• expired

BWS 20% Cashback ($25 Cap Per Member, Excludes Champagne / Non Alcoholic Drinks) @ Cashrewards


Big increase on cashback at BWS that's capped to $25 per member regardless of how many transactions you make.

Special Terms

During the 14 hour promotional period, 20% cashback for BWS is capped at $25 in total per member account, irrespective of the number of transactions made. Valid 10am to 11:59pm AEDT 29/12/20.

BWS online orders paid partially or in full with any gift cards or Everyday Rewards will be ineligible for cashback.

Cashback is ineligible on non-alcoholic products and champagne (sparkling wine is eligible).

Cashback is ineligible when using codes not listed on Cashrewards.

Cashback is ineligible on purchases made through the BWS app.

You must return and click through from Cashrewards every time you make a new transaction/purchase.

If items are not viewable when searching, ensure you first set your store location within the BWS website

Referral Links

Referral: random (3752)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

BWS - Beer Wine Spirits
BWS - Beer Wine Spirits

closed Comments

  • +1

    Goodbye COVID 2020

  • Does this work instore?

    • No must be done online.

  • Nice one! Thanks OP.

  • Thx - NYE bubbles sorted. :)

    • +5


      Cashback is ineligible on non-alcoholic products and champagne (sparkling wine is eligible).

      • yeh nearly bought the seedlip gin, still cheap though on clearance.

      • Oh snap…. :/

        • +5

          Just get some goon and put it in the Sodastream.

          • +1

            @Clear: ^ sending this comment link to my int'l friends. It really sums up everything there is to being Australian.

            • +1

              @MattyD: Maybe change it to SodaKing. Cause' you get them when they're on special at Spotlight 😉

      • Darn it… Why the non-alcoholic stuff… They have a bigger range than Liquorland… Stocked up the non-alcoholic beer that LL sell with their 22% cashbacks recently… Was looking forward to getting some variety…

  • -4

    Just out of interest, does anyone know if BWS accepts Coles receipt coupons for Liquorland?

    • +9

      Considering BWS is owned by Woolworths, I’m going to guess no.

  • Yay! Was hoping another alcohol one would come up because I'd missed the First Choice one

  • +4

    Last time, I spent some $70 and my order was never tracked. Not getting into this trap again.

    • +1

      I tried to place order right now and I couldnt see cashreward purple borders, so didnt purchase ( though I was taking screen shot at every next step but then I was sure I would have to ending chasing and disputing and all that to get cash back..)

    • +2

      Yeah.. I got caught with a cashrewards/door dash… 6 months it took them to finally report that the item wasn't tracked. $22 down the drain.

      Won't be persuaded again to go for cashback.

    • Hmm yeah, I just made a purchase and usually I get the CashRewards email straightaway saying that it's been tracked… nothing as yet :/

      EDIT: Nvm, it's there now :D

      • Funny question, when placing an order, did you had purple border ? ( I mean, representing that you have entered site through CR and making purchase!!)

        • +3

          That brief page it says "Congratulations x you're on your way to x% cashback" before loading the site? I got that. I don't think I've ever had purple borders when navigating a site via CR, at least not on this computer.

          • @wherestherice: I can confirm my click was tracked. Got an email from cashrewards as well. Don't like the fact that it takes 90 days though!

            • @ceejt: Up to. Usually get it quicker.

  • Why are non alcoholic drinks excluded?

  • New BWS members can also get $10 coupon

    • +4

      Before you use any coupon not listed on Cashrewards, and then complain your order doesn't track:

      Cashback is ineligible when using codes not listed on Cashrewards.

  • +5

    I've been reconciling my credit card and noticed my expenses have been high for the past few months even though I haven't been going out eating like I have in the previous months. It turns out I've been spending shitloads on alcohol and these deals are the reason why 😂

    • Same goes with me. Hopefully CashRewards or Shopback offers cashback on new liver purchases.
      On second thought, I'm just going to use CashRewards because Shopback might not track my purchase. :D

      • +1

        liver's regen, no need to waste extra money on it

      • +7

        Debra says that you arent eligible for a new liver because you clicked somewhere else, or have a adblocker installed, or you drank out of the wrong glass

  • Any good beers at BWS on sale today?

    • I like the zytho IPA…. I'd call it an "easy drinking" IPA that still has a good flavour. not very fruity though. kind of like kaiju metamorphosis, or a toned down pirate life IPA. $62


      • Just bought the Tropical Haze. Had before and can recommend.

