This was posted 4 years 2 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free 7 Day Trial @ NBA League Pass


Watch the NBA your way, with access to more games live and on demand across your favorite devices. All available at a new low introductory price for NBA League Pass.

Watch on your smartphone, tablet, PC, or any connected device on the NBA App.

after the 7 day free period the yearly package costs $239.99AUD for the full Aussie version. Im pretty sure other countries got alot cheaper but you will need to VPN it.

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closed Comments

  • +4


    • the real mvp :D

      • But I can't watch live. Anywhere to watch games after they have been broadcast? I've already got a VPN subscription and that suits me pretty well but I do remember there was a site that hosted games after the fact. Anyone know it?

  • Waiting for someone to post a promo code

    • +1


      • Thanks mate

      • Salamat bro! Got my LP for under $70

  • Streaming > paying for league pass fam

  • -1

    Your not a real OzBargain member if you dont watch NBA on free streams.

    • -4

      And you're a pirate if you do.

      VPN League Pass isn't hard, stop being a tight arse.

      • Who said I am a Pirate?
        I just don't use NBA league pass.

  • +3

    Bloody hell! $239.99!? WTF!? Damn! My Argentinean subscription renewed a few weeks ago for AUD$61 something! We so get ripped off here!

    • +1

      I got autorenwed last week at $299.95! I complained and got a refund eventually. Not worth the money. I paid about $35 last year for the bubble season

  • Holy moly $239.99!

  • +1

    LP is a bad product. I only buy it because the VPN prices aren't bad but I'm tempted to just stream so I don't support garbage.

    • +2

      I always see this but don't ever get it. Why do people say LP is a bad product? I've subscribed for about 10 years (using VPN of course) and love LP

      • +1

        Revoked ability to watch previous seasons (maybe this has changed but it was the case last time I checked) is the big one for me. I've also had some issues occasionally such as no sound, buffering, noticeable delay compared to illegal streams, etc. Last season there was a playoff game that was stuck on buffering and then had audio issues. If I'm paying I should not have an inferior experience to streams.

      • -2

        A quarter grand is kind of steep for 720p. I mean it's watchable. With cataracts.

  • League pass can be obtained for about 60 bucks using argentina vpn

    • Using NordVPN and just connected to Argentina. When I head to nba league pass, it's showing $69.99 USD which equals to around $100 AUD, any idea what I'm doing wrong?

      • Dunno but I used TunnelBear it came up with the local price, did a conversion and it was $62 (3900 peso)

        • I was using Hola and the league pass pricing displays some odd prices. Switched to Tunnel Bear chrome extension set to Argentina. Works out to be 3900 pesos then the code Swish20 from a few comments above drops the price down to 3120 pesos.

          Note: Doesn't require vpn to watch league pass.

    • Also have nord - is Argentina the cheapest league pass - also like the poster it is $69.99 American so around $100 aud

    • do you have to use continuously use vpn to watch after you've paid?

      • +1

        This is only the indian one, the rest no

  • I really wish NBA LP had different camera angles. At least for me, that would be so cool to watch.

  • +8

    For those wondering what's so bad about the app and why noone wants to blow $250, here's a few reasons why the League Pass app is a disgrace given how much money the league has and the UX shouldn't be that much worse than Netflix (at least on PC and Android/iOS app - can't speak for PS).

    • their compression tech hasn't improved in about five years which means you'll constantly be watching it at a lower resolution - far more than you ever see on Netflix.
    • everything is very slow - say, you want to go back two days to watch your team get flogged by Atlanta after sinking giant money on a new coach, or jump ahead in a game to see how bad their bench is, there will be a noticeable lag.
    • Switching between games has the worst delay - say you've had enough of watching them trail by 20 after two quarters, and you want to watch a quality team play, it'll take about 30 seconds to switch over. Imagine if your remote control had that delay when switching channels?
    • can't jump ahead in full screen mode - there's only a one minute skip button. If you want to jump to the third quarter of watching Lauri Markannen disappoint yet again, you'll have to exit full screen mode.
    • The only way to see older games is by scrolling through the diary, at best in lots of three days. Forget about search, that's for sure.
    • want to hide scores in the game lists to avoid spoilers since most Aussies can't watch games live during work? Don't access it via your PC or browser as it defaults to "spoiler" no matter what you chose last time.

    As for the positives:
    - you can choose which biased commentary to listen to (hearing Stacy King desperately trying to sound optimistic is always fun), or a mobile optimised version which is zoomed in
    - it can Chromecast

  • +1

    If you’re a Telstra customer you can get Kayo for $15 per month for 12 months which works out to be $180 for the year

    • Kayo is amazing for everything except NBA. I think there's only one NBA game out of the 8 or so games a day.

      The rest U G2 use sportsbet or tab or bet365 or other streaming services.

      I personally think NBA league pass is heaps overpriced. Just seeing what everyone's thought were as I was looking at NBA options today…

  • +1

    I pay 60 bucks for my nba league pass via 1 time VPN using South African servers to register my email and payment.
    It's like 16 bucks for Indian VPN but every single game must be through the VPN. Whereas south African VPN does not require you to VPN on each time.

  • I've tried signing up under India and Argentina but when i go to process my payment it doesn't work.

    Do some banks not work you think? I use a VISA from ING

    • Mine worked fine, had some issues on PC but did ExpressVPN through Argentina on my phone (iOS) also using ING VISA. Came out to be $48 all up. Works great.

  • Hi there, anyone knows how renewal works for the NBA season pass? Got it through turkey for $15ish back in April, does it renew at the same rate or am I gonna be charged a full amount?

    • Update - received below email this morning. That's $27 for the season. Yes please!


      This serves as a second and final reminder that your Season-Long League Pass subscription will renew for the 2022-23 season on September 29, 2022 with no action required by you to continue your access. The billing information on file will be charged TRY 329.99 at that time. Price shown is inclusive of any Value-Added Tax (VAT) applicable in your jurisdiction.

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