I've had an account at Kogan for years, although I haven't bought much with them this year. A few days ago I went to buy something, and when I signed in it wanted a 4 digit code that would be emailed to me as I was signing in from a new device (I wasn't). Same thing when I tried to sign in from my phone. The problem is that the code didn't get emailed. Not in spam. Same thing happened from my phone. It didn't really matter, I bought what I wanted elsewhere, but I wonder if anyone else has encountered this? I don't care enough to contact Kogan about it, but I'm posting this to see if it's DownForEveryoneOrJustMe
Can't Buy Anything from Kogan Because of "Email Verification Code"

Jeromeo on 23/12/2020 - 08:28
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I have the same problem but it is not resolved at the end.
It's a good thing.
Don't buy from Kogan.We had the same thing with Dick Smith (same same).
In the end we got the sh~ts and purchased elsewhere.
"Can't Buy Anything from Kogan"
Consider yourself lucky.
And we are here doing the same to you
Go contact Kogan and solve it on your own /thread