This was posted 4 years 2 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[eBook] Barefoot Investor for Families $6.99 @ Amazon AU

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I stumbled across the Kindle version of the Barefoot Investor for Families is reduced to $6.99. Unsure of sales period.

Hard copy editions are $19 at Kmart/Big W.

Great way to start 2021 off on the right foot.

From the website:
- The simple pocket money strategy that takes just three minutes a week
- The kitchen challenge that 'breaks the brat' and shows kids how good they've got it
- Helping your teen land their first job (even with zero experience)
- The $453 329 gift to your child that won't cost you a cent
- How to boost your kids into the property market with the 'Barefoot Ladder' strategy

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Another option could be to read MMM blog for free.…

    • Awsome blog. Thanks for the post. My biggest saving was on my mobile phone. When I finished my 24 month plan I switched to prepaid. Didn't need a new phone. In the first year I saved $600. I ended up with a $9.90 a monthly plan now. I've saved thousands every year. NBN is another way to save money. Really we all don't need unlimited data plans when you look closly at how much data you actually use. They were my two biggest savings

  • +32

    Lesson to be learnt here. Take your product and repurpose it. Barefoot Investor for {Pensioners|Single Parents|Students|Families|Young Adults|Entrepreneurs|Children|Teenagers}.

    • +3

      This comment really isn’t fair on Barefoot TBH. This version of the book has quite a bit of content that is specifically for families with kids that isn’t found in the original book.

      • +2

        Very fair. Yes , you need to modify the content but how different is it really? It's much less work than creating a totally unique product. I'm not giving him shit. He's a very good business man. There's nothing wrong with repurposing products, it's the smart thing to do. I honestly believe there are people here who could be doing the same thing to make some extra coin.

    • +26

      The only book you'll ever need (updated yearly)

      • From what I have heard, digital versions get updates for free, and of course a minor recommendation or two relating to finance is not going to stay constant year after year..

        • I wonder if that's updates for a single version/edition for free OR yearly updates (e.g., 2019, 2020, 2021) — if any at all?

          Would be good to know!

        • +1

          Limited to corrections and improvements, not new editions:

          Update Your Kindle Book Version
          Receive the most updated version available for your Kindle books including corrections and improvements.


    • +4

      Sounds a bit like Nurofen making their products "targeted" when it's all the same thing lol

  • +20

    Barefoot Investor for Families

    Why ćant he afford shoes?

    • +9

      Isn't this the same comment you make everytime this deal gets posted?

      • +34

        This is the 2021 edition of the comment.

        • JV is that you?

      • +2

        Recycling is good for the environment

        • +2

          Aye, especially if it's garbage.

    • Why can't he afford shoes?

      Because he has a family

  • +3

    barefoot charlaton

  • +7

    The problem with these book guides or blogs are -people are impulsive. When presented with something shinny dangled in front of them they will happily park what they read and claim to follow and make that sweet purchase that they “deserve”. I mean they work so hard for it and they need those 100 eneloops.

    I guess what I’m saying is some people read this book swear by it, but then actually act in complete contradiction to the advice.

    • +9

      This is literally the point of book - to control the impulsive spending by allowing yourself to spend 10% of your income on anything you want, another 10% on holidays and such and then to remove your debt and build wealth with the 20% that should be left after living expenses.

      • +1

        Ok that makes sense. Keeping it simple and with limited shock to consumers. Aka they can still spend some money (10%) on wants.

        • +4

          Yeah, keeping it simple is definitely the main theme of the book. Something that it made me realise was that everything I was doing with our budget was way too complicated and my wife wasn't involved in the process at all because she hates spreadsheets. Changing to the barefoot method is basically set and forget and I feel like we are both equally involved now. If I die she won't have to try and figure out my spreadsheet lol.

    • Bit like school isn't it. You take all the information you researched and write a coherent essay. Pity most people gave that skill back once they are done with it, so they pay for all these books which is pulling research together.

      • +1

        Money Management isn't taught in schools. The curriculum teaches students less than useful subject to ensure that they become employable cogs. The only knowledge they really need is to know how to use resources to create wealth.

