense atm? Because of the novelty…. 🤣😂🤣
It's like the Wii remote. Sony and Microsoft copied the shit out of that. Didn't make it that important.
Why not both? $750 doesn't really break the bank unless you're unemployed.
At minimum wage, that's more than a weeks salary!
Roughly one grand (including Game Pass subscription) amortised over five years for literally thousands of hours of entertainment for the whole family?
I have a hard time imagining better value for money.
Why not both?
Some people may have bigger dreams to save for other than video games? House deposit, paying off a house, a new car, deposit for investment property or saving for retirement etc. A lot of "little" purchases add up over time.
That's a good point. According to the ABS, 27% of all personal bankruptcies in 2019 were directly attributable to people spending $750 every half-decade on new gaming consoles.
You can't be too careful with those pennies.
@john71: I guess you missed the part where I said…
A lot of "little" purchases add up over time
You asked "Why not both?" and I am answering you. Most people wouldn't see buying two very similar luxury items at once (that will quickly depreciate in value) as a wise finical decision.
My personal choice is xbox first, then ps5.
By the time you buy a gpu to rival the xbox, and maybe a cooler+case to support that gpu, you're paying the price of a xbox. And you still gotta pay for controller. Along with xbox being able to natively support 1440p, you are likely to have the xbox in your room and ps5 for the tv.
Thing is, you doing need to match the Xbox to play the games decently, and many people already have a PC that can run modern games well enough.
PS5 is definitely the console to choose, assuming the zenimax purchase doesn't turn 100% exclusive
"Well enough" is dependent on the player and games. I'm an indie focused gamer, and the r580 and the 1050ti are usually enough for me. But, on faster titles or titles that needs you to focus on smaller details, playing without maxing your frame rate and Anti Aliasing is very exhausting. I still struggle to play Doom 2016 more than an hour per session thanks to how quickly I need to turn the camera.
He expressed interest in MSFS2020, a CPU and GPU intensive game. It's better for him to buy a console with games that he definitely likes, than to try to find specific exclusive that suits him.
Thanks guys! Decided to go with the xbox. Have already picked it up from JB half an hour ago. They had 1 left in Broadway.
Seems like supply is normalising, or wonder if they just got a big shipment
Not the case for Sony. Guess many more out there are waiting.
Maybe the latter - considering every other retailer plus Microsoft themselves don't have stock.
For a little while some retailers have had a limited number in stock if you call and ask. There's a Series S/X owner's group on fb and users regularly post about how they called or went into a store to ask and there happened to be a few in stock. Seems to be highly dependent on the store though, that is only certain stores have a limited quantity and don't advertise. If you don't get one this time, here's the group:
Just ordered mine now so fingers crossed
Waiting for the "RRP is a bargain?" comments to flow in.
I was planning to post but didnt know how to do it. Been live early morning
All these Xbox's. Comn Sony
I know right?
Doesn't help that the internet doesn't seem to care about Australian stock, so news isn't helpful
There are plenty of stock around now, no need to go crazy :)
But where are PS5??
Try calling your local JB. There was plenty at my local just sitting.
I'm a big Xbox fan but how is this so popular without having a game on it yet? Really surprised. I'll buy it once a new game is released.
Which JB?
wow really
Good point re: the games
Maybe you can play Cyberpunk better?
*furiously refreshes PS5 page
Might be a while.
Maybe learn some scripting and make a script that constantly refreshes until the contents change, then send a text or email notification to your phone…
I'll shut up
Does anyone know if any stores are getting ps5 stock by at least the end of January?
Your guess is as good as anyone's.
I heard restock in march… after Chinese new years
I heard that late jan to early feb was the latest from the website T3 but all the stock updates are for uk and U.S and very limited for Australia regarding updates so I don’t know anymore
yea australia will only be getting a small portion of their shipments and it’ll be gone in an instant like always
Yeap plenty of Ebay stores can provide at $1200 - $1400 range with huge stocks :)
still no ps5s ;(
Omg thanks finally got one even though RRP lol now just need a PS5. Most likely won't be playing this much but adding to my gaming collection
just pay through 5% off e-gift cards, scan rewards card for points (x7 points on purchases atm, check rewards app) you'll get some extra discounts!
Thanks OP. Ordered 500 units.
This joke gets funnier every time I see it.
Finally I got one!!!
So just asked my son "do you want a xbox series x?" He replied "nah I've already got PS5"
Child in me still wanna get it… I lost faith in PC upgrade at current times.
here we go again.