Pretty Decent Drop In Price.
Hardcover too :)
Good one for the kids, I reckon.
The Ickabog HC by JK Rowling $12.50 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

Last edited 25/12/2020 - 21:48 by 2 other users

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Tempted to buy for $30 at Dymocks yesterday. Thanks OP!
Anyone successfully bought?.it won't add to my cart..
I just bought it but had to go into "see all buying options" and select the top option for $12.50.
I bought it, arriving 5 Jan
I am very curious to know what's this all about?
Best to not look into it..
It's not just her - basically any tom, dick, harry and 2-cent celebrities (entertainment industry as well as sports) are focused now more on political & non-political activism. They are entitled to their opinion but then should be ready to face backlash as even if they divide people into 50-50, there will be 50% who will oppose their opinions.
"Huge anti-trans activist", what garbage. She expressed a view (to which she is entitled) about definitions of sex and gender, and the transgender community got offended and came for her. People with nothing better to do will never rest until she is cancelled, and in the meanwhile she can roll around in her billion dollar pile of money.
I'll buy this book as a protest AGAINST toxic cancel culture.
@sparkles: I like to think I have a pretty open mind, and from what I've seen her only opinion is that your gender is what you are born as. Nothing wrong with changing how you dress, what you are called, any surgery you want, but your biological gender is defined by science when you are born. People seem to disagree with her quite strongly on this.,.
@JuryWheel: She also believes that even though I was born with lady parts because of the significant issues I've had with them I'm not really a woman.
@Miss B: Eg not people who think they are the opposite sex because they are mentally ill.
Eg people who were born as women.
@brendanm: There was no e.g. that's her argument. If you're adding your own based on her statement it would not include post-menopausal people and people with issues with their reproductive system that mean they don't menstruate.
Also, people aren't women when they're born, that comes later.
Not a mental illness: B: I don't think you've ever seen her tweet if you think that's her argument. Either that or you don't understand syntax. Or you do understand, but it's fun to get upset at someone saying something that has nothing to do with you.
Regarding your link, why on earth would I listen to anything the WHO says. It is blatantly obvious it's a mental illness.
@brendanm: Yes I did, she claims an article that was specifically about assisting people who menstruate should have just said women, but it wasn't about all women unless she believes that people are only women if they menstruate.
@Miss B: So you take offence, even though this blatantly obvious she wasn't talking about people with health issues, rather she was talking about transgender people? Seems about right. Everyone is offended by everything these days.
@Miss B: Yes, grandeur is thinking people with a mental health issues should actually be treated. Truly outlandish.
@brendanm: I also wonder if people like you believe you have the right to choose for the approximately 1.7% of people who are intersex what gender they must be?
biological gender is defined by science when you are born.
We have a separate scientific word for this, sex.
Gender is a different thing.
@sparkles: Well said. Leave cancel culture back in 2020 along with soyboyery, coronavirus, and american politics.
Thanks for the heads up.
Loathe cancel culture.
Have purchased 3 books on principle.
JKR said that she supports menstruating women. That is all she literally said, and then twitter came out and started accusing her that she does not support trans women and that trans women are women, blah blah blah. They jumped her and made her a poster child for anti-trans activism. She never said anything against anyone. Which everyone would know if they actually read the interviews or the articles instead of just reading the click-bait headline and jumping on the hate wagon. She is standing her ground and being true to her word, which the most admirable quality any person can have. Also, why on earth should she not support menstruating women?
She gets called a bigot because she says men that think they are women are not biological women.
People are mad because she won't be silenced by compliance and bullying.
They even made up a name " TERF "
Trans exclusionary radical feminist.
The abbreviation used to silence, dismiss and force compliance.
You would be surprised how this is spilling into law making and everyday lives. You should care.
@stranger1305: What laws would it introduce that would affect me if I had no prejudice against said minorities? Is it like how I should be mad at interracial marriage and women's right to vote?
I don't understand your question
Do you only care about political issues that have a direct effect on your day to day life?
I support humane, on-shore processing of refugees, without myself being a refugee. It would not effect my life directly if they continue to be processed offshore in third world countries. Should I not care about this issue?
Similarly, despite me not being a woman, and not being trans, I find it highly concerning that trans women are being allowed to compete in competitive sports, in particular contact and combat sports with cis women. Should I not care about the safety and fairness of women's sports because it doesn't directly effect me?
This was 1 bad review amongst majority of 5 star reviews. Just saying
If it's any consolation, it was the one review which convinced me to outlay on three copies of the book.
Hooray for free speech. Down with cancel culture from whining forever-victims…
I'm sorry to hear that you are judging her novel's based on her freedom of speech and it hurts you.
