Timely reminder to check your deals before you buy

I saw the Scoopon deal for two ABL baseball tix for $24, with a value of $75. I was interested and time was running short (although they have extended the deal now). I was more interested in what dates were on offer when I went to the ticket website. I checked the dates, then the prices. two adult tix are $20, 1A 1C are $15. The deal also includes a ball and keyring, but I would not attribute $55 to those.


closed Comments

  • +1

    Yep the law needs to come down on 'value' deals.

    It's like when you buy a showbag at the show and they claim its a $x value. When really the contents are worth less than the value of the bag but they'll throw in some sort of blow up object you can't buy in the shops and claim it has a ridiculously high 'value'.

    basically you should research ALL deals before buying.

  • +1

    I'm all for supporting the ABL but that deal is fairly ordinary. The tickets in Melbourne are $12 each online. A baseball from Fielder's choice costs around $10 for the most expensive one. Perhaps the official ABL balls are more expensive. Apparently the ABL buys the keyrings for $.10. You can't imagine that's more than $10. $44 at most in value.

    You are better off buying direct from the ABL, where at least they get all the money instead of a split with Scoopon. I guess if anything the ABL has gotten some free advertising.

  • Much like the deal on spreets today -


    A good deal, $599 discounted to $249..
    But you can go online to

    and buy the same thing for $359.
    And I know, that doesn't include shipping, but milandirect have free shipping like every second week!!…

    And Spreets is still cheaper but the "value" is a bit much I feel.

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