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HD58X Jubilee US$170 + $15 Shipping (A$244 Shipped) @ Drop US


Looks like Drop is now offering shipping to Australia. Final price comes to about $244 AUD for me.

Previously this has been as low as $188 through Addicted to Audio, although it seems like their listing is now down and they had the price at $299, so in that regard this is a deal. If Drop have a sale though, maybe this will go lower.

I am by no means an audio expert, but have seen recommendations for this headset by Optimum Tech, BadSeed Tech, Brandon Taylor, and Hardware Canucks.

Merry Christmas all!

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closed Comments

  • -1

    At this price, either get the HD6XX for a relaxed musical sound for $290-$300, or get the HD 560S for $280 from Amazon, which is the 58X upgraded.

    I'm sure there will be Amazon price drops and flash sales tomorrow as well.

    • +3

      Every time there’s a Sennheiser post, there’s a comment from you pushing the 560S. There’s plenty of material and data available online for us to make our own decisions.

      • -3

        And plenty of people who will never look as they fall down a content hole for the 58X as tech bloggers talk about the headphone experience the same way a 7 year old would.

        Plus, this is a shocking price for this headphone.

        Merry Christmas, you absolute Grinch.

        • The HD599 SE's for $220 are a much better purchase than the 560s and 58x.

          • +1

            @anarky: No, they're good at $150, but they lack substantial detail compared to the 560 S, which has an upgraded driver. They're also warmer in the bass, but while also being comparatively muffled.

            Neither of those prices will disappear, only drop or return, so take the time to demo before purchasing.

            • @jasswolf: The 560 S is also double the price. RTing's have them both similarly rated for neutrality.

        • +1

          May I ask please why you think your opinion is more factual than the tech YouTubers who have years of experience and time with many different models and brands? Don't mean to come off rudely, actually genuinely interested :)

          • +1

            @reloxation: Well for a start, that's not what I'm saying: my point is that there's far better headphone reviewers out there.

            Check out Resolve, Chrono, Crinacle and DIYAudioHeaven as a starting point, with an additional eye to measurements from oratory1990.

            I'm just presenting the value offerings at the price point, I should note that the HD 560S (like the 599 before it) has an intentional peak at 5 kHz that may interact poorly with some people's ear anatomy and come across even more elevated. It's there to enhance soundstage and while it's good for most, it's not for everyone.

            Another option at this price point is the 2020 edition of the HIFIMAN HE-400i, which is very highly regarded at the price point, and a noted upgrade on the 4XX.

            • @jasswolf: Ah, apologies misinterpreted you a bit. Will certainly check those guys out. May I also ask (considering you seem to know your stuff about this topic!) what your thoughts are on the Audient Evo 4 as an audio interface for an audio newcomer?

              • @reloxation: It helps set your gain, but if you're asking how it performs as a headphone amp, check out Julian Krause's analysis of that on YouTube.

                • @jasswolf: Will do. Appreciate your responses. Thank you very much mate, have a merry Christmas!

                  • @reloxation: And to you!

                    If you don't need an interface with either of those features, you might be happier with the UK stock of the UMC202HD for $100 via Amazon AU.

  • +6

    560s is a very boring flat headphone, I'd suggest the 58x over it any day. Coming from an owner of all 4 sennheiser headphones (including pc38x)

    Pure music 6xx
    Pure gaming 38x
    Music and gaming 58x
    Very very analytical listening 560s

    • All I'm getting out of your post is that you like slightly warmer bass, which is fine, but it's at a substantial detail loss if you're going to throw the 58X ahead. EQ can fix your issue pretty easily, providing a better gaming headphone than what you're describing.

      The slightly more analytical stock sound is also fantastic for competitive gaming.

      • It's more soundstage and imaging and less to do with the bass.

        I mainly listen to kali audio IN-8 studio monitors which are incredibly flat so I like a flat sound overall, but something about the 560s is just lack lustre. Flat lovers will be in heaven though

        • That's a strange thing to say given the 560 S graphs very closely to the 599, particularly in the treble, and with a speedier driver.

          The basic enclosure config is otherwise identical, so staging and imaging should be superior to the 58X, perhaps save for the impact of the 58X's slightly recessed mids, but if that's your standard you should probably be looking for more v-shaped gear, or selling your Sennheiser collection to get the HD 800S.

          Another option might be the ATH-R70X.

  • I'm no audio expert but I have tonnes of mid-range headphones. The HD58X Jubilee are my second favourite but I have to mark them down slightly for their strong clamp. The HD599 is my favourite, although I'd argue they sound slightly worse (I've seen people describe them as overly aggressive and I'd agree), but the comfort level is incredible. I tend to alternate between them when at home and I prefer HD58X for gaming and the HD599 for general use.

  • Worth paying extra for the 6xx?

    Use -$50 headphones currently (excluding Buds+) and will mainly be used on the computer, or PS4/PS5. I have Galaxy Buds+ headphones for my phone but may use the 6xx aswell.

    • Depends on how much extra. Reviews suggest the 6xx isn't that significantly better and the 58X is superior in some aspects (forget what exactly).

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