Here are the codes, each of them 5$ for a 100$ deposit, for a total of 40$ for 800$ deposit:
Don't forget to stack with affiliate code.
Here are the codes, each of them 5$ for a 100$ deposit, for a total of 40$ for 800$ deposit:
Don't forget to stack with affiliate code.
Going to be savage when it crashes this time…
Hopefully it’s not too rough :|
Do you mean when it goes from $250k back to $50k?
Last bitcoin run a mate mate $300k in the run and then back to $180k gain so …
I'm sure your mate did. I got out with 6 figures after tax in 2017 and bought tangible assets. However, many I worked with who joined late in the cycle (as it is now), lost out in coins/tokens that were been drained of value and will never recover. Other projects and blockchains have since taken their place.
Everyone with a significant investment in crypto is on edge; they know it's intrinsically worthless and as soon as some regulatory announcement drops or some trigger happens the whales sell, stop losses start, exchanges all mysteriously go offline and projects fold overnight and BTC drops to 10% of it's peak as all the worthless crypto-assets are revealed.
The reason I say this crash will be savage is because (for many) 2021 will be a bad time for them to lose an investment. In 2018 the economy was pumping a lot better than 2021 will be, when stimulus packages give way to free market recovery.
The take home from all this is; not to recommend others to speculative investments without talking about the flipside.
@buffalo bill: But would you say in 2018 Bitcoin was a craze but now there is a lot more institutional money invested with large companies hedging and using BTC as currency.
And you say ‘late in the cycle’, I cashed out my Theta and Zilliqa in early December and having huge regrets as they are now 4 times the value
@UberIsCool: Institutional money generally works on a rate of return rather than holding onto a speculative asset until the wheels come off. Not debating companies looking for any asset hedge other than cash in these times.
Enjoy all wins just keep in mind the risk and the factors beyond the average punter's control.
@buffalo bill: It’ll end up being like Gold and Silver fluctuating. Other altcoins might suffer a lot, but Bitcoin and Etherium aren’t going anywhere
@UberIsCool: BTC has been around for over a decade so it will certainly hang around for a while longer. Although, if crypto (or anything) is seen as undermining domestic business investment or economic recovery, far more likely govs will move on that in 2021 than in any other year of BTC's existence.
@buffalo bill: The bull market has barely even begun…
Why you got negged is beyond me.
probably from people with weak hands.
so what order do they apply these codes.. if you already have a get $5 for 2000 deposit then add these does that count first? what if you make 4 deposits of $500 each do the smaller ones apply then as they become valid first?
good question!
5$ for a 100$ deposit, for a total of 40$ for 800$ deposit:
Oh cool, we do money laundering on OZB now?
I don’t get it.
Has anyone confirmed you only need to do 1x$800 deposits as opposed to 8x$100?
Another code is ETCLABS, $5 ETC for $100 ETC
I made a support ticket to enquire, as I wondered the same thing too this morning, still waiting to hear back
Many haven't heard back from the support since before Xmas haha. Let's hope we will start receiving replies on Monday.
here's hoping :P
I confirmed myself each deposit only gets applied to one promo code meaning you need at least 8 deposits. Makes this much less valuable considering the transfer fees for each deposit.
yep confirmed as well
Do you know how long it takes for the $5 to show up on your account? I transfered $100 yesterday and still nothing.
Sorry for the question, but could someone dumb down the whole thing for me.
Is it an investment website, where I need to leave the money in for a year or something?
If it is like a bank (daily transaction whatnot which I am getting from the website), what is to prevent me from withdrawing the whole $840 tomorrow? Or there's a minimum amount needed in your account?
its a crypto website, need to leave it there for 30days for these sign up bonuses i believe
after that you can withdraw as you like
Is Celsius being ozbargained right now!?
FTX now supports CEL, does anyone use it?
Is this now the cheapest way to buy CEL?
Its also on Liquid or DEX.
FTX most prob the cheapest, with no withdrawal fees.
Where do you guys get your crypto and why? Scoping out what people like to use and why.
With the ATO trying to get onboard, are people finding ways around this?
Yes, always use exchanges that don't report to ATO. I made the mistake of using BTC Markets and had to report to the ATO for CGT. Hard to avoid that now as they probably know all my wallets and shit…
Thanks for the reply and info. Which exchanges do you recommended?
