Trying to Connect Phone to Modem


I have a phone currently set up in my workplace. It works fine, but we are upgrading as we needed something with Bluetooth capability.

Currently, the phone is set up such that:

  1. This box is connected to our NBN Modem

  1. This is the cable that goes into this box

  1. And this cable seems to go into the number 4 DSL port on the modem

  1. This is the new phone 'station'

  1. It has this 'Line' port

  1. But the end of the cable that comes from the 4 DSL port is too thick to fit in this port. The supplied cables don't work either.

So my question is, how do I connect this 'station' to the modem? Do I need some kind of converter?

Any help would be very greatly appreciated!


  • You need a standard Rj11 telephone cable I think (to connect phone to line in port on modem). The cable showed in picture requires an adaptor on the white (thick part) to convert to standard Rj11 pin.

  • +2

    Your old phone is a SIP phone( - this means it connects to a VoIP service instead of a traditional landline, and it does so over the internet (hence why it's connected to one of your modem's LAN ports).

    Your new phone is a standard landline phone.( This will only work with traditional landlines, which you are unlikely to have on the NBN unless you specifically requested one on install.

    You'll need to return that phone and replace it with a SIP phone( Note though that SIP phones aren't just plug-and-play - they will need some configuration first if you're switching over to a new one, so you'll have to get in touch with your phone service provider for support.

  • What router do you have? I have a Telstra "Smart Modem" (router) which connects to the NBN modem. The Telstra device has support for landline phones.

  • Hi all,

    Thanks for your assistance.

    So it sounds like I will need to return this unit given that the business is on a VOIP connection, rather than a traditional telephone connection.

    I'm trying to achieve something that I would think would be very simple but actually turns out to be quite challenging.

    I want a receptionist to be able to answer calls on a wireless headset.

    How can I achieve this with the VoiP setup?

    I understand that one way would be to use a softphone on a laptop, and connect the headset to the computer, but I'd like there to be a physical phone.

    Are there SIP/DECT cordless handsets that allow you to connect a bluetooth headset? I can't seem to find any, but the information is so scant.

    • Unfortunately I I haven't touched SIP/VoIP for many years now, so I don't have much knowledge on its recent developments.

      Googling "VoIP phone bluetooth" shows that such products do exist( (or at least you can add Bluetooth on to certain SIP handsets) but I don't know what reputation this brand has.

      Alternatively there are VoIP adapters that allow you to use a regular landline phone on VoIP. Again though, my knowledge is very outdated so you'll have to hit up your service provider or phone shop for advice.

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