Was A$ 29.95
Now A$14.97
The cheapest it's been this time around I believe
dude …
This game is coming to EA Play and may be available via Xbox Game Pass when it launches for PC in 2021.
If it launches for PC in 2021..
(not happy with the delay)
Unit Ready
Unable to comply. Building in progress.
silos needed
you must construct additional pylons
@maddoggie101: Why you need a girlfriend when there are loads of games around. Been single for 33 years.
@Overcomerak: starcraft, where a 12 unit selection limit is not an annoying UI flaw but a measure of git gud hehe
Waiting otter
My mum still has nightmares from hearing the C&C units so much when we only had one family computer in the middle of the house.
Ha ha ha ha ha, that was left handed!
I bought a C&C deluxe edition 2 years ago. Havent played it yet.
Don’t bother. Get this for $15 instead. Well worth it!
Then you will have two editions you will never play
Or you could play it?
@ldt: They bought the same game 2 years ago and haven't played it? Clearly you are struggling to understand this. So peace out.
Insufficient Funds
"Hurry-up harvester, I'm being attacked!"
Insufficient Funds
Insufficient Funds
InInInInInsufficient Funds
Great game, just finished all campaigns. It's aged very well.
Is the remastered worth getting if you already have the Deluxe Edition?
There's been a lot of remastered versions coming out of old classic games, but it seems like a lot of them are cash grabs and don't actually enhance the game experience.
Yes, the remastered is insanely good. Seeing everything in 4k is amazing. They've also added a lot of QOL changes. $14 is a steal, I was happy when I bought it at full price.
It is. the graphical uplift is worth it. It would have been nice if they made the remaster as a dlc upgrade than a new product so people wudnt feel bad for getting initial one :-/ but oh well.
Pathfinding and game AI still really bad, but graphics and UI has been 4k'ed. Cutscenes are only upscaled, so not much better.
Still no right click attack-move, and artillery units have no idea that they can actually launch projectiles instead of driving into range of enemy turrets.
True, but easily fixed with a few workshop mods if you like.
and we get all the expansion packs and Playstation exclusive missions & cutscenes too
get to see General Carville again and the news reporter at the end credits
Yes, this is much better.
Awesome price. I wish it was on consoles.
Back in the day played c&c stuff with ps one mouse. With controller alone it wasn’t much enjoyable though…
I've still found strategy Games fun on console, but granted it's of course better on PC. Won't work on my 2013 Macbook though.
Anyone knows how to play it on th 2nd monitor so i can adjust the resolution/not full screen mode
I think I put it in window mode, dragged it across, put into full screen mode
Thats also cant do, how to change it to windowed mode?
I don't know why I bought this thinking bugs or AI improved. Some visual improvements but else it is the same game I remember playing on PSone.
Checkout the workshop mods via Steam workshop mate.
grew up playing red alert 2 and yuri's revenge. I used to stare at the menu art for ages
great game. have spent hours playing online skirmish.
No Generals. Bugger. Not even a seperate item in Steam.
No generals? Big mistake
So it's the same assets, just at higher resolutions?
Pretty sure it has fully recreated assets, this is a good doco on how it was made:
Genre-defining RTS to half price collection on steam. They did you dirty C&C.
Had to get it, this was an all time classic for the history books.
And at 15bux I think I can spoil myself
in the name of nostalgia I'll give it a go.
Your purchase could not be completed because it looks like you already own one of the games you are trying to buy
Whoops, time to finally download and play it I guess?
Cash Stolen
taking a bloody eternity to download though - much like 56k back then.
How could i not get this golden treasure… thx op.
Like jumping in the Delorian . Just gotta kick kids off pc so this big kid can have some fun lol..
3 days left, i been banging out the campaign, damn they're hard…
Also please vote up if you haven't already, cheers : )
Tomorrow Expires !
I will wait another year for half this price 🙏