This was posted 4 years 2 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

HP Reverb G1 Windows Mixed Reality Headset $485 + Delivery @ Skycomp


Half the price of the newer G2, I figured this is probably a better deal for those needing high resolution VR (cockpit games especially)

Skycomp no longer accepts click and collect so delivery costs are necessary

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Euch. What's with stores closing CnC permanently? PC Case Gear did it and they've permanently lost my business because Scorptec is literally down the road on both sides.

    • I agree with you - it's a shame that I find Scorptec to be more expensive most of the time over PCCG though :(

      • +1

        I consider my time a lot more valuable than the 2% extra they charge though. I shouldn't have to wait 3+ days (after it's shipped) for it to arrive when I'm <20km from them.

  • Is this just the headset alone? How good is this for the price?

    • +1

      I have this and bought from these guys earlier.

      It comes with the controllers, which are rubbish by the way. Not anywhere near the comfort or quality of oculus. However, the headset is clearer than any oculus (in my opinion).

      I paid a bit over $500 for mine about 6months ago.

      I now have the G2 and would say this (G1) is good enough for PC sim (and value).

      I have the Quest 2 for controller games.

      • Alright thank you so much, I will seriously consider buying this, as I have been looking into some VR headsets.

  • Don’t think they sold the headset without the wands/sticks. Have this headset, and it’s very, very good. It “just works” and doesn’t need supporting software like Oculus (nor are you walled into their garden/FB requirements - former DK1 and CV1 owner).

    Using this headset currently for PC2, SW Squadrons (absolutely insane with a VR headset!) and the new Flight Sim (same again).

    Read some reports that the G2 isn’t a massive leap forward, so can’t see any issues with buying this. I’m running it with no issues on a 1080 and whatever standard CPU that was around when that card came out.

    • How does this work? Do you still need to set up a full room to get the VR experience with external sensors, etc. Or is it all integrated in the headset/controllers now?

      Been a few years since I looked at VR Technology!

      • +1

        No external sensors required. It's got sensors on the head unit so the only inconvenience is the cable from headset to PC

      • Most headsets released in the last 2 years track without external sensors, the cameras on them just track contrasting objects in your room. Vive and Index are the main exceptions.

  • +4

    I've owned this for about a year, and the G2 for a couple weeks. This is absolutely better value for money if you don't need the IPD adjustment (this is fixed at 64mm).

    The G2 is a marginal improvement in some respects (audio, comfort, cable length/bulk, clarity at the centre of the lens) but a downgrade in others (FOV, clarity outside centre of the lens). It's not twice as good a headset by any means.

    In terms of WMR's major weak points (controller tracking, software) they are both the same. The extra cameras on the G2 only improve tracking over your shoulder, tracking in front of you or with your arms down is still just as bad (much worse than on Quest 2). I wouldn't buy either of these headsets if your primary use case are games that make use of the motion controllers.

    But if all you care about is simulators, this is a good deal. I also own a Quest 2 and this looks better, sounds better, is more comfortable and has wider FOV. Again, provided you're within 2-3mm to either side of the fixed IPD.

    • 100% agree with this. I also have both the G1 and G2, and would say the G1 offers a sim/cockpit experience that is 95% that of the G2.

      For reference, my IPD is 67mm, and I still prefer the overall clarity of the G1 (which is a fixed 63) over what I get in the G2 (where the edges are crazy blurry).

    • can these be worn with glasses as does a fixed IPD matter if you wear glasses?

    • +1

      I'll just quickly throw in a different G1 —> G2 upgrade experience for some perspective.

      I find the colour, contrast and clarity compared to the G1 on a different level. The resolution numbers may be the same but whatever sorcery Valve imbued the new lenses with is incredibly impressive. It just looks and feels like a more premium panel. Is it worth double the price though? For most people probably not. But the experience is significantly more immersive and for me that alone was worth the upgrade.

      • This is using one of the modded faceplates which removes the gap for glasses wearers btw. It makes a world of difference for field of view and clarity across the frame.
      • Are you able to link the modification you have used to get increased clarity? I just picked up a G2 and do not wear glasses, so what your talking about sounds amazing.

        • +1

          There's a few different options on Thingiverse now. I went with the popular Jewcookie mod and gave the .stl file to a guy at work who printed it for me, but you can order online from a printing shop for a fee. I bought a set of 3 Vive facepads from AliExpress for $10 that took about 3 weeks to arrive (plenty of costlier options on Amazon and eBay). The magnets are from eBay.

          Highly recommend testing it first by removing the faceplate and seeing if it improves your viewing experience any. The mod brings your eyes closer to the optics by over 1cm which can have a transformative effect, but not everyone has the same experience due to factors such as facial features/characteristics, etc.

    • G2 says it was developed in collaboration with Valve.

      What about the G1? What's the Steam compatibility on that like?

      • +1

        Valve designed the optics on the G2. As for Steam integration it's the same experience for all WMR headsets: Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR

  • +1

    I would love to get into VR sims, I play ETS2/ATS (with wheels) and FSX (with joystick) mostly. Would the G1 be great for this? I can see plenty of G2 reviews on Youtube but not many G1s. Cheers!

    • +3

      Yep, G1 is great for sims.

  • Any G1 + G2 owners who play Elite Dangerous?

    If so, how do the blacks compare in that dark abyss we call space?

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