Rough Nvidia Video Cards Price Snapshot for December 26 2020

Rough Nvidia Video Cards Price Snapshot for December 26 2020

Nvidia Cards
Dollars in AUD
checked on 12/26/2020 past 3 to 6 months max
3090 2599 2439 + postage
3080 1249 1139 to 1299 + delivery
3070 879 809 to 849 to 879 + delivery
3060 Ti 749 699 to 709 to 719 + delivery
Titan RTX 3999 None
2080 Ti 1299 1039 to 1089 to 1099 + delivery
2080 Super 885 799 to 869 to 999 + delivery
2080 None / 885 799 to 885 + delivery
2070 Super 635 559.20 to 599 to 629 delivered
2070 599 489 to 539.10 delivered
2060 Super 588 431 to 469 to 499 + delivery
2060 439 399 to 459 + delivery

All prices are quick looks at their respective search tags and product pages so take all with a grain of hmm

this was a very quick rush job sorry ideally I wanted to add a few more columns that had more stats like vram, tdp, $ per frame and a bunch of other value statistics but I got tired and housemate pissed me off and interrupted me again so I had to just quickly bail it out before helping his annoying ass yeah I gotta fix this problem before it fixes me sorry

feel free to reuse this information however way you want it it is free public domain or creative commons or whatever basically not mine and for everybody


  • Sorry I still have no idea how to format tables in this forum I think it is mardown and markdown plus or something but no idea which generator is good for this.

    I used to make mine and copy pasted the generated outcome.

    • Thanks for the hard work on this. What's your insight or suggestion having done the analysis? I'm keen to put it to good use

      • +2

        3080 is a really good spot if you want to get into 4k and stay there awhile imho beyond this is a bit overkill also

        3090 is way overkill

        2060 if you just want to play but honestly if you need a whole pc just get something from techfast and be done with it

        I really want to future proof my next pc so I am waiting for the 3080 Ti as selling and moving my setup around is a pain so the less I do it the better

        I already have a monitor 4k 60 40 inches so I am ready for 4k gaming somewhat until 4k 120hz monitors come down in price and up in size (I am a large screen gamer and have considered 70+ inch TV's but scared of the screen quality compared to dedicated pc monitors but honestly it is one of my upgrade paths

        but yeah my next pc upgrade will be 3080 minimum looking at 3080 Ti depending on how pricing goes but not 3090 unless I win the lottery lol

        Eh wasn't hard work was just bored and wanted to do something useful and productive.. I should do one for AMD also but my heart isn't fully there atm I am hugely on the green team for many years even though this year the red team have really stepped up their game I was considering going over but the Nvidia features I think outweigh AMD features plus I don't know much about them.. looking to use Nvidia Ansel and Nvidia Broadcast for example when I get my new pc and start game developing seriously

        edit: yeah my insights would not be worth much for the average gamer or consumer as my thoughts and views are heavily skewed to game dev, 3d modelling and heavy multi tasking usage and not just simple basic one program gaming.. so take what I say and my thoughts with that in mind as my focus is on a purpose built heavy usage pc with a lot of stuff running in the background all the time than just gaming

        • Well I really appreciate your time on boxing day too. Thanks.

          • +1

            @JownehFixIT: All good I needed to get some statistics analysis out of me and information systems had nothing to do so I did this… honestly it is a very bad table and was a rush job so take it very lightly.

            I didn't deep analysis every card and just did a skim rush job very easy and simple to do if you know how to type fast and know what to look for in this case just product pages for each card and quick scanning of the eyes.

            Initially I wanted to add some extra layers of info like TDP and VRAM stats and even fps/$ stats for each card but I got lazy and tired and ended up just wanting to post something.

            I myself am eagerly waiting for the 3080 Ti then maybe buying a techfast prebuilt then adding extra ram and storage myself hoping the motherboard has a wifi option then man I can finally play all my games in my beloved 4k max settings peacefully at 60 fps and hopefully wait for a good monitor that can do above 4k 60 fps and larger than 45 inches.

            Then I will be set for quite some time.

            • @AlienC: Sounds like a worthy endeavour. Perhaps an LG CX 48"/55" 120hz gsync TV would be worth getting if you're looking to upgrade past the confines of 4k60. Good luck with it all! 😊👍

              • @JownehFixIT: How much do those roughly go for if you can recall correctly

  • Other price aggregator website I used

  • Amazon AU have had the Titan RTX on their site for ~$2800 for some time:…

    30 series prices seem to be very low (pretty much PLE pricing, on the EVGA models only).

  • Might wait until the 3090 is under $1000.

    • Yeah there is honestly no rush to buy these things straight out of the oven.

      If you were a very savvy gamer you would buy at least 4-5 generations behind and reap the benefits of depreciation over time.

      Tons of stuff still possible with those cards.

      • 4-5 generations is ten years… That is not plausible.

        • depends if you buy into pc gaming as the overall best experience, plus there's the additional loss of independent news online and commentary …. essentially pc's are now nothing more than devices to search for the mundane… and u don't need 1k cards for that… so unless your work requires them not seeing much need which is of course different to want.

    • Never gonna happen.

  • +2

    The 30 series prices in this table are comically low and misleading. They're also close to RRP for founders editions.

    • Check both websites yourself I just did some rough skimming in past 3-6 months and took top 3 prices mostly well lowest 3 but you get my point.

      The staticice one was even easier I just took the lowest price that was the actual card and not a waterblock or non card item for obvious reasons.. The prices are all legit some might have been quick sales but they were all too legit to quit.

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