This was posted 4 years 3 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Blu-Ray Sale @ Amazon AU - Many Titles under $5 Including Wolverine + Other X-Men $3.90 + Delivery ($0 with Prime / $39 Spend)

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Lots of choices:

Cocktail $1.50 -…

Joy $1.50 -…

My Cousin Rachel $1.50 -…

Peter Pan 2 $1.63 -…

Chronicle - $1.75 -…

Keeping Up With The Joneses - $1.75…

High Fidelity - $1.75…

Flightplan - $1.75…

Unfinished Business $1.75…

Cinderella Man - $1.75…

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Long Haul $1.75 -…

London Boulevard - $1.75…

Paper Towns $1.75 -…

Alien Resurrection $1.95 -…

Crimson Tide $2 -…

Book Of Life - $2.50…

X-Men - $3.36 -…

Logan - $3.90 -…

Wolverine - $3.90 -…

X Men Origins - $3.90 -…

X Men 2 - $3.90 -…

X Men Days of Future Past - $3.90…

Malay Chronicles - $3.90…

War For the Planet of the Apes - $4.09…

Love Simon $4.19…

Animals United - $4.13…

Men In Black 2 - $4.35…

Spud 3 - $4.35…

Fright Night - $4.40 -…

Avatar - $4.43…

Frankenweenie - $4.47…

Alien Vs Predator 1 & 2 $4.50 -…

Bohemian Rhapsody - $4.50 -…

The Favourite - $4.50 -…

Glass - $4.50…

The Predator - $4.50 -…

The Mountain Between Us -…

Slash Live at the Roxy $4.51 -…

Jojo Rabbit - $4.80…

Hammer of the Gods - $4.81…

Sammys Great Escape - $4.93…

Tinker Bell & the Secret of the Wings - $4.96…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

Related Stores

Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • Typo in the post, "Alien Vs Predator 1 & 3" should be 1 & 2.

    • +1

      Thanks. Fixed :)

      • Thanks for the list!

  • +1

    Looks like Logan maybe out of stock

  • +1

    Thank you OP. Grabbed Jojo Rabbit for about the same price as a rental on Google Play.

  • Props for compiling this!

  • +2

    Any good reason why people still buy hardcopy movies?

    • For "collection"

    • +5
      1. If you want to rewatch over the years (streaming platforms removing titles)
      2. Bonus features? (If valued)
      3. Perhaps slightly better audio visual quality compared to the compression used for streaming platforms? (Although would love someone whom is more knowledgeable on this topic to clarify this)
      • +1

        yeah so Elf is not available on ANY streaming services in Aus. Bought a cheap second hand hard copy off ebay.

    • I would have said: for people like my mom who don't have the interwebs. But then I remembered that she doesn't have a player either. FTA is all she ever wants :-P

    • +9

      The arguments for:
      - No compromise of video or audio quality when compared to streaming
      - Not taking up bandwidth
      - extra features unavailable on streaming services
      - not reliant on a stable internet connection
      - yours to keep and rewatch without the stress of licensing expiring from your streaming platform of choice
      - cheaper (at these prices) than seeking out and paying for other streaming services for specific movies or content

      The arguments against:
      - people don't actually rewatch movies as much as you would think, making a majority of physical movies shelf pieces or landfill
      - takes up space and leads to house clutter
      - DVDs are prone to disc rot, making your movies unwatchable despite "owning" them
      - Blu Rays are scratch resistant, but still prone to fault
      - I just want to watch The Office US for the 11th time and all of those episodes are on Prime and/or Stan so why do I need anything else in my life?

      • +1

        While it can happen CD and DVD rot is exceptionally rare if they are stored correctly. I have tons of CD's from the 80's and they all rip 100% accurate based on accurate rip online database.
        It's a totally overblown and almost on existent problem.

        • I had a DVD of Space Jam I got in around 2014 and by 2016 it was unreadable lol

          Watched it once

          • @Faro: I have a large collection of both CDs and DVDs and I've never had a problem with rot either.

    • +5
      1. The Usual (Look and Sound better, work when internet is slow, no buffering)

      2. Not have to find it on a streaming service. I believe that with streaming people mostly don't bother watching a movie or finding an alternate source if it is not on their current streaming service. (If you are fully into streaming you may even end up paying for all of them in order to have everything you may want), far exceeding the cost of the current super low bluray prices.

      3. Avoid the George Lucas effect where every single release something is changed. Buying a disk you can get the version you like and enjoy rather than finding Netflix has upgraded their copy to include a new CGI effect (that usually looks terrible) or edited to remove the latest cancel culture offensive scene.

      • +1

        "edited to remove the latest cancel culture offensive scene"

        Wait, has this actually happened?!?!?!

        • +1

          To be truthful I made that particular comment with no proof. The problem is to see the edited version you would have to either buy or stream the new version.(Or find a good review), However I am certain that it happens all the time.

          In the past it was common to cut scenes for violence or sexual content for release in certain countries or airlines. However this was usually obvious as the run time would change. With the rise of CGI it is perfectly possible to actually edit the scene after the fact, and leave it in the film (but modified)

          There is a strong recent history of editing movies for both creative and also commercial acceptance. George Lucas is the greatest example with Star Wars, however Spielberg also had a go in 2002 with E.T. digitally removing the Police guns and replacing them with walkie-talkies. Game of thrones editing out its coffee cup error is a good example of how easy it is.

          The rise of digital platforms has meant that issues with content can very quickly go from nothing to fever pitch. Gone with the Wind, Little Britain, fawlty towers, Jonah all appeared in the media recently. So I do think that studios would rather edit a controversial scene out where it is brought to there attention and if worth it financially (or for public opinion)

          However, back to the point at hand with DVD / Bluray you can look up the release and know what edits were made. However with streaming, the version is just changed on the back end, and you wont know until you pop.

        • Wait, has this actually happened?!?!?!

          Fawlty Towers. Don't mention the War episode.

  • Is Jojo any good?

    • +1

      I think so, although I rented it for 99c during Prime Day and haven't been itching to rewatch it.

      Definitely memorable though

    • jojo good movie for sure

    • Sam Rockwell is brilliant in this movie. Fantastic movie.

  • +2

    Here's a link for you Op showing price low to high.

  • +2

    prices back to normal now

  • damn, missed out on Jojo

  • Don't neg me but my friend recommends me this website:
    Basically some free 4k movies.

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