How Much Should I Pay for a Mini Skip Bin?

The link above is a quote I got from

$190 for a 2m squared mini skip for three or four days

I tried making it for one day only but it was the same price.

Is this a rip off or?


  • It's probably in the ballpark but at the higher end….
    A quick look around, can get 2m3 as cheap as $165 in Perth but generally they seem to be around the $180-200 mark.

    Does your council offer bulk hard waste collection? Ours in Perth gives a 3m3 skip bin per financial year and many others do the bulk/hard waste collection once or twice a year.

  • +5

    Sounds reasonable.

    You are paying for the cost of a truck dropping it off and picking it up.

    The cost of having it sit at your residence for an extra day or two is relatively small.

  • That's a good price

  • Seems pretty fair. Have to drop off and pick up with a truck, and dispose of the rubbish.

  • +2

    ty. I thought it was ok, just checking :)

  • The cost is usually done by weight, find out how much weight you can put in and what they charge if you go over that. I hired a bin a few years ago, it was a 1 tonne bin and I ended up putting in 1.3 tonnes and they charged me more.

    • it's up to 300 kg, I won't come close to that. I'll probs only half fill it as well, I'm just looking for a nice quick hassle free option :) They will charge me more if I go over though.

      • Do you have a council collection at your place that you could use for free? 300kgs isn't much, just a few dead bodies ;-)

        • I'm in Brisbane, we have scheduled curb side collection (though I believe it was cancelled this year cause Covid?). We get tip vouchers as well but I don't know where they are or maybe we didn't get any this year or one of my housemates turfed them.

          • @jonathonsunshine: Join a local buy nothing page on FB and ask if anyone has spare tip passes.
            Hire a trailer or ute from Bunnings (or phone a friend?), could get it done for $50 depending on how much rubbish you've got to get rid of…not much if you'll only half fill a 2m3 bin. Would fit on a ute by the sounds.

          • @jonathonsunshine: My brother went to the council and got replacements, i think he took in all the previous years to show they never get used.

          • @jonathonsunshine: Ah well, in that case then, $190 isn't much and it's the most convenient way, good luck with it!

  • +3

    If you are getting a skip, probably a good idea to locate in a fashion to discourage others adding to your skip. Putting on the road or nature strip might turn it into free for all to dump, and you will need to pay for the excess rubbish.

    • +1

      Agree, get it delivered the morning you want to fill it. If you leave it on the street empty overnight chances are it will be filled with other peoples rubbish by the morning

      • You can get ones with lids that have combination locks on them. I got one a few days ago from mobile skips that you can also get from Bunnings.

  • Some places will do bags instead of actual mini skips cheaper. They set up the cheap wire frame for the big tarp fabric bag to sit in, you fill the giant bag (as big as a mini skip) full of trash that won't tear the bag, then they come and collect the bag and put a new bag in. Transporting the bags is a lot easier than bringing a mini skip. And it all ends up in the same place anyway, some trash sorting facility. These bags are more for softer/lighter trash, so if you load it up with bricks their machine probably won't be able to lift it and they'll just ask you to unload the bricks anyway.

  • They are pretty expensive, prices have gone way up over the last few years. Last one I got was $450 but I got a really big one.

  • Don't forget Queensland also has a landfill level starting at $80 per tonne that would also be built into the cost.
    Also, some councils charge a fee to have the skip placed on council land, eg the road outside your property

    • i don't wanna do this over weeks, i wanna just get it done

      • We demolished and removed a kitchen, and replaced carpets with floor boards. We moved all rubbish in our car boots to the tip. Finally I probably paid less than 25% of what I would have paid for a skip. Our council allows for mixed rubbish per car boot. Mind you both cars are hatchback, nothing big. Folded the back seats and loaded in a methodical fashion. One council guys at the skip was chatting with me. He was impressed how much a small car can fit it.
        Also segregated some rubbish, because some can be tipped for free.

  • Get a quote from every bin mob in your service area, and simply compare.

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