• expired

[QLD] Free Delivery on All Restaurants in Greater Brisbane (No Min Spend, $3 Fee Under $15, Excludes KFC & Taco Bell) @ DoorDash

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Update: App still showing free delivery for me…. and just placed another order for a drink with free delivery


Doordash is offering free delivery for all orders for residents in Greater Brisbane, as per article

Excludes: KFC & Taco Bell

Credits to ireadtermsofuse for pointing it out

Enjoy & Stay Safe

Mod: According to Oscinator you can use the group order option to order at KFC & Taco Bell.

Referral Links

Referral: random (674)

Referee gets $1 off first 1 or 2 orders over $15/$20. Referrer gets $1 credit once referee places an order over $20.

Check the web page heading before joining as there are multiple sign up offers.


$400 Bonus for referrer and referee if referee does a certain amount of deliveries.

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closed Comments

  • Any suggestion on the best code for new Doordash users?

    • +1

      probably referral code atm, I dont think they have any other promotions

    • +8

      Last time I used doordash via the Nandos website the driver did the dodgy.

      He collected my order from the store and called me not long after, said he called me by accident, said was ment to call the store. Then about 1 minute later doordash website tracker changed to order cancelled and I was no longer able to call the driver.
      Doordash customer service wouldn't help cause I didn't order directly through them and the Nando's store couldn't help either.
      Pretty much the doordash driver got a free dinner for his family that night and got away scott free.

      Wouldn't recommend Doordash lots of bad reviews about them.

      • Same thing happened to me today, ordered via Nando's site, delivered by doordash driver and the driver seems to have taken the chips.
        Nando's gave me a $10 voucher.

      • -4

        What are you on about?

        Nandos doesn't have a DoorDash delivery via their website. If you ordered via the Nandos website, and you didn't get your meal you should get in touch with them and get the meal replaced or the money back - how do you not realise that is the case?

        • +1

          While you're right that they should have sorted their issues with Nandos and not DoorDash, they do use DD for their deliveries. Pretty sure they're partnered.

        • +2

          Nandos uses Doordash as their delivery partner dude.

        • +1

          Took 3 weeks to eventually get a refund out of Nando's. The store were ment to chase it but didn't hear a peep back from them.
          I sent Nando's a emailing as directed by there support page but never heard back. So sent them a message on Facebook messenger. That got the ball rolling.

      • sound dodgy as, one of my work mate ordered through doordash and came his break time no food delivered, mobile number given didn't exist. He rang up and doordash said they couldn't get any driver, seemed they gave customer bogus number if the area had no driver around, and even persuaded the poor bloke to take doordash credit as refund.

  • +4

    3 days, will we survive?

    • +5

      clearly not with the number of people leaving the area, 40km/hr on a 100km/hr motorway

      • +13

        Thats so nuts.

        Whether you agree or not with their handing; if it spreads we'll have hard enforced long lockdowns.

        The selfishness is horrendous.

        • +13

          It's THREE DAYS PEOPLE. Honestly I'm incredibly glad our premier is a hardass and shuts our borders at the drop of a hat. This crazy lot over east seems hell bent on sharing the love.

          • +1

            @incipient: i heard the news at 8:45 a.m. by 9:30 a.m. coles was chock a block.

          • -1

            @incipient: lol, this incident almost happened to WA just few days ago with that paramedic saga. It could happen to any states, except ACT and TAS.

          • -2

            @incipient: they have obviously learnt from the melb lockdwon, best to be over prepared or suffer

      • +4

        its highly unlikely that the majority of people leaving are doing so in response to this lockdown, considering the timing. its much more likely that theyre just trying to get out before 6 p.m. a lot of businesses sent their staff home this morning, so the congestion is caused by an earlier and more severe peak hour. btw that highway is congested heavily every friday evening

      • +3

        Yeah, pretty much the same as every day southbound at this time.

    • +18

      you forgot that this one case has the UK strain which is apparently 70% more infectious.

      plus, it all starts with one case, then quadruples, sexdecuples, centuples, milluples

        • +18

          it’s based on science. The UK strain is more infectious and there is data to prove that. These premiers are doing it to protect the community and prevent outbreaks which may end up out of control.

          I’m sure most Australians don’t want our country to end up like the hot mess that the US is in. Most people would rather sacrifice a relatively short lockdown for longer freedom, than no lockdown with full freedom + 200k daily coronavirus cases + 5k daily deaths (imagine if it was your family member)

          With great power comes great responsibility.

        • the UK strain apparently made its way back to china. some guy infected 30 people just walking past them. insane if true

    • +8

      Dan wasn't that bad.
      Least he shows his face unlike Morrison who is too busy pushing through an anthem change during a pandemic.

    • +2

      Better than Dan


    • +6

      Instead of locking down an area, they should fix their rubbish quarantine system.

      • Yeah that sounds like how Victoria did it haha

        • +2

          "Oh my, what a surprise, one of our quarantine staff who are in constant close contact with quarantined people has caught it, what a surprise! Better shut down the whole of Brisbane lol". Our tax money hard at work.

