This was posted 13 years 2 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PC Game Empire Earth: Gold Edition FREE at


Empire Earth is an RTS game released in 2001.

Gog games are DRM free.

It has 81% on metacritic.

Simply login or sign-up and click download to add it to your account.

Offer expires at 8:59pm AEST on Wednesday.

Overview from site:

The Gold Edition includes the original Empire Earth and the expansion pack The Art of Conquest

Control the destiny of a fledgling civilization through as many as 500,000 years of human history. From meagre beginnings you must exploit the natural resources around you to build an empire capable of dominating the Earth. But your rise to supremacy will not go unchallenged. As was the case throughout history, rival civilizations are certain to oppose you every step of the way.

New technologies, buildings and weapons become available as your civilization progresses through history. But bear in mind that advancement does not necessarily mean success. Your civilization might flourish during one Epoch only to be crushed in the next…

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Nice, free rts. Anyone up for some multiplayer? :P

    • +2

      The servers no longer exist. Only LAN play is available and does not require a key

      • You can probably use Hamachi to play over the net, but you have to find the other players yourself.

    • +1

      EE is good, but can't beat AOE2 - The Age of Kings. Leading an army of war elephants into an enemy base knocking everything over was so satisfying. Or the times when a single enemy is coming out of their gate and taking the opportunity to rush your whole army through the open gate LOL, good times!

      • I think the main difference between the two games were mainly the AI. AI in EE is horrble… does not always respond properly when getting attacked etc.

  • +3

    Brings back fond memories of slow enemies shooting arrows at my stealth bombers. Those were the days.

    • XD i remember bring my awesome strong long bow army to rescue a mate, it's turn out the computer has TANK …. i was young .. you know …

  • Awesome game, bit old but was lots of fun. Soo many weekend lans..

    • +6

      Don't compare graphics between games of different eras or even different style. unless its trying to compete on graphics.

    • +8

      But it's not a new game. It's an old game. For free.

      • +5

        A GOOD old game, at that.

  • would it work on netbook?

    looking at the specs it mentions something about not supporting intel graphics, however i thought since this is a 2001 game it should work fine

    also came across some discussions in forum saying there is a bug too in certain screens…

    anyone tried it on a netbook?

    • +1

      Not exactly a netbook but it worked perfectly on my T5500/i945GM laptop and it isn't really a particularly demanding game so it should work. Best way is to try it I guess.

  • Wow ain't played this is years. Remembered I sunk hundreds of hours into this (in 2008 so it's not like I had it since it came out) and now I'm pretty much ready to do it all over again. Awesome bargain.

  • +1

    There are also some other excellent free old titles as well from GOG worth checking out

    Beneath a Steel Sky
    Lure of the Temptress
    Tyrian 2000
    Ultima™ 4: Quest of the Avatar

  • +1

    Wow, I only just started playing AOE2 again after being disillusioned and tired of modern games. Great timing, although the lack of multiplayer servers would make it almost useless.

  • Great post. I'm sure multiplayer over the Internet can be set up through software like Hamachi.

  • Do you have to download and launch the game through a proprietary program/launcher/app manager?
    I've already got steam, capsule, itunes, etc. I'd rather not bother with it if this is the case, not to detract from the great deal though, just trying to unburden my PC.

    • +2

      No, you can just download installer executables. There is a download tool that you can use to queue multiple downloads but it's optional and has no role in actually launching/playing the game.

  • It's a good old game, any one up for some " Mob rule" or " Construction" ?

  • great game, if you liked age of empires, youll like this

    can zoom in 3d etc

  • +1

    awesome post OP, thanks very much!

  • They have some other good titles as well… I bought Hereos of might and magic series off them a couple of years ago… Games like these will never tire, i spent alot of my childhood playing EE,HOMM,C&C,AOE and etc…

  • Might be of interest to some, a few of the developers from Empire Earth went on to form their own studio and are working on this amazing game Natural Selection. Mixes Real Time Strategy like this game with First Person Shooter (ala call of duty and the like), Aliens vs Marines - fantastic stuff and a good core Aussie following…

  • slightly off topic, but the picture looks like a book cover.

  • TY OP! Great post, friends notified.

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