Why do you people hate the iPhone?

So I made a post saying I will be holding out from getting a samsung galaxy S2 because I'd prefer an iphone and I got 20 down votes and my post was deleted for trolling. Why do you guys hate the iphone and don't even consider it a serious competitor? I don't care how much cheaper the S2 is because you can't quantitatively judge the usability of the iphone and not factor that in.

I tried out a S2 and iphone 4 today and the S2 seemed good (nice screen etc and cheaper) but the retina display of the iphone, design and usability of the menu is really superb.


  • The iPhone 4 is better? Are you REALLY serious? S2 has the Super Amoled screen, which pretty much speaks for itself.

  • they're jealous cuz they can't afford one

  • +10

    I don't understand this hatred between Android Vs iOS. If an OS suits your needs and you are happy with it, then good for ya. I don't care if one OS has zillion features over the other if I'm not going to use it, so stop saying "I'm better than ya coz I have this phone".

    I think the OP meant an iPhone 4s (because the specs of a SII will kill an iPhone 4). Reasons why I'm still holding onto my iPhone:
    Retina display , Apps (the apps I need are available and a whole lot better on an ios, especially games), simple interface that just works for me (I'm not much of a "customization" guy).

    • +2

      I don't have Android or iOS phone, and any one say "I'm better than ya coz I have this phone" is pretty shallow ppl.
      I will buy thing at a reasonable price ( bargain will be awesome ), and iOS has a reputation of overprice. So ya i'd go Android if i ever get one. Go Ozbargainers.
      Edit: i have Sony Ericsson z530.

  • +6

    Maybe they just hated you? (just saying)

  • +1

    i dont know .. but where did you post it ?

    I think this forum does not support any topic about iphone/android comparison :D

    • Like issh said, comparison isn't tolerated on bargain threads. Should be ok in General Discussion.

  • my post was deleted for trolling

    not trolling, it was because you cannot compare Android vs iOS vs WP7 on those bargain threads

  • +2

    I don't understand the Apple hate/dislike either. I mention it to other people and their faces are filled with disgust and annoyance. Yeah I know they charge too much for what they sell, but so are other things. Can't I just have ONE nice thing?

  • +5

    It's a ford versus Holden thing, humans just like to hate each other…

    • +4

      Jesus loves them all. Merry Christ-mass

  • delete

  • +7

    I can't speak for why people react that way but it's because people treat iOS vs. Android like Christianity vs. Islam or some other controversial topic (Climate change, abortion). It almost always ends up in people calling other people stupid or idiots.

    So your comment (not post), if I could summarise, was in the Allphones $200 cashback post in which the majority of phones offered were Android phones. You badmouthed Android and one of their top phones based on a video you saw and said the iPhone was better. That got 22 negatives (0 positive) and then a lot of back and forth comments. People were attacking others, calling each other names. That's the usual, so we removed it. I have no idea why people defend their phones like you are insulting their family honour. Anyway, I have a Nokia Symbian so I'm neutral.

    • +8

      Hey neil, the 90's called…they want their phone back. :)

      • +4

        Apparently neil missed the call coz he's on vodafail :)

        • Yeah, tell me about it. It's almost 2 years old (N97 mini) and crashes at least once every couple of weeks, but their free GPS app is great. I'm on Vodafone (well technically Three) utilising the sim from my broadband bundle.

          While I'd love to get an Android phone, my requirements are fulfilled with my N97 albeit the crashing gets annoying. I'm able to download/listen to podcasts, have a runtracker/bike tracker gps app, gps app with voice driving directions, wireless hotspot, radio, check email, surf Internet, Google maps, Facebook and skype. Hell, I'm still utilising my 225 free sms from smsglobal using their email to sms function so I try to spend almost $0 every month.

          I just don't understand the phone thing being an OzBargainer. People give the perception here that they upgrade their phone as often as the change their socks. This seems anti-bargain and a waste of money whether on a new Android and definitely the very expensive iPhone.

        • Agree mate…I've had work phones for years and before that I had a personal Nokia 6230 while everyone was running around with O2's and imates, so I've never been at the forefront of phones. I eventually got an imate Jasjam from work but by then the iPhone was gaining traction. I then had a BlackBerry Pearl 8100 and a Bold 9000. I only recently got an iPhone 4S so it's the first time I'm at the front and it feels a bit weird. If I didn't have work phones, I think I'd currently have a personal iPhone 3GS or 4 on a plan.

          It does surprise me how many people can lash out $1000 at an Apple store every time a new model iPhone comes out. Even though they can sell the old model, it'd still cost a few hundred bucks.

        • i think i change phones more frequently than i change socks……what does that mean ?

