AliExpress Winter Sale Promo Codes valid from 11/01 @ 7pm AEDT
USD | Promo Code |
$3 off $30 | AEWCS0330 |
$3 off $30 | BRUCE30 |
$7 off $70 | BRUCE70 |
$8 off $80 | TUDO80 |
$10.17 off $100 | ABCSAVINGSWS |
$10.17 off $100 | GSGWS |
AliExpress Winter Sale Promo Codes valid from 11/01 @ 7pm AEDT
USD | Promo Code |
$3 off $30 | AEWCS0330 |
$3 off $30 | BRUCE30 |
$7 off $70 | BRUCE70 |
$8 off $80 | TUDO80 |
$10.17 off $100 | ABCSAVINGSWS |
$10.17 off $100 | GSGWS |
What are you buying?
Cordless Air duster for PC
Some type C cables
Deepcool RGB Converter
Jonsbo Graphics card holder
Other cheap bits n pices. All up $90USD
Any links on your type-C to share?
These coupons are so much worse than a flat 10% discount because you need to get exactly the amount to get the full discount before it immediately tapers.
For example:
$3 off 30:
Spend $30 -> $27 total - 10% off
Spend $40 -> $37 total - 8.1% off
Spend $49 -> $46 total - 6.5% off
Spend $50 -> $45 total - 10% off <—-cheaper than the $49 level
So unless you can land exactly on the discount level you are losing discount.
It pretty much balances out once you include GST to it as well.
yeah regressive border tax and a math demonstration that makes clear the federal treasurer is either mathematically incompetent or just not honest
these are Ali Express coupons… also should you not be storming the capital?
@misu p: 'Misu a (Chinese: 麵線; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: mī-sòaⁿ), also spelled mee sua or miswa, are a very thin variety of salted noodles made from wheat flour. It originated in Fujian, China. The noodles differ from mifen (rice vermicelli) and cellophane noodles in that those varieties are made from rice and mung beans, respectively.'
Does anyone know if you can use these vouchers more than once?
For example, splitting a USD60 order into 2 x USD30 orders and maximise savings with code "AEWCS0550"
Arh nevermind…. the AEWCS0550 code has a typo in the table. It should be $5 off $50, rather than the $5 off $30.
Oops… it should be $5 off $50, thanks. Pretty sure promo codes are single use only, although someone mentioned it could be used twice, so your guess is as good as mine :)
Are the codes limited? I find AliExpress often limits codes to the first x number of customers, which means you're competing against millions.
Yes they're limited and sometimes reset each day. The popular codes $5 off $35 & $7 off $50 usually expire within the first hour. What I do is get my cart ready during the day and at 7pm complete the purchase.
To earn cashback, you should empty your cart before click through the site.
Yes forgot about that :)
@tommypickles: Cashrewards & Shopback. Need to ensure it's an affiliated product using this checker for it to be eligible.
@adr8: My first time using Aliexpress.
Will cashback (SB or CR) still work with these codes?
I'm looking at a roughly $300 watch so hoping for cashback of close to $15 (5%) which is probably close to the US$12 discount.
Not exactly this. I have multiple items sitting in my cart at all times, and there are always a few still sitting there even after I check out (a save-for-later type arrangement). Just make sure that you have all items unticked in any browser window you have open. The checkout should reflect $0. To be safe, close those windows/tabs. THEN click through from Cashrewards and launch a new AliExpress window, go to checkout. Now you can tick the items you want to purchase in that session and check out.
Last delivery from Ali took 2 months and counting…. pass
Did you even read the description? Also there's the big letters in blue banner 'Later Today'
AliExpress Winter Sale Promo Codes valid from 11/01 @ 7pm AEDT
Most the above codes have expired but:
TUDO80 = $10.54aud ($8usd) off $80+usd spend
BRUCE70 = $9.22aud ($7usd) off $70+usd spend
BRUCE30 = $3.95aud ($3usd) off $30+usd spend
BRUCE30 and AEWCS0330 don't work
Cool, $8 saving is better than nothing