        • +2

          Spending money isn't taught in school yet most people have got A++++ mark.

          • @netjock: Spending isn’t a skill. Earning and growing, is.

            • @AlexF: If you call driving to your nearest shopping center / operating a computer, then having to setup facilities (credit cards, bank accounts, Paypal) to buy stuff not a skill.

              So you're just saying spending is a illness or disease you just catch through no fault of your own.

  • +12



    get it for FREE from your library (ebook/paperbook)

  • +4

    The $453 329 gift to your child that won't cost you a cent

    After paying for the book.

  • -5

    Just invest in etfs with proven track record and forget about anything else….this trashes book is not even worth 10 cents.

    • -2

      Or you could have just invested in BTC

      • +1

        And not have sold :-)

  • +1

    What's different on this years book ?? Well we put a 1 after it (LOUD TRON MUSIC PLAYING)

  • +12

    Great book, ignore the naysayers. I’ve bought it as a gift for many and everyone appreciates what it’s done for them.

    It’s easy to pass snide remarks on common knowledge without reading the books. I know for a fact it can change people’s financial life around, we’ll worth the 7$

    • +3

      Yes agree. For the Ozbargain community it may not be as good as people here are already on top of many of his ideas. Those outside of here normally find it a great read in my experience.

      I enjoyed the way he explains things etc but didn't learn much tbh.

      I prefer a different method personally, Spend what you want to spend but spend as little as possible.

    • Agree. Helped me.

      I think one book is enough though… Don't need every edition/variation

      • any physical one so i can write inside?

    • HISA though at 1.20% will be enough to pay for this book

  • +1

    Why are people still buying books on investing when all of this is information is regurgitated advice that is readily available on the internet?

    • +1

      People are too busy watch cat videos on the internet. That is why they pay for it as some kind of silver bullet solution.

  • +4

    I bought the 2020 edition … And could barely find any new content in the whole book. 90% were the same old stuff and recommendations. And he added disclaimer that some of the recommended options / products are now outdated and "we" should look into the latest to see what has changed. I thought that's why I bought the 2020 edition but seems I'm missing something

    • +2

      The changes are always minor, usually bits of advice that change. You would not get the 2020 version if you had the 2019 version etc, if at all.

      • I thought maybe with the pandemic, he would have put some effort as alot has changed when comparing 2019 to 2020 … it's not just a change in year. But I guess same as all the other re-packaged books he is putting out there, it's more of a marketing run.

    • 90% same content. What is why there is a new sucker born everyday. How to build wealth is centuries old skill. Some people keep buying books thinking this time it is different.

    • Fundamentals don’t change annually.

  • -6

    Flogging the proverbial dead horse eh??

    Why people give him money for this I will perhaps never understand… its just dumb?

    I guess many peeps are just hopeless like those quarantine escapees who run away whinging about lack of freedom and throwing hissy fits after soiling themselves

  • Did anyone manage to get the host plus superannuation index balance? It seems it’s only for smsf? The fee is very cheap. I am with AMP now and the fee is killing me.

    • +3

      First problem you need to solve is get out of AMP. Their fee and also hidden fees + lack of performance in their investment options is killing you.

      AMP was better as a mutual.

    • +1

      I'm with sun super. when I checked they were equally good

      • Which option /fund you take?

        • +1

          I forgot if it had a specific name… but made my own allocations based on the research at the time (couple of years old)… 35% Australian Shares, 17% International Shares - Index (hedged), 33% International shares - Index (unhedged), 5% emerging market and 10% diversified bonds - index.

  • +3

    The only financial advice I need is OzBargain. The savings on here at legit lol

    • +8

      The savings could be real, but so is the spending if you tend to buy stuff which you don't actually need.

      • Omg a good deal!! Quick!!! Hahaha I do actually love Ozbargin. I've saved so much money over the years. Combined with Cashrewards

  • Barefoot investor is no longer producing new content. I am sure the advice given previously is useful but don't expect to get new updates.…

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