        • i think i change phones more frequently than i change socks……what does that mean ?

          Means very often. Can't really think of an example of something being changed. Changing oil in your car perhaps maybe be more accurate?

          A few years ago, I would say the average time of ownership of a phone was a few years. That I guess changed to 2 year cycles to coincide with contracts. Seems like the cycle is getting shorter.

          Maybe phones to some people are like travel to others. I wouldn't spend $800 on an iPhone but happy to score a cheap flight overseas. I spent 1000s of dollars flying overseas albeit via AirAsia, and at the end of the day have nothing but memories and pictures to show for it. The alternative (e.g. the N97) would be to travel domestically or not travel at all.

        • +2

          @ kirasuran

          i think i change phones more frequently than i change socks……what does that mean ?

          There's a new Android phone on the market !!

          Back to one part the OP's original question

          …. and my post was deleted for trolling

          When you post something which isn't relevant to the deal you will get both negatively voted and deleted for trolling, especially if its in either a iphone or Android deal. As mods we are tired of the fanbois attitude from BOTH sides.

          For example, keep the "never buy" "it sucks" "thousands die" "virus prone" "locked system" comments out of discussion. WE dont care.

          Continual trolling will also lead to account ban as well.

          So go play with your toy while we play with ours

          And that applies to all fanbois not just the OP


          Even though they can sell the old model, it'd still cost a few hundred bucks.

          I think you raise a very good point for all posters

          Like a car its not the purchase price its the cost of ownership

          If your "brand" has a high resale value, then switching isn't as high as it seems. And depends on your plan and what else is available and your usage.

          And like a computer, your investment in software/apps will also factor into whether or not you will switch - unless of course you never invested in the software ;)

    • Well said, it's a material world we live in, ppl always take pride in their material. I read an article states : " TV size shows how "wealthy" the person is ". Isn't that true ? i let's you be the judge.
      Merry Christmas everyone.

    • +1

      Neutral and a bit backwards in time too

      I put a smiley so that people will know that this is a joke

  • +1

    I do not hate it, I just think it is grossly overpriced and there are more powerful and cheaper alternatives available. I have done my time with a iPhone 3G and sick of it and need a change now. HTC Sensation XE looking nice.

  • "Anyway, I have a Nokia Symbian so I'm neutral." Lol, you stupid idiot! ;)

    • best to leave out the tautology when calling someone a 'stupid idiot' = )

    • +1

      heres why the iphones bad…lists all negatives….thats why.

      Is that you alan jones?

  • classical vs romantic…or if you like, the admiration of an items underlying form over its apparent abilities. Its a pretty old and tiring war.

  • +3

    I hate anything Apple for many reasons.
    iwhatever is cool for kids, there are better products around without a rip off price tag.

    • hear hear.

    • +2

      The iPhone is indeed a great product, it is simplistic (lots of dumbasses in the world = lots of people to sell it to :)), which is an Apple vision, to make things simple (they were the ones to turn computing into a usable UI.. I've read that somewhere) for the general public to use.
      In saying that, with simplicity, comes restrictions (no customization).
      I'd say the iPhone is the only Apple product I'd ever consider to purchase (that is of course JB'd >=] so I can customize it a bit)
      Though I do really hate Apple for endorsing overpriced audio products like beats by dre.. then again, they do go hand-in-hand, overpriced for the dumbasses in the general public who love to pay too much.

      To the O.P.
      This is Ozbargain. We are not dumbasses because we like to save money. We like to consider the things that are considered "bargains" and scrutinize it intelligently, unfortunately some OzB'ers do have emotional attachments to Android and iOS, so the scrutinization becomes unprofessional.

      I do find the iPhone too expensive though, the asking price for it is enough to get you a quality laptop (windows) that can do so much more than a phone (except the size)

  • Apple do make good products. The MacBook pro and air have the best touchpad/gestures than any other computer. I myself like apple, yes over priced. But you get easy to deal with warranty. I buy my apple stuff second hand anyway.

    • I buy my apple stuff second hand anyway. >> Then how do you get Apple warranty on second hand products?

      • is it refurbs?


        Apple Certified Refurbished
        Free shipping on all refurbished products.
        We test and certify all Apple refurbished products and include a 1-year warranty.
        Limited supplies, but updated frequently. Availability is guaranteed upon receipt of full payment.

  • I am a big fan of Android smart phones, as I have one. But I also love IPhone. It is so dashing and changed the defination of smart phones being so simple and powerful. I have seen times of Nokia, which meant you have to be a expert using advance features.
    I have just bought Samsun Galaxy s2. It is real good value for money.
    But I think IPhone is a bit overpriced, but you pay for the style and quality.
    That said, I still love iPhone.
    I think if you love one brand, better express ur feelings about it and avoid expressing hate for others. Dont hurt sentiments of others.

