Someone Tried to Steal My Car. What Should I Do?

So I believe someone tried to steal my car. I need help from our community to advise me what should I do?

TLDR: I noticed this afternoon my driver side door was unusually wedged open. ( Driver side door wedged open, top left side). I pushed it back and it returned to normal position. I then realized someone tried to break into my car. Apart from the fact my door was wedged, I noticed there were signs of forced entry on side of the door (scratches/scuffs from inserting an object) Someone tried to insert crowbar, screw driver or similar to break into my car.

My car is insured so that's not my concern. I am worried about safety.

I would kindly like to know what should I do next?

I would love to seek revenge 😉

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  • 5
    Inform cops
  • 63
    Inform cops and neighbors
  • 3
    Install camera and sensor lights
  • 18
    Call bikies
  • 4
    Do nothing


  • +2

    the best revenge is massive success

    • 2 sticks of gelignite should do it.

  • +5

    I'd do everything. Better locks on your house doors, roller shutters to deter break ins, automatic lights, cameras. Don't worry too much about revenge, you don't exactly want to make yourself a target if you live in a rough area. An old woman in my suburb had her home broken into and she was raped, you never know what people are capable of. There was that serial killer in the US who would walk up to people's front doors and if it was unlocked he would go in and torture and murder the couple who lived inside, if the door was locked he took it as a sign that the universe didn't want him to murder the occupants. Buy a dog too.

    • +15

      Moat. People need to invest in moats.

    • +6

      Well, that escalated quickly.

      • +1

        Can we get a Hitler reference before page 2?

    • Imagine living in fear like that, sad.

    • Buy a dog too.

      *Adopt a dog from a shelter, and only if you're ready to love and care for them forever.

  • +1

    It’s probably worth notifying the police. They won’t do anything, except possibly if there HD been a lot of car theft in the area.

  • +2

    1.Inform cops and neighbors
    2.Install camera and sensor lights
    3.Buy a dog
    4.Buy a baseball bat
    5.Buy a Disklok , needs 5 straight minutes with an angle grinder to get off , ask me how i know.
    6.set-up Motion Sensors that play the jaws theme music when triggered from hidden speakers in the vicinity of the car
    7.surprise them the next time they try (preferably after step 4)
    8.if you have a new car buy an OBD2 port lock so even if someone breaks in they can't try to clone a spare key and drive off in 30 seconds giving you time to ambush them. bikies if all else fails

    • +1

      ask me how i know.


      • @MS Paint

        Ok so , i took the disklok with me and i took the wrong key (that looks very identical to a Xena motorbike disc lock) instead of the actual key.

        went out to the middle of nowhere camping and locked up the girlfriends car for the night as i didn't want some aussie bogan ciggie buttbrain to take the GF's car , nothing fancy just a corolla but i just didn't want to get stranded after returning back the next morning.

        came back and then realized…(profanity) me….i brought the wrong key.

        had to call up a locksmith to come out , the bloke said he had never had to deal with anything like it. took him about 5 minutes to figure out how to go about it , whipped out the angle grinder with a diamond grinding wheel as there was no other way to break this thing open. i put the phone on timer and 5 solid minutes later grinding into this thing it finally comes off.

        2 hours later and $400 out of pocket , in hindsight it was annoying as (profanity) but i still don't regret it.

        Its better then a wheel clamp because its already inside the car so you can't really sneak it off , can't saw through the steering wheel either or pry it off with a crowbar.

        one of the best oldschool anti-theft devices you can buy on the market.

        • +2

          About halfway through your story I thought to myself….

          jeez, sorry I asked.

          But I persisted and by the end actually enjoyed your story.

          Would read again 8/10

  • +3

    I would love to seek revenge

    Go to 8 ball and install a carbomb.

  • +1


    Like bikies, but with spikes..

  • +18

    When the tldr is longer than the read 🤣

    • +1

      I think the words of "It'll be" went missing

  • You obviously don’t have a club lock - get one and install it ASAP. Also install a dash mat at the same time.

    • club locks are easily defeated , saw through the steering wheel and pull it out through the cut

      • +1

        forgot to add the /s 😉

        • +1

          I thought the dash mat was the /s…

      • saw through the steering wheel

        That is if you bought a saw with you. Could be just enough. Sometimes these are crimes of opportunity.

      • +1

        club locks are easily defeated

        Not if you install it on the thief's noggin.

  • +3

    Cops are useless for attempted crimes that didn't happen. Even when the crime happens, they don't do much unless someone dies. Impunity, in all its levels, is probably the biggest problem in the world today. That's essentially why people keep stealing plants from buildings, or cars, or keep dropping hard waste on the street as if the council was going to collect every day, or keep taking bribes…

    If people commit crimes and are not punished, they will keep doing that because they learn it's rewarding and acceptable. That's how animals work.

  • A Dashcam (with motion detection) facing the door? (assuming s/he can't get it next time).

  • It is probably worth calling the cops to let them know. Maybe there was an attempt on the entire street and one more report will help?

    In terms of security, if you park in the drive and own the house, then look into a sensor light or security cameras.

    If you know your neighbours, nothing wrong with dropping by and letting them know.

    Oh and make sure you don’t leave anything valuable in the car.

  • +2

    Buy a Tesla with sentry mode

    • +1

      That sentry mode is awfully reactive.
      If you even dare to glance inside the vehicle, you can see the sentry mode triggering.

      • +1

        I'll prepare a song and dance number for the next Tesla I see.

    • +1

      Buy a Tesla with sentry mode

      The more OzBargainly solution would be to buy an old bomb that no one would want to steal in the first place.

      • Old bombs are great for crime sprees. Well, anything easy to steal. Qld police blog often reports crimes committed with stolen cars

  • +1

    Keep a pit bull in your car at night…

  • Your asking if you should tell the cops or anyone ?

    FL alarm?

  • Cops do nothing when thieves successfully steal cars … what makes you think they will care about your public service announcement lol.

    • Cops do nothing when thieves successfully steal cars …

      Until they do 5 over in a school zone…

  • +1

    Just FYI, a TLDR should not be longer than the original post. That makes no sense at all.

  • What happened to your car alarm?

    • Unfortunately it doesn't have an alarm.

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