Boxing day deals, 5% off Store wide
Lowest prices as compare to most of the major sellers
Genuine Australia Stock
Refurbished Apple iPhones and iPads
Limited Time Offer only.
Expire at 31-Dec 11.59 pm.
Boxing day deals, 5% off Store wide
Lowest prices as compare to most of the major sellers
Genuine Australia Stock
Refurbished Apple iPhones and iPads
Limited Time Offer only.
Expire at 31-Dec 11.59 pm.
the price of Apple iPhone XR Refurbished is higher than brand new one
iPhone XR 64GB $699 at JB Hi-Fi
no deal ::(
So what is the exact deal here? We can already get 5% discount at JB hi-fi, with Australian customer support!
So Item, price?
And shipping?
Even with Kogan first it doesn't seem we can expect customer support. Still need to wait 2 months before my order from early December will get shipped.
Are the new phones really new,or just used phones which are returned and repacked by Kogan?