Read a bit online about this just now.
Basically says all DVI to HDMI cable only work up to maximum 1920x1080.
(2560x1440 needs “dual link” DVI & all adapter cables use fake “dual link” pins so they are only “single link” - means monitor goes black at any resolution above 1920x1080)
One post linked to a chinese blog saying they can customise software to make it work, but in the same post they said their graphics card heats up a lot more so this is bad.
(Another option says you need to buy 3 different adapters and one uses extra power supply)
Computer is old so only has DVI output. Many new monitor has HDMI or DisplayPort input only.
Would like just single cable / adapter to connect DVI output to HDMI input on monitor @ 2560x1440 resolution.
Maybe should just give up before buying anything, this is just becomes a big headache.
If anyone has tried this / or been in same position please share any information thanks.
I've tried some brandless cables before (they did have the dual link pins), they can normally do 1440@60hz, I'm guessing its not a popular enough resolution to list.
These days I just buy these DVI to HDMI adapters and use normal HDMI cables.