Has anyone done a mens hair transplant locally?
Any good experiences?
Bad experiences?
Since Turkey seems to be out of the question atm 😭😭
Has anyone done a mens hair transplant locally?
Any good experiences?
Bad experiences?
Since Turkey seems to be out of the question atm 😭😭
yep. grow a beard and shave that head for that ozb bikie look.
Bald is the new fashion..
Well, that's what I keep telling myself!
Use Elon Musk's guy. Look at this picture comparing young Elon in his PayPal days to Elon today https://pagesix.com/2018/07/25/its-highly-likely-elon-musk-s… He turned from Gollum into a more handsome version of Gollum with thick hair. Realistically though he needn't have bothered, his PayPal money alone made him fairly attractive and impressive. Though without the plastic surgery maybe Grimes wouldn't have grown to like him? So who knows, maybe it is worth it.
Bezos's head has grown bigger…
I'm having a hard time getting over the fact that the doctor in the linked article is named "Jeffrey Epstein, MD"..
Epstein did not kill himself; and
Elon's hair did not grow back by its self.
So many truths it hurts.
Lol at that article. Specialist's name is Jeffrey Epstein and states “But when you’re in the business, you know what to look for.”
I'm no expert, but when someone goes from bald to a full head of hair, I usually come to the conclusion that surgery is more likely than divine intervention.
DM lebron james
Haha this aint about embracing the baldness! Any good hair transplant options out there?
Not necessarily about saving money, more about a good surgeon 😏
No, they are all shonks.
Even Shane Warne has needed a hat to cover up whatever is going on with his hair lately, so unless you have more money than Warney, I wouldn't even bother.
Maybe you should pay someone just to tell you what your odds of each transplant are of taking or not. Maybe your body just isn't all that suitable for it, but if you're waving 20k in front of a surgeon's face they might not be up front with you about your odds of it working out well. There must be someone who has no conflict of interest in telling you the straight dope on your odds of it even working for you. Someone with a medical degree and clinical experience with this very thing.
What did Greg Matthews and Graham Gooch say when you asked them?
I read in a book the other day about fecal transplants reversing baldness. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5599691/ seems to be a few studies around.
I think in Shane Warne's case they accidentally transplanted fecal matter between his ears (and not on the top of his head)
Hard to imagine a doctor or even an orderly making a mistake like that. Shane himself would have told them to stop before it got that far in any case, highly unbelievable.
Live with it. You save a fortune on shampoo and conditioner!!
mate !!! the bald scalp still needs shampoo :D
Depends on the level of hair loss. It can work well if the loss is minimal. It will never create coverage similar to when you were 14-15 years old.
Google scalp micro pigmentation
Just go bald with dignity man. It keeps the girls away so you are technically saving money twice.
Looks like ozb forums has become ozsmartass, where you wont get answers to your questions anymore.
Most if not all women, can tell when a guy has had a hair transplant, and generally it looks bad. Save ur money, appreciate how much free time u have not going to get hair cuts, buy hair care products. Many guys look better bald or the balding stage… its all in the confidence of the person.
Nope. Good ones you can't tell. Especially if they use FUE.
To all the people telling OP to embrace baldness, remember different things bother us in different ways.
For my part, I've embraced my own loss of hair and am ever grateful that I live in a time where the comb over is not acceptable and for Bruce Willis making clipping all your remaining hair fashionable in Pulp Fiction. :-)
Concerning options, many years ago, I had a friend who went down this path with mixed success. There were some medication options too. Perhaps discuss with a GP?
Have you tried minoxidil and finasteride first, see if that makes a difference.
With hair transplants you get mixed results some dont look good. You also have to be aware that somtimes you can still lose your transplanted hair after couple of years.
You'll need to maintain Finasteride after a transplant I'd say.
All these individuals, Popes, Buddha, Sages, Monks, all embrace being bald.
The Jewish wear a kippah, as do some clergy, to also embrace being bald.
I know the reason, and it comes with enlightenment.
Find out whatever Daniel Tosh did. Dude was going bald at a young age then FWOMP thick glorious hair.
I never saw this, but my advice is wait til you can go to Turkey.
Their Drs are much better at it, I'm not talking about the low cost HT.
So many Europeans go there just to fix hairlines, which most people wouldn't even consider.
Any clinics you would recommend?
I don't remember off the top of my head, my suggestion would be sign up to the big 3-4 hair forums and check.
I'd look in YouTube, but clinics post results and I'd honestly look for the ones which are best at front hairlines.
There's one from Spain on YouTube, their waitlist is years. There's another one from Turkey, and they post alot of videos and have amazing hairlines.
I'd nail it down to 5 clinics, then look deeper into them.
I heard about s good Dr out of Thailand, and heard a few out of India. I feel tho, Turkey is definitely the leader.
I would avoid those cheap all in clinics, tho everyone makes videos on YouTube with results!
A good clinic won't want to use 5'000+ grafts either, depending on your hair, age you want to save some for later. Hence you need to do quite a bit of research.
I know someone that got it done and to my eye it just never blended properly. You could always tell that they had got it done.
I say embrace the baldness and save your money.