I am trying to port out of circles.life to Kogan mobile.
I was one of the few that ported to circles.life during their 1st 100gb for $28 deal.
Ever since porting to circles.life I can't receive sms messages or calls from certain providers or phones, I am uncertain whether it is phone related or sim related, because it worked previously before I ported to circles.life. I own a Samsung Galaxy S10+.
Now I am trying to port out of circles.life to Kogan mobile but I can't receive any text messages to confirm the port from my side, so now I am stuck.
I've stuffed up on my part when porting to Kogan mobile by putting prepaid instead of post-paid stupid mistake… so now the port is just stuck there and I cannot receive a port failed email from Kogan.
I've discussed this issue with circles.life and they will forward it to Optus to look into it, but I've also got them to look into it early last year and nothing has came out of it and I've brushed it off since. All Optus has done previously was rebooting the connection from their side and checking whether there is any issue within my local area, before handballing it off and saying that It is probably a phone issue.
Can I please get some assistance as to how I should go about porting out of circles.life
Thanks ozbargain
It would be quicker to get a new phone number, text all your friends, change details with every company and service you use than to get circles life to do anything… I actually feel for you being with that company.. What a pain.