    • Bit late now but the pirate life south coast ale is good. And a decent price

  • +4

    Cashback is ineligible on purchases made through the BWS app.!
    Others have been caught by that.

    On my mobile, it normally goes straight from CR to BWS app = no cashback!

    Have been redeeming free / cheap offers on 100 Days of Summer promo - unfortunately can't get cashback as well😢

    • +2

      I’m glad someone is enjoying the offers, they have been extremely poor this year

      • +1

        Just not so many freebies. For more chances - use more than 1 account!

        Mainly getting $3 or $10 off limited range of products I normally wouldn't buy. Can combine up to $10 off same product.

        $10 off wine, so $11 bottle for $1. Just bought another 2.
        $5 + $3 off wine, so trying the 1L $9 Sangria for $1
        $10 off spirits etc - $33 order last night cost $11.35 after 2 x $10off & 5% off code from Deal.
        Off to pick up $64 order costing $14.35!

        Won a few free cans, but some were never were stocked at local stores!

        Won a free Smirnoff can - but the system charged full price of $7.
        Rang BWS HQ - refunded & free order sent by them.
        When I picked it up it was a free $23 4 pack! And I still had the original win in my stash.
        So got 5 free cans from 1 can win🎉

        ShopBack tracked last night with BWS app, but probably won't receive cashback.

        • +1

          Only got crappy $3 off Aussie beer vouchers.
          I did win one free selzter can, but it charged me $7 when I checked out…
          I also called the customer service, but just got a voucher for $7, no refund/no can.
          Mostly my cooler is empty and close the lid empty handed.
          I've won nothing near the amount what you've won unfortunately.

          Not nearly as content as you are unfortunately…

          • @Spending2Much: Got the same $7 charge for the free selzter can. Complained about the fault in the app. HQ staff cancelled the order & organised new order for the free can, but seems store staff set aside 4 cans to collect free!

            They sent a $7 code as refund, but was $0 when I tried to use it later. Found a $7 refund to PayPal. And then found the can could be added for free on the app! So 5 free cans!

            Yes, $3 off $20+ order is pointless, but can save a few up for a bigger discount ($10 max per product)!

            App had more prizes added. Those $3-10 off prizes have come in last few days, on 3 account - giving $50 off todays orders.

            Strangely all 4 orders in last 12hr have tracked through SB, even though I only went through there last night to check it was only 2%…

        • +2

          The $10 off beer and wine offers are so limited.

          So I bought whatever dodgey sangria, canadian larger etc that was part of the promotion and then swapped them for what we wanted when we got there. The invoice was full priced, so got the full coupon value that way.

      • +1

        yeah no where near as good this year,
        it seems every free single drink win from last year has been replaced by a $3 off voucher, and you cant buy a single drink with it, so essentially its useless

        the best ones ive had is $10 off bottles of wine or 6 pack beers,

        managed to pick up a fair few bottles of wine for free or $1
        and a fair few 6 pack of beers for $4-$5
        and the odd free single drink

        I have about 10 bottles of this in the cupboard

        some local stores has it for $5.50 for me, so the $10 off gets me 2 bottles for $1

  • +1

    The old purple border trick gets me every time.

    Or maybe it's because I clicked somewhere else, have a adblocker installed or the dreaded butterfly effect.

  • +2

    Tracking on these sites are so sketchy I wouldn't rely on it for cheap booze

    • +2

      I never have issues and I've been using cashback sites for years. People probably go opening other browser tabs or other applications that "close the session". Adblock, AVs blocking cookies, notrack enabled and Honey is just one part of it.

  • +1

    Mine tracked fine when going through Cash Rewards site.

    • -3

      Lucky you….sketchy means sometimes it works.

  • Argh, of course this pops up half an hour after I put in an order.

  • +1

    I just checked my Cashrewards account and there is a $24 rejected cashback from a purchase I made on 4/9/20. It was for a 6 pack of Stone & Wood Pacific Ale. I can't seem to find the deal for this so I can confirm whether I didn't meet the conditions.

    I've had better luck with Shopback's deals.

    • Is it possible to cancel pickup order?

    • +1

      Probably used a coupon code not listed or attributed to another partner (OzBargain, Shopback etc). You could try asking CR.

      • I will, I didn't think I broke the T&C. I just can't find the deal.