  • +5

    I used to hate Apple with a passion, but then realised how stupid it made me. I hate it because it was popular and I can't have it. Haters will hate? I was an idiot back then…

    But now it is different, I have money to buy all sort of phones. I tried iPhone3GS, iPhone4, N98Mini, E71, Optimus One, SGS, SGS2 and Nexus. All in all they have their all strengths and weaknesses. (I have to say Symbian OS sucks though!! Worse OS out of all!)

    The war between iOS and Android is getting more out of control, and it is up to a point that it became entertaining! Apple forums and Android forums got trolls and fan-boys fighting over who is the better one!

    As I stated in many old posts.
    Android is about customisation and personalisation. (Attractiveness —> Design the home screen with widgets and start your favourite app at a touch)
    Apple is about easy-to-use and plenty of app-fun. (Attractiveness —> All the awesome apps, it-just-works system and beautiful crafted icons)
    Both are great OSs, just really depending on the types of involvement you want or the level of personalisation!

    One of my electronics lecturer put it (his view, not mine)

    Apple is like a religion. Since everything to do with Apple products/information are controlled, they 'decide what the users wants and what they can do with it'! Apple fans are blind to other 'truths (options)' out there, and self-believe that they are the best and only the best. Why? Because they are comfortable using the products, and the Apple praises their customers over their smart choice and distinct taste to be different. To some extreme, Apple fan-boys even go as far as worshipping Jobs.

    Android on the other hand, due to the vast choices of available platforms they see the good, bad and ugly. Almost like Atheism where you've see all the good and bad side of how a OS should be (but not always right ;)) It's to a point that it is almost like a religion too! To some extreme here, Android fan-boys are trying to show Apple fan-boys the goodness of open-OS but doing the wrong approach. It's like telling a Christian that god doesn't exist and war ensues!
    (This is about the OS, not a war on religion. If I offended anyone with my professor's analogy, I apologise)

    My opinion, is to leave it be. Choose your side and stick with it, don't try to influence others. Let it be!

    Both phones are great choices! =) peace

    • +3

      People should really stop bring so uptight over which phone people like. It's their choice and it's just STUFF! They will both break and need replacements eventually. It's not religion which is actually worth fighting (not literally fist fighting) i mean - a belief system is always worth standing up for - not a piece of thing made from metal and electronics and whatnot.

      You can still try to influence others but not by saying their phone is substandard or dumb. That won't help convince anyone. Start by saying the good things you like about it, show how it's different. (maybe?) or who cares - its only a damn phone.

      I wouldn't say the iPhone is more superior than any other phone - it depends on what the person likes. I know it has it's disaadventages but they don't bother me much, so I will stay with it.

      • It's not (or at least it shouldn't) be a religion but I read in a book once (think it was Buyology) that people's brains lit up when shown images of brands they liked in exactly the same way as religious folks' brains when shown religious imagery.

  • +3

    i just rebuilt a nokia N8 and downloading new firmware. my iphone just died 2days after trying to update its firmware.

    i hate the crappy iphone errors the continually appear when working with Iphones. and the lack of any clear direction on how to fix them. just a million useless posts stating "hey, have you tried facing south and wearing blue socks and hitting the home button every 7.5 seconds whilst alternating pushing the volume buttom every 3 seconds and the power button every 11 seconds whilst singing 'star spangled banner' and standing on the 2nd floor of a timber house -it must be timber!!!-, i heard some guy had success doing this but that might have been for fixing his toaster"

  • +1

    This is why http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL7yD-0pqZg.

    As always Haters gonna Hate. Be Fandroids or iSheep( and now you know which side I'm on)
    The thing about the iPhone is that till the 3G/3GS there was nothing like it but afterwards things with much more value for money came out and Apple started to talk bullsh*t about the features they put into their phone.

    For example the iPhone 4S lists over 200 new features, some of which don't even make sense or are just a different way of saying the same thing. The android OS might be a problem for the uneducated masses but anyone with even a drop of technical knowledge should seriously not have any problems operating an android phone.
    Every time an uninformed iPhone user says they cannot use the android, I cringe and this about symbian, which right now is a clumsy OS compared to iOS or android but is pretty much the most used OS around the world in lesser developed countries.

    So it doesn't matter what you are using but how you use it. I find that android has much better utility apps that android(save omnigraffle) and is easily the better of the two when it comes to customising(eg ringtones).
    If you want better choice of games, go iOS…see if I care ;)

  • +1

    I feel apple is just overpriced for what it is. Sure it works etc, but you are paying a premium for something that can be achieved for less, and in some ways better. Why pay 1500$ for I7 macbook when you can get one for 599$? That is my logic. At the end of the day its what I do, if people want to spend more go ahead. But I know I wont waste money.