          • @brendanm: Agreed.
            Nice to see it used for the pubic good for once.
            So much is often wasted.

            • +2

              @MasterScythe: The public good of letting people wander out of quarantine facilities with covid, and subsequently lock down an entire city? You have a weird version of good.

              • @brendanm: No, sorry; I was referring to the response, not the cause.

                • +1

                  @MasterScythe: They can use our tax dollars to compensate all the poor Brisbane business owners, who have to shut their door because of government incompetence

                  • +2

                    @brendanm: Nice, that's good news.

                    • -2

                      @MasterScythe: Nice, you can't have an actual conversation.

                      • @brendanm: I just agreed it's good that they can use our tax dollars for that.

                        Far too used to an argument i guess, someones agreeing for once, haha.

                        • @MasterScythe: They don't use our tax dollars for that.

                          • @brendanm: I assume that's why you said they can not that they are?

                            If not tax, like you claim,
                            Wherever they've pulled the money from to prop up my business this year, i'm extremely grateful.

                            From rent relief, to job keeper, to the payments theyve provided the bank to allow loans to stay frozen.
                            I cant ask for more.
                            All those are still in effect this weekend.

                            • @MasterScythe: They pulled it from the money printer.

                              Most businesses in SEQ were operating basically as normal until yesterday, now they are making $0, with the exception of Coles and Woolies.

                              They didn't make payments to banks to "freeze" loans. You are still accruing interest while not paying.

                              Jobkeeper doesn't make a business any money if they have no one coming into the store because of a lock down. It paid $700 or so to employees.

                              • @brendanm:

                                Most businesses in SEQ were operating basically as normal until yesterday, now they are making $0.

                                Most? Are we really that foolish a population?That was a huge mistake!

                                First thing I did when a pandemic was declared was to move to a 12 month interest free loan, take out income insurance, and modify my business to be able to operate on a take away or online model.
                                Not efficiently, but better than $0, thats for sure.

                                With almost 12 months warning, and worldwide examples, if 3 days of closure reduces your income to zero, its worth looking at your model again.

                                Exception of course being live entertainment; for them my genuine condolences.

                                That said, my mate who owns a few strip clubs expanded into online and dvd recordings of live shows and 'take away' alcohol.

                                Another mate who owns a pick-and-pay wrecking yard moved into online sales and employed staff to do the picking, creating a few more jobs :D

                                Honestly, 11-12 months is quite an acceptable preparation time.

                                It's a shame things happened, but between this "money printer" you speak of, and taxes, as you say, they can use those to prop people if the economy shows a downturn.

                                All i did was agree with you.

                                The ability to use taxes to help is a good power to have, lets hope they dont need to use it.
                                Personally id prefer taxes repair and enhance public facilities.

                                • @MasterScythe:

                                  First thing I did when a pandemic was declared was to move to a 12 month interest free loan, take out income insurance, and modify my business to be able to operate on a take away or online model.
                                  Not efficiently, but better than $0, thats for sure.

                                  Congrats, you've moved your losses 12 months to the future.

                                  With almost 12 months warning, and worldwide examples, if 3 days of closure reduces your income to zero, its worth looking at your model again.

                                  I'm not in Brisbane, and don't own my own business, but where I work, we had our best year ever last year, same as lots of others I know of, and talk to. So yes, most (apart from food and entertainment), are doing just fine, until they have rubbish like this lockdown.

                                  • @brendanm:

                                    Congrats, you've moved your losses 12 months to the future.

                                    How do you figure?

                                    With no interest, and yearly inflation, my loan should be of less value (debt) in 12 months.

    • There is far more than one case. Watch the news in the morning

      • I'm sure there's been loads of unsymptomatic and undiagnosed cases. We know that through the detected traces in our sewerage

  • +1

    Real slim pickings on door dash if you’re more out in the burbs compared to Uber eats or menulog…

  • +4

    this is good .. the usual morons went to (mod: edited) the supermarkets the moment it was announced.. went to get some milk and a few dinner items (which was planned the other day) find there was 80 people lined up just to get in (at 11:20am) so i just left and went home .. mate up the road said he went in at 10am and all the toilet paper, bread, meat, 2 min noodles etc were sold out already.. so doordash was my go to backup, good to see i can widen my food options with some free delivery.

    • +8

      The lineup at Woolworth's in Garden City at around noon was at least 100 people long. Just goes to prove that 99% of the populace is mentally deficient

      • +1

        its called game theory, you don't hoard you lose

  • +4

    Thanks to whoever's referral I used. Got a Grill'd burger, and large zuc fries for $10.19c delivered. Not even worth me cooking dinner at that price :)

    • I thought you got some Facebook fries lol. Thanks for the suggestion - love me some grill’d

  • +3

    Don't recommend DoorDash, delivery takes a long time and the customer service isn't great. We've ordered a few times and 2 of the orders took over 90 mins to arrive (live inner city). Food was stone cold and DoorDash do very little.

