I recently got an Apple Watch SE from Qantas store points deal and this morning (after shower) I dropped the watch onto bathroom floor and it got cracked. Since it’s fairly new (less than 3months old) could it be repaired under the Apple warranty? Which I think it wouldn’t be because of the accidental damage caused. Then what would be the best option to get it repaired for free?
Or should I just sell at ebay as is?
My New Apple Watch Got Cracked

Yeah, you ain't getting THAT fixed for free….you broke it. If you buy a car then crash it do you expect to get that fixed FREE too? You're delusional if you think yes.
"Accidental damage isn’t covered by Apple Warranty. The out-of-warranty cost to replace an Apple Watch with an accidentally damaged screen depends on your Apple Watch model. If your screen cracks due to a manufacturing issue, it’s covered by the Apple warranty and consumer law."
Only AppleCare covers accidental damage, plus the service fee.
"I dropped the watch onto bathroom floor and it got cracked."
Physical damaged isn't covered under warranty, so your assumption is correct (Zero chance of Apple repairing it for free).
Then what would be the best option to get it repaired for free?
You cracked the screen and you think someone will fix it for free for you? No, people don’t just cover your mistakes.
If you take it to an Apple store to get it fixed for free then you would be dreaming that they would even touch it!Best option is to sell it on gumtree or eBay or fb marketplace as is
Did you buy AppleCare+ to cover Accidental Damage?
$339 or $389 (cellular) to get apple to fix it
Unfortunately I have no AppleCare+. I’ve never thought I would need this.
Noone ever does.
Really? About 50% of the iPhones I see around are cracked (and people seem to have accepted the crack as part of the design). I wouldn't expect the watch to be any different, although I don't own any Apple products apart from a Macbook Pro, which is less likely (and less vulnerable) to fall(s).
Some have glass screen protectors applied, but never bother to replace it until the cracks grow larger.
I like to believe people are more careful with their phones, but then again…
Macbook Pro
Buying AppleCare for a MBP pays for its weight in gold. 🤟
Buy it now and claim… Easy
"In most countries and regions, you can buy AppleCare+ within 60 days of your device purchase."
Activated the watch on 11/11/2020 so it’d be eligible to join the AppleCare.
But Apple know now that I have the accidental incident from today’s chatting.@Unacceptable: Yep, way better than selling it as is and also get covered for another accident you have as well
Hello fraud department. Can I help you…
That is fraud. Think about that a minute. For the sake of one item you risk a hell of a lot and begin what could be ultimately a very bad habit which could end very badly. What next? House “burgled” because you need a new TV?
Gravity, Apple owners worse enemy.
Gravity and apples do have history together.
well said
Arrows and apples too.
Get a screen protector and keep using it as is.
Get a screen protector
Too late, Should have told OP earlier
The screen protector is to stop the crack from getting bigger and reduce the chance of water ingress.
True, but OP should have had a screen protector all along. I don't know why I don't have one on mine, I put one on once and its just garbage, Luckily I have had no accidents. I just might have good luck but my advice to other people is just to get a screen protector
@jayboi: Be careful for yourself. I only accidentally dropped to the tile floor from my knee height, manoeuvred to drop to my foot first before hitting the floor but it cracked.
Got Cracked
Sorry, came here to think, you gotten jailbreak on your watch.
That's bad luck. If you replace the watch, get one of these protectors to put on top. Once it's on, it's barely noticeable AND it doesn't interfere with the display like some other protectors.
The entitlement is next level here to think that one could break an item and expect someone else to fix it for free.
When did society get like this?
About the same time "Did you just assume… my gender?" rolled on in..
just buy apple care and claim the accidental damage. it'll cost you money but still cheaper than their normal repair fees
That’s fraud
The customer is still paying for the repair of damage. Apple is a trillion dollar company and them losing out in $100 for a repair is not a loss for them.
There are some very devious and crafty people on this forum!
It's a reflection of society and most of us see it through the lens of our phone/tablet/computer/tv screens, feels closer in forums.
IRL we may have a sheltered lifestyle (hang with like minded people), probably a good thing!
OP's eg."see if I am going to be ripped off by pressing order button" 🤷
You talking about Apple then yes.. yes they are.
Ok you had some bad luck. Everybody says boo-hoo and get over it. Qantas were discounting it at a good price too. Here’s what I would do: I’d go to an Apple store tell them you have a home full of Apple gear, that you are super careful with everything and this has broken your heart. Ham it up. Apple staff do have a heart and love to look after loyal customers who are straight with them. I have had multiple devices replaced as a “one off” with this very approach. You have nothing to lose. Also they are short on time with pandemic restrictions so it may be easier to please you than to tell you to go to hell. Give it a go.
Best reply!!
It’s always worth a try. Let us know how you go. Worst case scenario you wasted 15 minutes going to the store. Also if they don’t do it then second best option is to quickly buy AppleCare and get it fixed. Also remember when you go to the store try and make it feel as though you are the most loyal Apple customer and always buy from them, tell them that you were hoping that it would be more durable than a fall from knee height.
Honesty (and a bit of acting for dramatic effect) is the best policy.
Only problem i see with this approach is Apple usually straight away look up your Apple ID and can see all your devices you have against your account (or lack of)
No they don’t. They are usually way too busy and there is probably a privacy issue with doing that anyway. The staff have discretion and they enjoy using it as it seems to give them a buzz too. From my experience anyway.
Theres not a privacy issue with that at all. As soon as the apple employee registers your device for repair or looks it up in the system they have full access to all devices registered against your apple ID right there on the screen.
Im not saying this approach wont work, as it most certainly will (ive done it before, however i have countless apple products) but you just need to be aware of this point. I'd keep a backup excuse up the sleeve and just tell them that all the products in the house are registered against your wife/husbands account.
Apple Watch … so your first port of call is Ozbargain.
Why wouldn't you contact Apple, themselves, the makers of the watch?
Problem is, you bought an Apple product. Nothing wrong with a Garmin Fenix or Suunto Alpha and they can survive a little drop onto the bathroom floor. Live and learn…
My Garmin Forerunner fell out my apartment window once when I was trying to set the GPS and it still lived to tell the tale!
Sign up for apple care ASAP.
It’ll work out a lot cheaper
good luck with it getting repaired for free.