I like to use Binance (Not Binance Australia) and (App) which both provide easy on-ramps for AUD deposits to change into crypto. You can send directly to a PayID address from your Australian bank account. Both are companies based offshore so I don't believe they report to the ATO but no one knows what could be happening behind the scenes.
Both are good but I probably prefer as they also let you exchange AUD 1:1 for TAUD if that's what you're after. Make sure to grab referral codes when signing up.
@wangasm: Binance and app are also my preferences. I particularly like the app as it is easy to and they don't charge a fee on Fiat to Crypto or Crypto to Crypto conversions made within the app. There is also a 100% fee rebate on exchange market orders if you've staked at least 5000 CRO on the exchange. In either case, it's fee free. Sometimes the market is more favourable on Binance though and it still works out better after fees…Either way those two are my prefs.
@wangasm: What did you mean by Binance (not Binance Australia) - are they different websites? or you just do not deposit AUD there?
@tajid: Sorry, ignore what I said. Binance Australia used to be a separate entity but they have merged with the main Binance site so there is no difference between them now.
Yes, can you please PM me. Much appreciated
Thank you for compiling these OP
Is it possible to exchange coins in the app, ie ltc to eth or ltc to usdt?
not at present no :( It's a wallet not an exchange. So you can transfer in, but not swap around whats inside. Does that help?
Not yet, but it's supposed to be coming sometime in Q1 2021.
It is however free to withdraw to another exchange, trade there and deposit again. If you use FTX you won't have to pay the withdrawal fee to get your crypto back to Celsius.
Thanks for consolidation
Can you please update the description to read US$5 of bitcoin? It just says "5$" …
Does it have to be $800 in USD or can it be Crypto to that value?
Crypto to that value.
Crypto noob here looking for financial advice :))
Celcius has TAUD deposits at 13.86/10.51% interest. I am not looking at speculating and only interested in parking my funds at a good interest rate. What could go wrong?
Worst case scenario like any other unregulated centralised entity is that if Celsius shuts down for whatever reason you will lose everything. Unlike regulated entities like traditional banks, you have no protections/insurances when this happens (In Australia at least). In addition to Celsius there is also a risk to Trust Token shutting down who are the custodians/platform for the TAUD token.
Of course the chances of all this happening are very low, but like anything crypto related you need to accept the risk is not zero. It's also not something you should just put in and forget for 10 years, staying up to date on general crypto news helps mitigate some of these risks.
Celcius has TAUD deposits at 13.86/10.51% interest. I am not looking at speculating and only interested in parking my funds at a good interest rate. What could go wrong?
A high interest rate always means high risk. The level of risk will only become obvious once things go wrong.
In terms of what could go wrong : you could end-up losing some or all of your capital.
Personally, I don't think it's worthwhile taking on such an opaque risk. At least, with putting money in the stock market, the level of your risk is more obvious, and you can implement strategies to diversify your risk, such as investing in mutual funds/ETFs. With this TAUD deposit, the level of risk is not clear, and one cannot be certain whether the market has priced the risk properly. That is, should you be getting 13.86/10.51% for your money, or is the level of risk such that you should be getting something closer to 20% ?
unbank yourself
I just added 6 of them and then transferred US$105 worth of USDC 6 times from Nexo to Celsius (no gas fees). I'll comment here whether it worked or not.
Then, I will HODL : )
Do your promo codes now say "Locked" in your account or are they still on "Pending"?
I could only get one of my codes to say Locked, the rest are stuck on Pending no matter how many deposits I do, which makes me think multiple don't work.
Mine are all locked. Multiple transfers.
Though they sent an email couple days ago saying they are aware of the issues with promo codes.
Nice one, tajid!
1 question though - did you activate all codes at once then do all transfers individually?
OR did you do a code then transfer - x 8?
@wangasm, not 'locked' yet. I will comment within a few days if happens
as you can see via this link:…
"Promo code rewards have a lock period of between 72 hours and 30 days."
The lock period means you need to keep the coins in your wallet for the set period to be eligible for the promo. Pending means means hasn't been locked and is not eligible.
Was addressed in this tweet so hopefully we will still get our rewards…
@wangasm: So are you saying that 'locked' came immediately after you deposited?
If seems they're fixing bugs still so I'll continue to wait a few more days I guess
@dddddog: Yeh it's supposed to change to Locked as soon as you make an eligible deposit so that you know not to withdraw your crypto for the period.
Bitcoin @ $40K 🤩