This was posted 4 years 2 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Epic - Free - Stranded Deep - Epic Store


The next daily Christmas freebie from the Epic Store.
Remember, this one is only free for 24 hours!
The link will be active from 3:00am onwards.

Today it is: Stranded Deep


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Epic Games
Epic Games

closed Comments

  • +6

    Been waiting for this one.

  • thanks op.

  • will this campaign continue during 2021 as well? any information, Lysander?

    • +4

      The sparse info I got suggests it will continue but that is far from certain.
      I am sure Epic will make an official announcement on 31 December or 1 January.
      I believe the last game of the 15 day giveaway will be available for 7 days rather than just 1 day - that would also be an indication that it will continue until further notice.

  • +17

    After clicking sign in, then putting in username/password, does the "Log in Now" button take ages to appears for anyone else?
    It's particularly annoying since Epicgames is another one of those dumb websites (hello AliExpress) that log you out seemingly as soon as you close your browser tab.

    • +2

      On mobile it's always logged in.

      Using realme c3 with Samsung web browser

      • Same with chrome on iPhone, no issues

    • +5

      Yup, it's been getting worse and worse the last few days

    • +1

      When this happened to me, the login button would appear normally if I went to Epic’s home page first, then logged in there. The button wouldn’t load at all when I tried to login when prompted on the game’s purchase page.

    • +1

      Yes, if you wait a few hours it won't happen (pretty sure it is due too the high traffic at that time due to everyone trying to claim it instantly) or you can use the Epic Games launcher on your PC which will be logged in automatically.

    • The fix for me was to delete everything after /login/ in the url.

    • Happens to me. Glad I'm not the only one.

    • Logging through Google account works much better.

    • +1

      I think it's actually something related to Ozbargain that's logging us out. Whenever I go straight to Epic, I stay logged in. But if I go to epic from the link in the post, I'm always logged out.

    • With the freebies and the increased traffic it looks like they have cranked up the fraud and bot controls I'd assume. Doesn't stay logged in for me and every day have to re-authenticate.

      Looks like they use Arkose Labs for protection at least.

    • +1

      Link a 3rd party sign in to your account (I used google).

      Using that option allows you to sign in instantly.

      The server that hosts the login button is having issues.

  • actually a decent game

  • My time at Portia was a pleasant surprise but this is the one I've been looking forward to.

  • +1
  • +3

    I really wish I didn't have some mild thalassophobia so I could enjoy this (and subnautica). These mildly chill, no pressure, survival and exploration games are wonderful!

    If anyone knows a non-deep-sea version, please let me know =p

    • +4

      The Forest is really good, it has a peaceful difficulty.

    • +4

      Have you ever been scuba diving? I used to work as a dive instructor in tourism and every day met people who had different fears and phobias, most could be overcome by doing the activity.

      • I can't believe that my 'sharkaphobia' launches into overdrive when I fall into the water in Stranded Deep. Amazing that a game can bring on that fear and tension.

        Really enjoying this game. I was a little disappointed that resources are limited but after an hour or two I'm glad they are. Games are made to easy these days with no penalties.

        I think if my palm leaves run out I will have to leave my little island !

    • LEGO Worlds. I have spent hours just walking/swimming around, not even bothering with building anything.

    • +1

      Did you try ABZU? Super chill diving game, just about swimming around really pretty environments, nothing can hurt you, none of the survival horror element. Has a meditation mode where the camera follows whichever sea creature you choose. Nails the sense of wonder that the sea can bring, might be a good way to ease into these games.

  • +3

    Man. The quality of games in that "leaked" list (now pretty much proven false if it hadnt been already) was light years ahead of the ones we go. Admittedly still free….

  • +7

    Awesome to see an Aussie developed game on here.

    • +3

      Screencheat and Moving Out for you to check out if you're after some decent Aussie games.

  • Not the Stranded game I'm too interested in playing

  • Thank youooooooo.

  • Loved Subnautica so looking forward to this.

  • They seem to be alright now, but I felt really sorry for these guys when they finally announced Telltale Games were publishing Stranded Deep for consoles - I swear it was literally like 1 or 2 days before Telltale announced they were closing.

  • +1

    Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

    “We don't want to work on Stranded Deep forever. If all goes well, we're hoping to have it completed by the end of 2015.

    2016 UPDATE: The initial release of Stranded Deep was expected to be finished well before the end of 2015 - add a few more features and wrap it up. However, due to it's success the project expanded way beyond that initial scope and we decided to add more content and features than we had planned due to player feature requests :)”


    • +1

      At least they are not charging full retail for an Early Access game like Baldur's Gate 3. Where you can only play 1/3 of the game and probably won't be complete for another 1 or 2 years.

      On April 21, 2020, the game was officially released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The PC version is still in early access.

      For a game that has been in development since January 23, 2015. How complete and playable is the PC release?

  • I've been wanting this game since it was leaked on the games list because I thought it was a co op game. That's super disappointing.

    • +1

      Try Raft. Same concept but coop. You will have to buy it though.

      • +1

        Raft better IMHO

    • There is a glitchy mod to play this in coop I believe.

    • From what I saw it's split screen co-op on PC, so you can use Parsec to play online. Yet to try it out myself though.

  • +2

    Looks like a cool game to try, reminds me of Ark. It makes me want to get a character that looks like Tom Hanks and have a volleyball named Wilson!

  • Thanks!

  • +1

    Son of a bitch !

    3 days of survival right on the edge of thirst and hunger. How do I die, when I deployed the sea anchor the float flew up in the air and I broke something in my body.

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