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Equal to lowest historical price according to Camels.
Get the answers you have been searching for.
Equal to lowest historical price according to Camels.
Crap comment.
it's squidgyly good. i think it was <=$10 at big w or kmart a couple of years ago.
Can find this in any TAFE library with the other Plumbing textbooks.
Thanks for the info that bigw is selling at the same price. But what's with the speculation about which retail outlet is price matching which other retail outlet? Don't understand the fascination… 😎
It’s well known that Amazon oftens matches other retailers’ sale prices.
Nacho’s just pointing out the likely source of the price drop this time, and provide people with more options to buy from at the same time.
Because if some people don't support the business that Amazon price matched, they wont be there in the future for Amazon to price match and we all get shat on.
Yes. Thank you zonra.
Important for items under $39 for people without Prime
Please ask them to price match that shit…
What is Poo?
That stuff you tread on in the park
Leftist agenda.
right wing conspiracy theory
Yep that too.
Melbourne Demons FC
This thing is brown and sticky.
Next Jeopardy question pls.
Baby don't hurt me
No more…
Can't add it to the cart. Might be sold out.
Says $15.86 now
It's at big w $5 now
It would be awesome if they made this a "scratch and sniff " book. It would teach the kiddies so much more, especially if it had a cat in it :-) .
Alternatively, watch the movie ‘The Human Centipede’
Bought 3 copies from Bigw great gifts for a laugh
We already have a copy for my 3yo who kept asking about poo, would you believe
im still trying to figure it out so this would be good
I'll wait for the scratch and sniff edition.
"Cor! This book smells like shit"
*Basil looks at book
"It is shit, Austin"
"Oh good, then it's not just me"
What is Poo?
Anyone Winnie a honey?
Just bought one now $5 from big w - pickup
Got delivered today, has to be one of the best quality board book I have come across.
That was quick, thanks for the info.
Back again at $5.
Thanks OP. Ordered at $5.
Literal $hit-post?