Warning. If you signed up for one of the deals with Sure telecom then check your bill. We just got a charge for $250 from TELCOLLECT PTY LTD BAULKHAM HILL which is listed as a partner of Sure telecom.
So not only have they gone back on the data promise now they are massively overcharging for what was supposed to be a $15 unlimited service. And no I did not run up a large data bill, I didn’t even get a chance to use more than a couple of meg before they cut off the data let alone go over the 1g that was promised.
So far the supposedly great $15 all you can eat plan with free 1G data plan has cost us
$386 in disconnection fee from Three (ok we knew about this one but in the long run the figures would have worked out)
$250 in charges
Withdrawal of data plan
I’m off to the bank to dispute the credit card transaction and then TIO.
Anyone else had anything like this?
Update for anyone that is interested. Sure Telecom seem to switch on delivery notification on SMS’s when you port to them without telling you and even though it is switch OFF on your phone and you don’t actually receive any delivery notification. So for all those unlimited “FREE” SMS’s you are sending you get charges $0.20 each.