I pity you for several reason but it's christmas can't believe what toxicity i just read from you.
hold up, what? isnt it a kids book about monsters? how did she manage to include those views?
Not sure why you're being begged. I'd prefer not feeding children of hateful bigoted stories.
I think we have to come to the realisation that a majority of Ozbargain users (seemingly particularly on Christmas of all days) are angry, fearful right-leaning individuals. The negative votes should suggest that at the very least.
The irony is that most of the negs and upvotes are in support of this seemingly positive ideology of "freedom of thought" and "freedom of speech", yet most are latching on to the opinions of others without sharing their own.
Interesting that you automatically equate "angry and fearful" with "right-leaning".
That's about the most bigoted comment of all - and on this, the anniversary of the birth of little baby Jesus.
Turn the other cheek, my son…
Calling people names to dismiss them.
@Whomastadon: They're not really names as much as they are observations. People voting negatively is quite emotionally geared towards anger or frustration. Fear based politics such as "potential" law changes is easily observable. And "right-leaning" would likely also accurately describe a lot of people on this website. It's been openly observable time and time again.
@Faro: Deciding people are making their decisions because of fear is the same as making a decision out of fear. You're just as bad.
Assuming people are right leaning when you have no proof is basically putting them in a box and dismissing them.
I can be left leaning and still think gender dysphoria is mental illness.
Aus isn't USA. You don't have to believe in the status quo to align with a political side. ( Don't think anyone really is against abortion in Aus besides fundamental religious people etc )
As I said, you're just trying to dismiss people by calling them names / putting them in a box ( fearful right wingers )
@Faro: Not believing that people who have mental health issues are of the opposite sex to how they were born does not make someone right leaning. It means they use common sense. We live in a clown world.
@brendanm: If, to you, it's a mental health issue does that imply they don't deserve empathy? Or do you treat everyone with mental health issues as a clown as well?
@Faro: No, they 100% deserve sympathy and actual help, not morons telling them they are what they are not, and to fix themselves they need to take hormones and mutilate their genitals. The suicide rate for "transgender" people is a testament to how effective this treatment is.
We treat no other mental illness this way. But it makes a lot of people a lot of money I suppose.
@brendanm: The suicide rate drops exponentially after transitioning and even more so when accepted by their friends and parents.
I would appreciate you not making such accusations without thorough research.
Also helps if you accept these things which are out of your control as fine. Hope you can find some solace with this situation and not inflict any more unintended harm to others through your opinions.
The suicide rate drops exponentially after transitioning
Sure it does.
I would appreciate you not making such accusations without thorough research.
I'd appreciate you not telling me what to do.
things which are out of your control as fine
They aren't fine. Physically altering people who have a mental illness is complete bizarre.
@Faro: That's a lie.
The suicide rate does NOT drop exponentially.
You're making things up.
The suicide rate is roughly 40% and it does not change alot post transition.
Until you can provide research that backs your claims, I'll assume this is sufficient enough
@Faro: you can literally google it in 30 seconds on
all stats are there, clear as day
also they are AUS, not other countries like you linked
you're disingenuous
please read that link
the facts dont lie.
@Whomastadon: Your 40% statistic isn't present there either
Now imagine if these people weren't ostracised from society and told they were mentally ill by people all the time with far too much of an opinionated investment in their existence despite their rather inconsequential influence on their detractors lives.
Would be interesting to see the outcomes then for sure.
@Faro: If they kill themselves because of the fact a biological man is not a biological woman, unfortunately they have bigger problems.
I actually disagree 100% In fact even as a non-partisan i find Ozbargain social values align with Reddits' in that they are left-centric. Sometimes common sense is common sense.
Who cares, how does this affect the book at all?
Rowling has written at least 3 books with characters with gender nonconforming folks / transwomen as villains (so far) and had actively spoken out in support of TERFs, like Maya Forester, who deliberately victimise individual transwomen. So, no, it's not 'just' her getting cranky at inclusive language like 'people who menstruate' that I hate her for.
PS TERFs chose that name for themselves decades ago.
TERF (/ˈtɜːrf/, also written terf) is an acronym for trans-exclusionary radical feminist. Coined in 2008,
2008 isn't decades ago….
Trans-inclusive cisgender radical feminist blogger Viv Smythe has been credited with popularizing the term in 2008 as an online shorthand.[1][3] It was used to describe a minority of feminists[10] who espouse sentiments that other feminists consider transphobic,
They also didn't give themselves the acronym.
It was given to " them " as a means to dismiss and silence them.
Well, if you have to give her money so your kids can spend time reading instead of fanging around on screens, better to only give her $12 than $40! 🤣
Look for other small authors, what about Australian authors?
