ParcelMate widespread issue? (seven eleven delivery service)

Tried sending a parcel via ParcelMate last night at 2 different seven eleven stores, but there seems to be an issue with the payment terminal integration:

  • payment taken successfully, pinpad says "approved"
  • ParcelMate machine stuck at "refer to pinpad"
  • no shipping label printed, no confirmation email sent

this happened 3 times last night, and today again in a different store.

I logged 3 tickets about it last night, but it seems it's all in vain. they promised to update me, but I received no follow up.

one other person also confirmed it happened to them.

sounds really appalling if they have a widespread issue and didn't notify anyone.

have you experienced something like this yesterday and today?

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  • 0
    no I used it fine today
  • 3
    no I used it fine last night
  • 0
    yes I had money taken but no service

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  • hard to sort stuff out on public holidays

    • not sorting it out is fine considering the circumstances

      not letting everyone know there's an issue is not good enough in my books

      • not letting everyone know there's an issue is not good enough in my books

        Maybe the issue only started occuring last night. How would they have let you know?
        These things take time to fix. Even a notification on the website takes time.

        • I run a support team myself. it takes an hour tops to let all stores know, and they would keep customers notified that there's a problem.

          that's the way I would have done it.

          but no, 20 hours later I walk into a different 7-11 and have the same issue, and store operator has no idea about the issue.

          this way they allow more people to get an issue and apply for a refund, multiplying work exponentially for themselves.

          that's pretty dumb and careless.

          • @shabaka:

            I run a support team myself

            Then you should know that large corporates have certain procedures in place that need to occur before things can happen.

            • @bobbified: I also know that it happens quick when customers are concerned

              not in this case though

              • @shabaka: Sometimes, it takes a few hours to fix and it's not even worth the time to put the update up. Or they're waiting on assessment from a third party before deciding on the next step.
                In the middle of the night, there are likely minimal customers who "need" to know about it. Is it fixed now?

                • @bobbified: 3pm next day isn't middle of the night. no, it's still not fixed

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