Suggestions Appreciated for a Motorbike Helmet, Go Pro and Some Other Riding Gear

Hi all,

I have got a Kawasaki GPX 250 and am reasonably new to the riding world. I am looking for a solid and good quality motorbike helmet for a reasonable price. It doesn't have to have bells and whistles but should offer good protection.

Also wanting to get my hands on a Go Pro (or an equivalent brand) that I can attach onto the bike or the helmet. Waterproof feature would be a bonus to use underwater as well. (for diving on separate occasions, not intending to jump off a bridge with my bike!)

Lastly, if you have any suggestions for buying some kevlar / riding pants, boots, a jacket etc, could be either online or located in Brisbane, I'd love to hear from you.

Needless to say, anything on special would help!

Many thanks!


  • +3

    The most important thing about motorcycle helmets (other than safety compliance) is to ensure the right fit. Not all brands will suit the same head shape, so you really need to try on a few different brands and sizes within that brand before you can start bargain hunting. Revzilla (a US website) is a good source of information for gear reviews.

    With the change in legislation to allow ECE approved helmets for use in Australia, you can pick up a bargain from overseas. FC Moto used to be a good option with the 10% Newsletter discount, but you'll have to work out the math yourself once you have narrowed it down to a helmet you like.

    • +1

      Thanks for the links, Revzilla was very helpful with the sizing and fitting.

  • +2

    MT Stinger Motorcycle Helmet $49.99 - clearance item - you may have to ring around to find one..
    Supercheap got a batch of these in Nov. Most stores only received about a dozen or less.
    If you're not fussed about the colour/pattern, these are quite a nice helmet, don't let the price scare you. RRP $149.95…

    • +2

      I wouldn't trust a motorcycle helmet that cost less than $50.

      What is one's safety worth?
      When it comes to motorcycle gear, you get what you pay for.

      • +1

        They’re Spanish and conform to all EU requirements. They’re not a ‘$50 helmet’ in quality.

        • +1

          Still wouldn't trust it.
          And yes, you're not getting more value of quality in a helmet that cost $50, no matter what you believe.

    • My bicycle helmet cost more than $50. Why would you skimp on something that protects your head?

      When I use to ride I spent a tad over $500 for a shoei. Unfortunately I had a stack ended up under a parked car it saved my life.

    • Thank you for your input but I'd rather spend a bit more on the helmet.

  • +2

    Would recommend checking out on the clearance section of some of the motorcycle accessories stores like Sydney city motorcycles, bike biz. Peter Stevens, the helmet warehouse, ama, trooper lu, zarkie or whichever that is listed and convenient for you. I usually look up the star rating for the helmet on the UK as they have more models listed than the Australian one. As for the go pro best to start off with a hero 5 black or higher and there is plenty of them hardly used and cheaper on FB marketplace and eBay. And there is plenty of jackets listed over there too

    • Appreciate your suggestions. I will check on those.

  • +3

    Spend as much as possible on gear, forego the GoPro for now and put those funds towards the gear.

  • +2

    Riding gear is the one thing not to go cheap on. Go and try every piece of gear on and make sure your happy with the fit.

    Good quality gear can really save you when that f-tard does a 'oops i didnt see you' and you spend mths in a coma.Gravel rash hurts more than most injuries.

    Good quality gear can be expensive.
    Good helmet, boots, jacket, gloves, draggin jeans or similar…

  • +1

    Have a look at . They list extensive test results of helmets and give ratings based on safety. Go to the site, select 5 star, click search.

    Never buy used, you don’t know the history of the helmet and when you need it you want to be confident it’s never had an impact before.

    $50 helmets might meet minimum safety requirements to get certified but they also use lower quality items to meet the cost. I.e. on cheaper helmets it’s common for the chinstrap buckles/hardware to rust which in a crash might mean a helmet being ripped off your head as the strap brakes loose.

    • +1

      Very good website, appreciate it. I have an LS2 helmet that I used for a few months when I first started riding but then it has been sitting in the garage for 5 years. It comes with a 4 star rating on this website. Its rubber seal on the bottom had shrunk and come off the base though, that's why I wanted to get a new one. After this rating, I might try to somehow put it back instead of getting a new one, as long as the helmet will still be roadworthy. I'm not looking into buying a very cheap helmet anyway.

      • +1

        Do a Google for ls2 spares, you might be able to get a new seal as some helmet manufacturers sell spares like that.

        • Tried, can't find any spare seals. This one is almost 7 years old anyway, decided to buy a new one.

  • +1

    Helmet - I'm a fan of the HJC CS-15. Nearly fully featured helmet for ~$160-$180. Micro Buckle. Good ventilation. Pinlock compatible. Heaps of 3rd party visors available cheap.

    Jacket - Just get a cheapie Dririder to start out with. ~$129

    Pants - Get whatever kevlar equiv. jeans that suits your budget and fits well. All much of a muchness except for armour between $140-$250.

    Boots - Too subjective but I recommend you get something with ankle and shin protection.

    Action camera - EK7000. I haven't bought one yet but I have this one shortlisted. Extremely popular on Reddit and cheap.

    • Good suggestions. Especially EK7000 looks very attractive. Thank you for coming up with this alternative to GoPro!

  • +1

    You should buy whatever is the most comfortable and that fits your head shape. Only then think about what extra features you want - eg extra sunshade visor, ventilation etc. Only after that then worry about the price. Comfort and fit is the most important thing (assuming everything you look at is safety certified). Don't buy open face.

    • +1

      Thank you for your input. I'm aware I should stay away from open face helmets. I got a good idea about the importance of fitting after reading on Revzilla website (link by Master Bates' comment above).

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