She thinks biological sex is immutable, she's literally Hitler!
I'll buy two
We're buying a book with a story. The reviews that matter should be on the product itself not the person. I love Michael Jackson's music doesn't mean I approve of what he did with little boys….move on people and stop making problems that aren't there. We have enough to deal with in the world.
Hear, hear.
Yea no one really gives a crap if J.K Rowling upsets your feelings because she has a free voice and views that are different to someone elses.
Some people have no idea really :sadface:
What you are saying would work in an ideal world - but that is not there anymore. There are many now who believe in not giving their hard earned money to a celebrity whose opinion does not match their own beliefs. Let's say you don't agree with JK's opinions but buy the book and she gets $1 per purchase out of which she donates half to cause that she supports (and not the cause which you support) so then your money might be working against your beliefs.
Recently Mulan movie faced similar backlash.
It's becoming increasingly difficult to stay at centre!It's her money, which she's worked hard to earn.
How would you like it if, before any customer makes a purchase from you or uses your services, they demand to know and approve of how you will use the profits? You'd tell them to bugger off, and rightly so.
I agree when you say it's her money. But you totally did not get my point which was basically the point prior to celebrities earning their money - celebrities would have got her money because someone made a purchase and while there are people who may not have any problem to which cause celebrities donate their money, there would be people who have a problem with that. Gotta respect both kinds of people instead of dishing out abuses just because someone has a different opinion.
Thanks. Bought a copy. The kids wanted a copy for the shelf even though we’ve read it from the library.
Based in the amount of upvotes you've received, it seems you've inadvertently made a political statement
Odd, I agree. Just wanted to express appreciation to OP for putting the bargain out here.
The author on this is wrong - it’s by Hatsune Miku.
Hatsune Miku.. lol?
To clarify… JK Rowling isn't anti-trans, she just shines a light on the issues the female sex generally face which simply aren't applicable to trans women.
Example: being trapped in a relationship because you gave birth to an abusive man's children.
Example: you were raped, and now you're pregnant, and you have the whole world telling you what you can and can't do to cope with it.
She's been painted as a nazi because apparently, and contrary to her beliefs, those examples are smaller issues than where people go to the bathroom (or maybe they deserve equal attention? It's truly bizarre).
Wish goodreads would ban people for not giving a rating that matched the quality of the book. had to scroll though a billion "book is alright fug jk 1 star" or "i stand with jk 5 star" reviews to find out that its apparently worth a read. picked up a copy
It should be noted that all royalties from this book are being donated to charities.
It will be published as an actual book in English in November, with all author royalties going "to help groups who've been particularly impacted by the pandemic".
Groups that have been particularly impacted by the pandemic include the global "working class" and those who have actually suffered via contracting the disease.
This will likely not go to them.
Good lord…
The irony here is that you're telling other people that they shouldn't be telling other people to do things.
I don't support the prejudice towards any group of people which is why I'm not in favour of this author, but labelling everything and micromanaging people by their communities and identities doesn't help anyone either.
Practice love, kindness and acceptance rather than divide through rabid defence of certain groups (including of yourself) and the "offensiveness" taken by other people's comments at the expense of others (this goes both ways) and you'll be better for it.
You hit it spot on. For some it's my way or highway.
No ones telling you not to buy her products. But to make claims that the stuff she’s spreading isn’t hateful and telling minority groups they shouldn’t be offended is a terrible take.
What groups?
I tend to ignore anyone that uses the term cis. Has treated me very well so far.
And " privilege " based on race/sex etc is a good one to ignore aswell ( white privilege, male privilege )
Patriarchy and people that state their pronouns are another auto ignore from me too.
You'll find more cost people get offended on behalf of the trans community, such as yourself.
Eat your own advice
Thanks OP. Got one.
Thanks bought the book! Great price
However, I also used up all of my down votes on a certain, divisive individual in this thread
Thanks OP. Also got one. Looks like Bianca is the new Karen.
No deal. Can get rubbish written by someone with shit beliefs by anyone for free on any forum.
It's that South Park joke but a little out of order.
Step 1: write books
Step 2: profit
Step 3: ????
Step 4: penis=man vagina=womanActually, menstruation = woman is what she believes.
Biologically correct
Thanks for letting me know that because my reproductive system is stuffed I'm not biologically a woman, expert scientist.
@Miss B: In their defense, I'm not currently menstruating - and they're 100% on the money about me not being a female…
Care telling everyone who is post menopause they aren't women?
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Damn, that's cheap for a book with a RRP of $45. They must be matching Big W who also have it for the same price