    My 99$ touchpad and my LG2x (380$) let me do everything the apple alternatives (minus games on the tablet, but who has time for games haha)

    With the Iphone 4s = 800$ and then at least 500$ for the Ipad 2 :) So basically not wasting so much money….

    • +1

      Why? Because I get to feel superior to the rest of youse non-iSheep!

      *the above is may or may not be a paraphrase of a real-life experience and should in no way be interpreted as a representation of all Apple users

      In all seriousness though, Apple does design some sleek products, and they charge a premium for it. I think that's partially why Macbooks are so trendy - it's like saying to the world, "I care about design/aesthetics/etc etc." At least that is the impression I get from seeing design students and hipsters using their Macbooks at cafes.

      • +2

        Because Jobs marketed (very well done) that having a mac product means you are 'creative' and willing to spend a premium on their products.

        So indeed, they do all feel more superior and I hope they do. After all they paid twice as much for a phone as the cheapo 'me' :P

        I feel proud buying a product that is half the cost and can do almost the same functionality!

  • -1

    Maybe they think you are heterosexually challenged?

  • +1

    If you go into a thread about handsets that feature mainly android and say that you think the iphone is better, you are just asking for trouble. It's a bit like walking into a Ford camp and saying that Holden is better.

    Same reason I would not go into an iphone related thread and say 'The Samsung Galaxy S2 is better than an iphone'.

    It's not always because people hate the opposing unit, it's more that they hate the unit they love being talked down in comparison to someone elses preference.

    Many don't care, but the ones that do will voice a strong opinion and it will just snowball from there. War can sometimes erupt which may lead to the thread being shut down (in most cases I've seen anyway).

    I know there are some people out there that know this only too well and will purposely create a thread like this, grab some popcorn and then watch the fun. I hope you do not fall into that category…

  • I use my SGS2 to send about 850 text messages per month. Some of these are auto sent from my server via an email interface to an sms gateway app on my SGS2, but the bulk is sent semi-manually from my computer via the http gateway (Samsung Kies) on my SGS2. Neither of that can be done on an iphone. It would drive me mad having to use the tiny iphone screen (or the almost as small SGS2 screen)for every sms.

    I also have a dialer app so I can just click a number in my browser and it dials the number on my SGS2. As I make 650+ outgoing calls per month, that saves me a lot of time. No can do on the iphone.

    I appreciate the simplicity of the iphone. Great for those that don't need advanced functionality. I bought my wife an Android, and she manages to accidentally customise it and it confuses her. Never happens to me as i am more technically oriented. But for her, and iphone would likely be a better experience.

    • A small correction: You can click on a number in a browser (or notepad) and call the number (on an iPhone)

      • Not sure I explained it properly (or maybe I did, and I am misunderstanding you). I click on a number in my browser on the PC - not on the phone. The instruction to initiate a call is sent via wifi to my handset and it starts dialling. Is that what you meant too?

        • Can your iphone read your PC server files directly and play rmvb file without install a software in your PC??? ios even can't play rmvb file directly….

  • +3

    Try to watch yesterday Bill Gate interview, you will understand more. Basically, all Apple products are 'closed' system, it dictates the price, and how the programs are written. Undoubtedly they are more user friendly and use widespread, and less program crashes! But it limited your freedom, and push up the price. Most users on iphone know nothing about computing, most computer expertises perfered Android, unless they get the iphone for low cost from the company is another story.
    So I want an iphone or MacBook unless they are competitive priced!

    • +1

      That's totally what I thought! I'm not selecting Iphone is not because of price, only because of freedom!
      Iphone only good for those who don't like (& don't know how) to discovering IT! (Girls may be)

    • so what you are saying is - buy ibm/MS and you have poorer quality products but you will have a wider range of them.

      • It is a matter of personal choices! Some people like to live in the zoo, well fed & live long. But some people perfered to live in the wide, facing all the problems, closer to the nature, find its own food, and having freedom to run, but likely to get killed too! Which animal are you?

  • +4

    You cannot get pRon apps on iphone.

    • This is worth at least a dozen upvotes!

  • +1

    I really couldn't care less about the iOS vs. Android debate. I like my iPhone and it suits me. What pisses me off is when people want to start an argument about it. Obviously I've made a decision based on what I want out of the phone.

    It really shouldn't cause as much debate as it does. If you like Android - great! If your prefer Windows Phone , then choose that. I really don't mind what phone you guys use.

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