This was posted 4 years 1 month 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1, WA, NT, NSW] Stardew Valley Collector's Edition $0.95 (inStore) @EB Games (Broome, Pt Hedland, Alice Springs, Broken Hill)


Came across this as $0.95. I hope this game becomes cheaper for Switch (not in eshop).

The Stardew Valley Collector’s Edition will include a disc version of the game and a copy of it's soothing soundtrack, as well as two physical goodies: a “condensed mini version” of Kari Fry’s gorgeous Stardew Valley Guidebook, and a map of Pelican Town.


Stock available at Broken HIll NSW, Alice Springs NT Sold Out, Broome WA, Port Hedland WA.

The quantity at each store is unknown (likely to be low).

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +9

    Stock available at Broken HIll NSW, Alice Springs NT, Broome WA, Port Hedland WA.

    • +10

      Road trip!

      • +2

        Borders might be a problem right now.

        • +3

          Not if you're a terrible, terrible human being.

      • This was on FTA TV last night :)

    • Only game I can find on special at EB lately is stock hunt. Also my local store had about 10 PC games left last time I checked - couldn't really call it a PC section. Same fate as Blockbuster, just a matter of when.

  • +9

    Always upvote Stardew Valley, even if it’s only applicable to like… π people in rural cities.

  • I went through 5 pages of store listings and not one available XD

  • Should be moved to low quantity thread.
    Rule is quantity of 10 or more goes to normal threads.

    • Strange that rule. I posted once 10 codes and got shafted and moved yet these deals stay XD

      • There are 4 available in total, maybe if one assumes each store has 2 copies (which they won't at that price as the sale has been on for a while now, too) 8 copies in total which is still below the minimum of 10 quantity.

    • -4

      How are you not a moderator here yet? I vote you should be.

  • I hope this game becomes cheaper for Switch (not in eshop).

    I was about to pull the trigger for the switch version for $59 but I backed out. I really hope it gets cheaper. Well, not 95¢ cheap but around $25 then I’ll be happy.

    • Switch version is great. It should be cheap usually on the eshop

      • I want to get the physical version for collection purpose :)

        • Ah ok. Do you have the digital? It’s a perfect pick up and go kinda game between other games.

          • @cnut: Nah I don’t. It is currently $16.99 on eshop, I’ll wait for it to go on special. Yeah, it is better to have the digital version because it saves you the need to switch cartridges if you just want to go into the game to check progress, collect and grow stuff.

            I thought of getting the limited edition reprint from the US but they charge crazy price for shipping.

        • I am also waiting for that to drop for my niece. Big W is the cheapest at the moment at $59.

  • +2

    Brb, just off to Alice Springs to pick a copy up.

    • Can you grab me one while you’re there pls?

  • +2

    Broken Hill here, hopefully its still available tomorrow.

    • You better be there early. 1 copy available.

      • How do you know there's only 1 copy?

        • +1

          Called them a few days ago to ask if they would send a bunch of sales games directly from the store (as one of the few stores in the country who had a few games I wanted). They said no. Had only one copy of each sale game then (including Stardew Valley). As they are sale games, they will not be restocking them.

          • @Lysander: Aah ok, I thought you found somewhere on the website that actually said how many are in stock.

      • +1

        Almost forgot about it, picked it up before work

    • +2

      wait a bit , I am going to JBHIFI to try to price match it )

  • I found Elder Scrolls Online for $0.95 and DCL Drone game for $0.95… great bargains.

    Best to get these games cheap at EB before they no longer sell the games. Xbox 360 and PS3 games are gone now. Games that were $8 at EB Games are now $30-$50 on eBay.

  • I click and collected 10 XB1 games last week, ranging from 95c to $5. Not one in stock. Useless company.

  • +1

    Price matched it at jb, also did just dance 2020 for xb one for $9.95, and red faction guerrilla for 4.95..

  • I am hoping that the physical copy for Switch will go down….

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