$4.99 roast chickens available at Coles (Blacktown, unsure if available in other stores).
Plenty available and staff were packing even more.
$4.99 roast chickens available at Coles (Blacktown, unsure if available in other stores).
Plenty available and staff were packing even more.
Nice. Coles chickens are generally bit more moist and tastier than Woolies ones. Having said that the local BBQ chicken place has a lot better chicken imho so that aint saying much…
i found woolies are bigger but tougher
Better than to throw away the expired chooks
Actually they somehow magically transform from discounted roast chickens reduced to clear into deli shredded chicken at $22/kg …
I have seen them do this at the deli a couple of times
i was once told that at Woolworths, if a chook has been out for 4 hours, you can ask them to mark it down half price. I assume the same for Coles.
By then it would barely be edible…
I think they can only be out for 4 hours max. You might be able to get them cheaper than 50% if there's a lot of them. I often get them for $2.50 at my Woolies.
Are these shuckable?
thats what a lot of people do
shuck the bones, keep for soup
keep the meat for you nas
Yeah, guaranteed to contain meat. Compatible with omnivores.
Nice. Does your user ID on OzBargains also imply that the roast chickens are loaded with MSG?