Just need something cleared up, I want to purchase a 365 day Catch Connect service (the $89 discount).
I noticed the Latitude Pay service ($20 off minimum $60 spend), but apparently it is ineligible on Catch Connect products. Hence, I thought I'd buy a Catch gift card and use it from their website. However, I realise it says their e-gift cards are ineligible for Catch Connect, which I find very confusing because the physical gift cards brought from Coles and stuff can be used for Catch Connect (correct me if I'm wrong).
It just seems odd you could use gift cards brought from retailers, but not gift cards from the website itself. Do I have this right? Does anyone have any idea how I could somehow get the service using the Latitude Pay option?
Many Thanks!
I can get you 10% off code on Catch Connect if you like for free. Just PM me.