    • +4

      I can't agree more, use anything but DoorDash

      • Frequent late deliveries (drivers going the wrong direction/getting lost, I currently live in Reservoir, no reason this should happen)
      • Issues with their website blocking my orders (super aggressive anti-fraud measures)
      • and literally the worst customer support I've ever had the displeasure of contacting. (I'm still trying to sort this one out months after my initial issue, and getting my cases closed, ignored, or being given bad advice)
      • Yep bad experience them too. Funnily enough I live in Kingsbury, next to Reservoir.

        The place I ordered from said there were constant issues. My issue was, as I found out the next morning, that my food was dropped to my next door neighbours.

    • +2

      Man, I have no idea how this happens unless the driver is doing dodgy things like multi-apping or messing about. As a DoorDash driver, I make sure the the food goes straight into my thermal bag once I get to my car and drive straight to the address listed. It's really not rocket science - never had any major issues. Sometimes the app will put the driver on a double delivery if it is super busy, but the two customers will always be relatively close together with little chance of the food getting delivered in an unacceptable state.

  • If you want free KFC Delivery Fee click "Start Group Order"

    • How does that work? Do I need to order with someone?

      • No, you click the Group Order button and free delivery starts working.

        • It doesn't seem to work :/

  • -2


    • +2

      Is that the code we enter if we want the doordash driver to take a bite out of our burger?

  • +6

    Nice to see Door Dash excluding Taco Bell and KFC to respect the inevitable toilet paper shortages.

    • You need Chipoltaway (or at least the local variety)

  • -1

    I know it sounds sanctimonious, but I make it a point not to order Uber Eats et al. During lockdowns.

    I feel like making someone risk their health just so I can have a burger isn't something I could live with.

    • -4

      well they wont die unless they are super old or weak its more like they risk getting covid and have to go through the formal process of quarantining and being on the media which is a huge inconvenience and maybe embarrassing. But honestly they need to make money somehow so it actually supports them. They put themselves in that situation and are completely fine doing what they are doing

    • -4

      Oh noes, they only have a 99.998% survival chance………………….

      • -2

        I don't know why people down voted you but that is an actual fact

        • +1

          Is it really a fact though…?

          • @Chocobros: Only if the person is 0-1years of age.

            Everyone over 2 falls into the 3% (or greater) category.

    • You're a better man than I.

    • People go out and among the very scary world every single day for no reason at all.

    • But surely one interaction at someone's home that is even no contact (ie. leave at door) is better than that person going to the supermarket for food and interaction with 100s of people?

  • Hmmm… going by how chock-o-block the M1 was southbound this arvo I don't think anybody is left in Brissie.

    • Can't believe that hey. Did they miss the memo advising anyone who'd been in Brisbane since Jan 2 to stay put even if they're out of town?

  • People really can't stand being inside for 3 days? weak.

  • Thank OP, Lunch and dinner sorted

  • Used them once and never again. 2 hours for a pizza joint 2km up the road and came stone cold.

    • Use them to buy from reject shop with referral $20 items for $5 plus free delivery

    • +1

      lol you should blame the restaurant not the driver

  • yeah, id avoid in peak times….doordash do the sneaky and double stack orders without telling the customer. tracked a driver go out a peninsular near me yesterday, and when I asked him if he got lost, he said "nope, I had another one to drop off first". My food was cold, and my drink was warm.

  • -2

    no min spend but orders under $15 incur a $3 fee anyway…

    • new users can get $15 off $20 spend + free delivery via referral. Is that better for you?

  • Accidentally signed up without clicking through referral. Don’t make the same mistake I did because you can’t get the $15 off after sign up :(

  • +1

    Gave them a go. Order received in 20minutes. Was quoted 30min. Watched the driver, he delivered elsewhere first. Can’t complain.

  • I signed up through Frugal, but I don't see any credit? Will it apply after I create an order?***

    All good, applied at checkout!

  • Do the referral credits ever expire?

    • like the credits for the referrer? I don’t think those does, but the $15 off $20 spend for the referee might have an expiry date because that’s technically a promo

      • Yeah referrer ones.. thanks

  • Can someone explain the service fee please? I ordered yesterday and on checkout there was a 3% service fee. No mention of it before, but fair enough I guess.

    Today when I was going to order, there was a 21% service fee that was added at the very end! What?

    Is there a system so that I know what fee will be added where so I don't waste time putting together an order only to get a completely different price when trying to order?

    • I guess it depends on the store. Some stores do surcharges for Sunday? I placed an order just then and my fee was like 70 cents ($25 order)

      • It's not a surcharge from the store. It's a service fee "to keep door dash operating". I've tried several stores now and about half is 3% and half 21%. Really annoying.

        • Maybe because it’s peak time now? Maybe try in an hour or two

  • the app still shows free delivery for all restaurants today too.. is it just me?

  • Mark as expired now?

    • Yes sir

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