$36 USD per year which also includes a 500 GB (instead of the normal 300 GB) Blocknews block account with each payment. What this includes:
Our unlimited, main US and EU servers. These have non-swiss cheese retention of 2,000 days so you can be confident that what you attempt to download will be successful and you won’t be hoping for a Christmas miracle that it will complete.
For no extra cost, your access also includes the “Bonus” server, which is access to UsenetFarm and all they have to offer. You have up to 1 TB per calendar month with this server. Starting Jan 1st, Bonus server allotment increases to 1.5 TBs per calendar month for ALL users!
Since this is a yearly account, you also receive a Blocknews block account with this sale. This product includes a 500 GB block account (instead of usual 300) each year. For those few times when you just need deep retention (4485+ days), this will come in handy.
Been using these guys for about 2 years now. Great speeds, long retention and a great price. I did away with my astraweb block account when I moved to these guys, I don't need it as I get reliable completion with the provided servers.
In my experience, a great service that is hard to beat.