So, an unexpected window popped-up, just before we were to shut-down the system
It offered an iPhone for pennies on the dollar, so we proceeded, suspecting a scam,
or chance-to-win "bait & switch" ruze…
It claimed some link with MyRepublic (dunno how it worked-out our provider, except
from IP address…?)
Lotsa Q's to answer (most random multiple choice trivia Q's), and - at the end - $3
was displyed beside a recent iPhone. (You could choose more or less storage, &
see that price rise, slightly).
Here's the scammy bit:
In very fine print, the $3 was to buy a 3-day trial membership in a HealthCare plan.
After 3-days, they'd be taking $80 / month.
Dunno if anyone ever got a $3 iPhone, from this scam, but they'd need to give 'em
full credit/debit card details to find out… which, of course, we didn't. :~)
From the hour of the early AM time it was launched, they were looking to scam folks
who might sleepy enough to miss the Offer details & forget the "Never give 'em your
Visa card details - rule.
Really, you don't use pop-up blockers, and/or go to dodgy sites…
Not only that, but you proceed to click on said pop-ups?
I don't think anyone here needs a PSA about dodgy pop-ups. That's not even Internet 101, that's a pre-requisite for Internet 101