        • +5

          Hi heal. I know exactly what happened. We ran an increased cashback deal for BWS on Sep 3-4. At approx 9:30am on the 4th, BWS made us aware of a tracking issue so we dropped the rate for BWS to 0%, which remained in place until BWS sorted the issue (Sept 28). From what I can see, you made a $24 purchase on the 4th at 12:59pm (see your click history) by clicking 'Shop Now' or by activating the CR Notifier while we were on 0%. So the sale never actually 'tracked' to your account, as no commission was received by us, and therefore none due to you. Hope this makes sense, but feel free to reach out directly if you require further explanation.

          • +2

            @tightarse: Thanks for getting back to me. I wouldn't have made the purchase if I had realised that the rate had been dropped at the time. I would suggest that if the rate is zero then you shouldn't allow the hyperlink to work. There was no point in me purchasing through Cashrewards.

            Edit: I found out I don't even like Stone & Wood, and I have 5 bottles collecting dust. Bitter taste in my mouth after buying an overly fruity beer.

            • +3

              @heal: I agree totally, and we've since introduced this when a store is 0% which stops members clicking out (since October, there is no longer an option to click out if a store has no cashback rate). However, 0% would have been displayed clearly and we also had a popup active at the time on the BWS page notifying members of the issue and 0% cashback. Thanks.

            • @heal: I love Stone & Wood 🍺

    • Well yeah….. they need details like your order number so they can contact the store to investigate why it was rejected.

      • +1

        I sent it to them twice, still hasn't sorted out my problem. That's the point if I've given them what they asked for twice now how is a third time going to help?

    • +2

      I dont get it, when someone shares bad experience with CR, why do they get negged !?

      • Upvote if you agree, downvote if you disagree.

        • +1

          So, downvote means that one disagrees with someone who didnt had good experience? It HAS to be good !?

          • @DaveD: His purchase didn't track and he's complaining about the process in which to do a claim. Of course they're going to ask for details like the order number, how else can the store verify the purchase if they don't have any information?

            That's why he's getting downvoted. Not because he had an untracked claim, but because he's complaining about an entirely reasonable and expected response from CR.

            Or at least that's how I interpret it.

            • @Clear: Mate I've already said I sent them details of the order twice, I think you need glasses.

              what more should I sent them, my dirty laundry?

      • +2

        Well said David. My guess is that CR posts these deals on Ozbargin then monitors the comments.

        Then downvotes all neg comments

        • +1

          Your assumption is wrong. Store reps and associated users can't downvote comments in their deals. For any of the CR reps to come in here, the downvote button is missing.

          • -1

            @Clear: The lady doth protest too much, methinks

            • -1

              @Uncle Leo: Curious that an account nearly 3 years old that's never posted or voted has only just started to comment and it's all to bag out Cashrewards.

              Sus much? Have an agenda? Definitely no credibility.

      • +2

        Mate, some good experience about SB gets downvote as well.

        If I downvote a comment, I disagree with the relevance to the deal.

      • My experience with cashrewards has been great, most transactions have tracked perfectly. I had a bunch that didn't track and created cases for them. There was a little back and forth because I wasn't sure exactly what they needed from me though. IIRC the invoice numbers I sent them were from one page of the website but when I downloaded the invoices and attached them to the tickets they had a different invoice number on them. The invoices were also missing details they required (details about how I paid I think?) so I send a copy of another page from the website which gave me details about the transaction which included yet another different receipt number but did include details of what I bought, how much I spent, what discounts were applied etc. then after awhile all the transactions appeared on the website.

        I negged Bretttick's comment because my experience has been great and I think they are just being lazy or over exaggerating the problem.

  • +1

    Now need an OZB deal for new fridge to keep all the wine and beer I've bought going off over summer, I know drink harder or go home but I'm on my third liver and they said no more;)

  • Just to be Clear, this is a good deal

  • -1

    Nye drinks sorted with two accounts! perfecto

  • “BWS online orders paid partially or in full with any gift cards or Everyday Rewards will be ineligible for cashback.”

    Does anyone know if we get cashback for products that have ‘Exclusive Member Price’ that appears with linked Everyday Rewards card? Thanks :)

    eg. Carton of Little Creatures $58 with Everyday Rewards (normally $68) https://bws.com.au/product/901651/little-creatures-pale-ale-…

    • Yes me too! Struggling with to get the exclusive members price on anything. :(

      • I took the gamble. I think maybe you can pay with Everyday Rewards points, whereas this is just a cart discount

  • I should listen to you guys. I really get in trouble with claiming this offer with Cashback.
    It's waste my time and money. Is there anyone on the same boat here?

  • Still waiting on the cashback confirmation …..

    Have to wait a week to submit claim …

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