Good price, historic low, very good game that's worth a play
[PS4] 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim US$29.99 (~A$38.60) @ PlayStation Store USA

Last edited 08/01/2021 - 09:52 by 1 other user
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Saw great reviews on this game. what's the game like…?
I'm wondering the same thing.
I've read some really good write ups on it, it made quite a few lists of best games of 2020, but I'm still not clear on what, exactly, it is. Seems like a mix of visual novel and turn based strategy? I like the strategy bit, not such a fan of visual novels, so I'm curious as to what the ratio between the two is, and if there are other elements in addition to those two.
I haven't played it, but have heard a lot about it. Apparently all the goodness is in the visual novel part, with the gameplay just being perfunctory. Recently on a KindaFunny discussion of the game, the gameplay was described as "the popcorn you get when you go to the movies" - as in, it's not what you're there for, but just something nice that goes along with the main event. The visual novel part is meant to be great though.
Kinda funny fan checking in.
Do you recall what episode that was?
I would say the ratio is half-half.
There are gate-locks so you can only advance the story part so far before needing to advance the strategy bit, and vice versa.
Don’t be put off by the ‘visual novel’ aspect, the story is very engaging and players do get control over the characters. So it’s more like puzzle gameplay instead of click-to-advance.My quick review:
Strategy aspect is enjoyable, has just the right depth without overwhelming players with mechanics.
Soundtrack is stellar.
Story is absolutely fantastic if you’re at all into sci-fi, lots of pop culture references. Amazing how they intertwine 13 narratives and it works.
No fan service.
It's a story adventure game - like a visual novel but you have to replay scenarios and do different things to progress the story.
You play as 13 different characters who each have interwoven stories that each riff off SciFi tropes. It's like ET meets Pacific Rim meets Inception meets Madoka Magica meets Source Code and many more SciFi stories. It's a crazy mishmash of so many ideas that somehow just works and the less you know about it the better IMO.
The crazy part is you get to choose which order you play each characters story in - there are locks in place so you don't get too far ahead in any singular story. Somehow the pacing is still great despite this too.
About maybe about 20% of the time you'll be playing through Destruction mode which is an RTS base defense mode with pauses for you to make decisions and move things around. It's okay, if a little easy until the very end but you can play on hard mode if you do want a challenge.
It's a great game that I enjoyed and definitely should've won best narrative last year for the sheer scale and interconnectedness of its story alone.
It's fantastic.
There are two main 'modes' to the game - 'Remembrance', which is a visual novel type of thing that makes up the main story of the game, and 'Destruction', which is real-time strategy battles. You can switch between the two pretty much at your leisure. The real-time strategy is decent, I found it enjoyable and a little challenging when playing on the hard difficulty, but the story is where the game really shines. You control 13 different protagonists and can progress through their interconnected stories in pretty much whatever order you like (with some exceptions), slowly unravelling a sci-fi mystery. The gameplay during those sections is a bit light on, consisting mainly of walking around 2D environments, talking to characters, interacting with items or exploring your characters' thoughts. The game also has an 'Analysis' section which lets you view notes on the things you've come across in the game and revisit the timeline of events that you've seen, to help you piece together the story.
I thought the story was great, there's a lot going on and I thought the non-linear progression worked really well. Definitely worth a look.
Same Devs as Odin Sphere and Dragon's Crown.
Dragon's Crown is amazing, haven't played much of Odin's Sphere but it looks fantastic art wise.I think gameplay will be somewhere between those 2.
I’ve played (and enjoyed) OS but not DC.
They are all good games but you may be surprised if you expect similar gameplay.
See my post above for a quick breakdown.
Also worth checking out youtube reviews.
Is this one of those sexy visual novels?
Not one of "those" like senran kagura etc.
The games listed above are excellent RPG action games albeit Dragon's Crown did draw some criticism for its overly sexualised art for some of the characters. Most games press/reviews talk about getting over that and enjoying it for the brilliant game it isNo, it's not sexy at all.
It's a sci-fi plot occuring across a few different time periods. 13 characters brought together with intervweaving plot lines all trying to save their world(s).
I'd view it as a cross between Ender's Game and the Matrix with time travel.
Paid $45 for it delivered off Amazon US (via AU) - for those who prefer a physical copy.
When did you buy it? It's showing as $83.78 for me just now.
About 2 weeks ago. Prices on amazon seem to fluctuate often.
It sure does. Would have been nice to get a physical copy, but I ended up caving in to this deal.
Game looks great so far, Vanillaware delivers yet again!
noob question, but is it just a case of signing up for a US-based account to access US store pricing?
Yeah just make a US account
And on your console designate that (USA) account as primary. Then you can play logged into your AU PSN
Also Target USA with PayPal is my go to for Eshop and PSN cards
Long time since I did it so I'm not sure if this has changed, but set your made up details to a non-tax state (I use Montana) to avoid paying extra
I used California because the only US postcode I knew was 90210 :D
Nice find (is $66.96 on AUS PSN, sale price -_- )