I think the title might be wrong,
1 Tub Per Week for 20 Years
1,040 tubs @ $19.90/tub
They call it free ice cream for life… bit misleading if you ask me.
I think the title might be wrong,
1,040 tubs @ $19.90/tub
They call it free ice cream for life… bit misleading if you ask me.
It'll shorten your life.
Lol, sounds like a pension version of ice cream.
I reckon I ate that much during the peak of the lockdown!
This looks like a flavour I'll enjoy. Please vote for me
Voted for poisongodmachine
Mine: https://flavourslam.com.au/flavour/death-by-chocolate-7/
It is called Death By Chocolate
Do you think this would go down well given the name?
Honeycomb with choc peanut butter
Honey nutter butter
How do the referral links work? Many of them are the same, with no unique identifiers.
Voted GiRaffe16k
Please vote mine it actually looks delicious đŸ˜‹ https://flavourslam.com.au/flavour/coolbuddy2k7/
Voted coolbuddy2k7
Mine: https://flavourslam.com.au/flavour/banana-rama-5/
Please vote for me. Love and kindness
The top 8 entries with the most votes will be shortlisted for judging. A further 2 entries will be selected from the Judges Choice category to complete the shortlist of 10 entries. Our panel of ice cream experts will pick the winner from the 10 shortlisted entries. Judging is completely at the discretion of Baskin-Robbins.
Heh started going all out then realized I don't have a baskin robins store close enough for me to take full advantage of the prize, in fact in 20 years I'd be lucky to be near a store more than a handful of times.
BTW Anyone else confused by the terms and conditions? It says the one with the most votes win but then goes on to say the top 8 and 2 judges choice make a shortlist but then what? is it the top votes from that shortlist or are the judges picking one from the shortlist that they like?
I'm specifically referring to these 2 lines:
Get your mates to vote on your Flavour Slam creation The Flavour Slam entry with the highest number of eligible votes will win.
Which indicated the highest votes win and then:
Our panel of ice cream experts will pick the winner from the 10 shortlisted entries. Judging is completely at the discretion of Baskin-Robbins.
I won but there is no Baskin Robbins close to me so who knows how often I'll go.
Congrats :)
Thanks, also won a $1,000 gift card today so I'm doing great haha
Wow! That's a lot of ice cream lol
Not when you take into account me never being anywhere near a store, but I will make at least a few trips out there just for this. Might be a case of bringing a cooler bag to work and an ice pack then going after work and taking the long detour.
1 tub per week for 20 years is worth 20k?